
Chronicle of Dras

Meet Dras, a young hunter living a simple life in a small village. His world is shattered when he returns from a hunt to find his village in ruins, his family gone, and a legacy he never knew about revealed. Dras's journey begins in the ashes of his old life. He discovers his father's hidden past and a set of armor that becomes his only link to his family. With the armor as his guide, Dras embarks on a quest to find his missing sister and avenge his family. As he ventures into the unknown, Dras must navigate a world filled with danger and mystery. He will encounter allies and enemies, face the harsh realities of survival, and learn about his own strength and courage. This is not just a journey of revenge, but also a journey of self-discovery. As Dras fights to survive in a world that has turned against him, he must also grapple with his own identity and destiny. Will he follow in his father's footsteps? Or will he forge his own path? Join Dras on his epic journey in a world where darkness looms, monsters roam, and heroes are born. This is a tale of survival, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a young man determined to reclaim his family's honor.

Theobane · Fantasy
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29 Chs

The River's Fury

The squad didn't waste any time, quickly finding a trail along the valley floor. Maris, with his keen sense of direction, took the lead, guiding them forward at a swift pace. Despite the urgency, there was a sense of relief amongst the group. For the first time in days, they were moving away from danger, not towards it.

Toren attempted to use his recovery magic on Joren. He chanted a spell, his voice steady despite the sweat dripping down his face. The magic, however, fizzled out, failing to alleviate Joren's pain. Toren frowned, his brow furrowing in concern. He was about to attempt again when Dras stepped forward.

"Let me try," Dras said, his eyes focused on Joren. Toren nodded, stepping back to give Dras space. Dras began his chant, his voice low but clear. The magic swirled around his hands, a soft glow illuminating the darkening valley. He placed his hands on Joren, the magic seeping into him. Joren gasped, his face relaxing slightly as the pain eased. It wasn't a full recovery, but it was enough to keep him going.

As they weaved their way along the side of the valley, they spotted movement on the opposite side of a steep ravine. Squinting against the sun, Dras made out the familiar uniforms of their own platoon. The other squad was stationed on a higher elevation, their figures tiny against the vast backdrop of the sprawling mountain range.

A shout echoed across the ravine, a clear voice slicing through the ambient sounds of the desert. "Oi! Over here!" the call sounded, magnified by the valley's natural acoustics.

Dras raised his hand in response, signalling their acknowledgement. "That's one of ours!" he shouted back to his squad over the wind, his eyes never leaving the figures across the ravine.

A woman stepped forward from the other squad, her voice booming out across the expanse as she called out to them. "We've sighted the Fire Akelops!" she warned. Her words seemed to linger in the air, a chilling proclamation that made their hearts pound in their chests. "It's not too far behind! From our vantage point, we could see its horrific form on a nearby ridge line. It's heading your way!"

Her words hung in the air, a dreadful echo reverberating off the valley walls. She added with an ominous tone, "It seemed to be chasing something. Its screeches were echoing through the mountains."

Joren swore under his breath, his hands tightening on his reins. The others mirrored his expression, the fear evident in their eyes. "Thank you for the warning!" Dras shouted back, his voice echoing in the silence that had fallen over them.

The reality of their situation set in, spurring them into motion. The thought of the Fire Akelops on their tail was a terrifying prospect, one they were desperate to avoid. They hurried along the trail, their footfalls creating a rhythmic beat against the hard-packed earth.

As the squads exchanged their final words, the other squad leader made a pointing gesture towards the south. "We'll help if it attacks! There's a village not too far from here, lies right by a river," she called out. "There's a ferry crossing there. We'll make our way there, meet up with you. It's a good place to mount a defence if the Fire Akelops catches up."

Dras squinted into the distance, making out the faint outline of what seemed to be a settlement. A glint of sunlight off water confirmed the presence of a river. He nodded in understanding, raising his hand in a final salute. "We'll see you there!" he shouted back, his voice carrying clearly across the ravine.

