
Chronicle of Dras

Meet Dras, a young hunter living a simple life in a small village. His world is shattered when he returns from a hunt to find his village in ruins, his family gone, and a legacy he never knew about revealed. Dras's journey begins in the ashes of his old life. He discovers his father's hidden past and a set of armor that becomes his only link to his family. With the armor as his guide, Dras embarks on a quest to find his missing sister and avenge his family. As he ventures into the unknown, Dras must navigate a world filled with danger and mystery. He will encounter allies and enemies, face the harsh realities of survival, and learn about his own strength and courage. This is not just a journey of revenge, but also a journey of self-discovery. As Dras fights to survive in a world that has turned against him, he must also grapple with his own identity and destiny. Will he follow in his father's footsteps? Or will he forge his own path? Join Dras on his epic journey in a world where darkness looms, monsters roam, and heroes are born. This is a tale of survival, courage, and the indomitable spirit of a young man determined to reclaim his family's honor.

Theobane · Fantasy
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29 Chs

A Dawn Awakening

The first sensation that struck Dras as he woke was the splitting headache that pounded through his skull like a relentless drum. His eyes flickered open to find Alia and a stranger bending over him, their faces etched with concern.

Dras blinked at the unfamiliar face hovering over him. "Who are you?" he mumbled, his voice barely a whisper.

The woman offered him a reassuring smile, her hand soothingly pushing back a few strands of hair from his forehead. "My name is Lioa," she introduced herself, her voice soft yet firm. "My squad and I... we fell into the hands of those bandits. We thought we were finished until you and your squad showed up."

Dras squinted, struggling to process her words through the fog clouding his mind. "What happened... during the fight?" he managed to ask, wincing as a wave of pain washed over him.

It was Alia who answered, her hand on his arm a source of comfort. "We managed to fend off the bandits, Dras. Lioa and her squad, we saved them," she said, a note of pride in her voice.

Dras's mind reeled back to the fight, the tumult, the bandit he was duelling... and then an abrupt plunge into darkness. "How did I... get knocked out?" he murmured.

Alia and Lioa exchanged a glance before Alia sighed, choosing her next words carefully. "Joren... in his attempt to attack a bandit, he... he accidentally hit you, Dras," she revealed, her voice filled with regret. "You need to rest now. We'll take care of everything else."

The camels the bandits had been riding were laden with supplies. Food, water, blankets, even some weapons - a cornucopia of essential items that promised their survival across the remainder of the desert.

As the first rays of the sun pierced the horizon, they began dividing the supplies. Lioa's squad, consisting of herself and five other women - Nara, Selene, Kira, Mira, and Zara, collaborated with Dras's team. The usual competitiveness between squads seemed to dissolve in the face of their shared ordeal. They were all survivors, their fates intertwined in this ruthless terrain.

"I never thought I'd be so happy to see a camel," Joren muttered, running a hand along the rough fur of one of the animals. His typical arrogance seemed slightly deflated, the reality of their situation finally sinking in.

"Let's just hope they don't decide to spit on us," Maris replied, grinning. Despite their dire circumstances, the squad was finding reasons to keep their spirits high.

With their packs refilled and morale slightly bolstered, they readied the camels for the journey ahead. The sturdy animals seemed unperturbed by the change in their riders. They obediently knelt down to be mounted, their large humps acting as reservoirs of fat to sustain them through long stretches without food or water.

They set out once the sun had fully risen, casting a warm, golden light over the sandy expanse. The direction was unchanging - southwest, always southwest. The camels' steady, rhythmic pace allowed them to cover a significant distance. By midday, they had travelled more ground than they had in the past two days on foot.

As the desert landscape flowed past them, they remained vigilant. Their encounter with the bandits was a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in the desert. But for now, they moved unhindered, their path lit by the bright desert sun, their spirits buoyed by the prospect of reaching their destination. They were survivors, and they would make it through, together.


As the sun climbed to its zenith, the squad came across a group of weary travelers taking shelter beneath the sparse shadow of a towering dune. The other squad was a diverse mix of warriors, mages, and archers, their faces etched with exhaustion and loss. Their squad leader, a man with a steely gaze and an air of command, rose to greet them.

"Well met, fellow travelers," he began, extending a hand towards Joren. "Name's Elroy, squad leader. You lot look like you've been through the wringer."

Joren took the offered hand, his grip firm. "Joren's the name. We've had our share of trials."

Elroy's gaze softened as he nodded in understanding. "Ah, the trials of the desert," he muttered, casting a somber glance towards a mound of rocks adorned with a makeshift cross - a grave for their fallen comrade. "Watch out for the sand snakes in this stretch," he advised. "Lost one of our own to the blasted creatures. They're almost invisible until it's too late."

Alia chimed in, her curiosity piqued. "Any advice on how to avoid them?"

Elroy scratched his chin, thinking. "Stay clear of the dunes. They nest in the sand. Stick to the harder ground if you can."

Dras nodded, his gaze hardened by the reality of the situation. "We appreciate the warning, Elroy."

As their conversation continued, Elroy pointed out towards the south-west. "You're halfway to Blad," he mentioned, an encouraging smile crossing his face. "Once you cross this stretch of sand, you'll be in the clear. Mostly, anyway. There is a mountain range just before Blad"

His expression then turned serious. "Heard a sound last night though. A sort of...roar. Nothing I've ever heard before. Couldn't tell you what made it, but it didn't sound friendly. Keep your guards up."