With that, they spurred their camels into a faster pace. The urgency of their situation drove them forward, their thoughts consumed by the looming threat of the Fire Akelops. The village and the river crossing were now their immediate goal, their potential salvation. A place to rest, regroup, and perhaps even mount a defence against the monstrous creature that was doggedly pursuing them.


As they descended into the valley floor, the geography of the land began to change. Where once there were towering dunes and rocky terrains, now three valleys converged into one, their rugged cliffs giving way to a more level terrain. In the heart of the convergence, a river bubbled forth from one of the valleys, its water glinting under the harsh sunlight as it meandered its way towards a distant city by a lake. Nestled along the river's edge, a quaint village lay sprawled, its modest buildings a stark contrast to the imposing desert mountains that framed it. A crossing, marked by a weather-beaten sign, stood at the river's narrowest point.

A sense of relief washed over the squad at the sight of the village. It was a beacon of civilization amidst the desolation of the desert. Without wasting any more time, they guided their camels towards the village, their eyes darting around the landscape for any sign of danger.

As they made their way to the village, a figure emerged from one of the buildings. The man was middle-aged, his skin weathered by the harsh desert sun, and he watched the approaching squad with a wary eye. As he noticed Joren's condition, his expression turned from apprehension to concern.

"Mercy of the gods... what happened to him?" he asked, his voice trembling as he approached the squad.

Dras dismounted his camel swiftly, meeting the villager halfway. "He's been injured by a Fire Akelops," he explained, his tone grave. "We need a healer."

The villager paled at the mention of the Fire Akelops, his eyes wide with terror. "A... a Fire Akelops?" he stuttered, backing away slightly. "But... but they never come this close to the village. And... and we don't have a healer."

"We are aware," Dras replied, his voice stern. "And that's why you need to alert the village. The creature is on our tail. Get everyone to safety."

The villager nodded, his face ashen. "I'll... I'll do that," he stammered, turning back towards the village. "May the gods protect us all."

As the villager ran off to alert the rest of the village, the squads prepared themselves for the impending confrontation. The village square, which moments ago had been a tranquil space, was now a makeshift battleground. The echo of the Fire Akelops' roar seemed to bounce off the valley walls, growing louder with each passing second, a chilling reminder of the monster that was coming their way.

They took up positions along the river, their faces grim and resolute. Dras, Toren, and Alia stationed themselves at the front, their magical abilities their best defense against the Fire Akelops. Joren, despite his injury, insisted on joining them, his bow at the ready. The rest of the squad, along with Lioa's team, spread out behind them, their bows and swords in hand.

The river flowed calmly beside them, its cool waters a stark contrast to the fiery creature they were about to face. The village's buildings formed a barrier on their other side, offering some protection against the creature's fiery attacks. It was a defensible position, as good as they could hope for in the circumstances.

"Remember what Toren said," Dras reminded them, his gaze locked on the path they had just traveled. "It's vulnerable to water. We use that to our advantage."

The others nodded, their eyes scanning their surroundings, their bodies tensed and ready for action. The echoes of the Fire Akelops' roars were growing louder and closer, its arrival imminent. As the seconds ticked by, the tension in the air grew, the calm before the storm.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them shook, the once calm waters of the river rippling with the force. A monstrous figure emerged from the shadows, its red scales glistening in the sunlight. The Fire Akelops had arrived.

The ground shook as the Fire Akelops burst out of the earth. It was closer than they thought, a mere 500 metres away and closing in fast. The creature roared, launching multiple fireballs towards them. The squads sprang into action, loosing a barrage of arrows towards the monstrous creature.

Toren, his voice steady amidst the chaos, began chanting a rapid incantation. The words, ancient and powerful, echoed through the valley as he stretched his hands towards the river. In response, the water rose, forming a shimmering wall between them and the charging Fire Akelops. The creature's fireballs hit the wall, evaporating into steam with a loud hiss, their deadly force negated.

Dras, his eyes locked on the advancing creature, summoned his own magic. The air around him seemed to vibrate with power as he conjured an arrow made of water. The arrow, glistening in the sunlight, shot from his hands with a sound like rushing wind, striking the Fire Akelops square in the chest. The creature let out a screech of pain, its charge momentarily halted, but it didn't retreat. Its eight glowing eyes focused on Dras, a primal fury burning in their depths.

With a roar, the creature resumed its attack, its powerful legs propelling it forward with terrifying speed. The squads responded in kind, their arrows flying and spells casting, each one aimed at the monstrosity bearing down on them. The air was filled with the sound of battle - the hiss of arrows, the clash of magic, the roars of the Fire Akelops, and the shouts of the squads.

But despite their combined efforts, the Akelops seemed oblivious to their attacks. Its focus was solely on Dras, its eyes never leaving him even as it swatted away their arrows and shrugged off their spells. The creature's relentless pursuit was a terrifying sight, its single-minded determination a testament to its predatory nature. Dras, his eyes wide but his resolve unwavering, continued to lead the creature away from the squads, his every move calculated to keep its attention on him and away from his comrades.

Dras, his heart pounding in his chest, made a sudden decision. Veering sharply, he sprinted northwards, his boots splashing through the shallows of the river. The Fire Akelops, its focus locked on him, followed suit, the colossal weight of its body displacing the water and creating waves that lapped at the riverbanks.

Dras's eyes darted around, searching for any advantage in the landscape. Up ahead, he spotted a large wooden pier, its planks weathered by years of use. It was a docking point for the ferry crossing, its end jutting out into the deeper part of the river. A plan formed in his mind, a desperate gambit that might just work.

With renewed determination, he charged towards the pier, his boots thudding against the worn planks. The Fire Akelops was right behind him, its screeches echoing off the valley walls. Its body, a horrific blend of scales and spikes, dwarfed the pier, its enormous legs easily straddling the wooden structure.

As the Akelops reared back, its maw glowing with the prelude to another fireball, Dras dove to the side. He rolled along the pier, the rough wood scraping against his armor, as the fireball whizzed past him. The fiery missile struck the pier instead, the immense force of the impact setting the wood ablaze and causing the structure to groan and splinter.

With a loud crash, the pier collapsed, sending Dras tumbling into the water. The cold river enveloped him, the shock of the icy water taking his breath away as he sank beneath the surface. Above him, the Fire Akelops roared in frustration and surprise as it too was pulled into the water, its blazing form sizzling and steaming as the river washed over it.

Scanning the riverbanks, their hearts pounded with a mix of fear and hope. The distant, menacing roar of the Fire Akelops sent shivers down their spines, a chilling reminder of the menace that still lurked nearby.

Suddenly, Maris's sharp cry cut through the heavy silence. "There!" he pointed towards a figure washed up on a nearby sandbar. It was Dras, his body limp and half-submerged in the river, but unmistakably alive.

With a collective sigh of relief, they rushed to his side, pulling him out of the water. His ancient armor was scorched and battered from the Fire Akelops' attack, yet as they watched, a subtle transformation took place. The damaged fabric began to mend itself, its structure changing and adapting to a more compact form that fit him better.

Mira, a member of Lioa's squad, gaped at the sight, her voice filled with awe. "I've never seen anything like that. What kind of magic is this?"

Toren shook his head, equally bewildered. "I don't know. His armor...it's ancient, and the magic is unlike anything I've ever studied. It's either some form of rare, forgotten magic, or...or something tied to a lineage of unknown precedent."

As they moved Dras to a safer location, Alia looked back towards the river, her brows furrowed in thought. "That creature... the Fire Akelops," she murmured, her gaze distant. "It singled out Dras, ignoring the rest of us. Why?"

Nara, her eyes never leaving Dras, offered a tentative explanation. "Maybe it sensed his magic, his connection with the armor. It could have perceived him as a greater threat."

Before anyone could further ponder the mystery, another roar echoed through the valley, closer this time. The squads exchanged anxious glances, their hands instinctively reaching for their weapons. But for now, the Fire Akelops remained out of sight, and they were safe.