The encounter with Elroy and his squad left a lasting impression on them as they resumed their journey. The sandy expanse stretched out before them, seemingly endless, yet they knew they were making progress. Elroy's words echoed in their minds, serving as a compass guiding them through the perilous terrain. The desert might be unforgiving, but it was not insurmountable.

As night fell, the squad moved under the cover of darkness, the brilliant stars overhead their only source of light. The cool night air offered respite from the punishing heat of the day, yet it carried its own set of challenges. The desert's nocturnal predators began to stir, their eerie cries echoing in the distance.

Despite the potential dangers lurking in the darkness, they pressed on. They moved in a tight formation, their senses on high alert, their hands always within reach of their weapons. Their journey took them across a gradually changing landscape. The shifting sands gave way to harder, rocky ground underfoot. They had reached the stony outskirts of the desert, a sign that they were making progress.

The night sky was a canvas of twinkling stars and swirling galaxies, their ethereal glow casting long, dancing shadows on the desert floor. On the horizon, the faint silhouette of a mountain range loomed, its towering peaks outlined against the starlit sky. The sight was a beacon of hope, a tangible sign of their progress. They were not there yet, but they were getting closer.

They moved with renewed vigor, the mountain range a constant reminder of the distance they had covered and the journey still to come. Each step, each breath, each beat of their hearts was a testament to their will to survive, to overcome the trials of the desert. The desert was harsh, yes, but it was not devoid of beauty, nor was it devoid of life.


As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, casting long shadows across the rugged landscape, the squad reached the base of a sprawling mountain range. The terrain was a stark contrast to the endless expanse of sand they had been traversing - a jumble of rocks and hardy shrubs under the towering peaks. Exhausted, they made camp in the welcoming shadow of the mountains, the cool air a much-needed respite from the relentless desert heat.

Their brief respite was interrupted by a noise so terrifying it sent them scrambling from their makeshift shelters. Joren, who had been on watch, rushed into the camp, his face pale, his eyes wide.

"There's something out there," he gasped, his voice barely audible over the chilling echo that was still reverberating through the mountains.

There was no time for questions. As one, they hastily gathered their belongings and headed deeper into the narrow valley that cut through the mountain range. The path was treacherous, the darkness cast by the looming rock faces swallowing the soft light of dawn.

And then it appeared. A monstrous creature, a horrifying blend of dragon and spider - a Fire Akelops. Its body was an expanse of blood-red scales, glinting ominously in the weak sunlight. Six powerful legs, each ending in three monstrous spikes, supported the grotesque form, and its dragon-like head was adorned with eight glowing eyes arranged in a pattern akin to a spider's.

Its screech echoed through the valley, the chilling sound sending shivers down their spines. The squad, their hearts pounding in their chests, could do nothing but stare at the Fire Akelops, the embodiment of their nightmares.

"We move now!" Dras yelled, his voice cutting through the chilling echo of the creature's screech. "Keep to the path! Head for the other side of the valley!"

With their survival instincts kicking in, they fled, their footfalls echoing in the narrow pass as they raced away from the terrifying creature. The Fire Akelops, its fiery eyes watching their retreat, let out another deafening screech, the sound of their impending doom.

The squad pressed on, their breaths ragged, their hearts pounding. As the sunlight grew stronger, they could see the other side of the valley up ahead. But the Fire Akelops was not far behind, its monstrous form a constant reminder of the deadly predator they were outrunning.

As they reached the end of the valley and began their ascent, the mountain path grew steeper and more treacherous. But they had no choice but to continue. The squad pushed onward, the fear of what lay behind them propelling them forward. The Fire Akelops, undeterred, continued its pursuit, closing in on them with every passing second.

As they raced away from the monstrous Fire Akelops, Toren, the squad's resident mage and scholar, finally broke his silence. His usually calm voice was strained, betraying the fear they all felt. "There's... there's moisture here. In the rocks and the soil. Fire Akelops are vulnerable to water. It won't kill it, but... but it might buy us some time."

His suggestion sparked a glimmer of hope. "Do it," Dras ordered, his gaze never leaving the monstrosity gaining on them.

Toren and Dras fell into step together, their voices rising in an arcane chant that echoed off the valley walls. The rest of the squad, meanwhile, turned to their bows, sending a barrage of arrows flying towards the Fire Akelops. Despite their fear, their aim was true. The creature roared in fury, retaliating with venomous fireballs that whistled through the air.

One grazed Joren, the impact sending him sprawling into the sand, his face twisted in pain. "Joren!" Alia cried, but there was no time to help him yet.

Their magic ready, Dras and Toren released it in the form of a massive arrow of water. It hit the Fire Akelops square on its leg, and the creature let out an ear-piercing roar, its body convulsing as it retreated down the valley.

With the monstrous Fire Akelops finally retreating, the squad was able to turn their attention to Joren. They found him writhing in the sand, his face a mask of pain. The venomous fireball had grazed his side, leaving a blistering, angry-red burn in its wake. His skin sizzled unnaturally under the touch, and the smell of burnt flesh filled the air. Alia, with her rudimentary knowledge of healing, hastily applied a soothing salve and bandaged the wound as best as she could. But even she knew it was not enough. They had no antidote for the venom coursing through his veins. Joren needed a healer, and fast.

They rigged a makeshift sling to secure Joren onto one of the camels, taking care not to jostle his injured side. The animal grumbled under the added weight, but it held firm. With a last look at the valley they had barely escaped from, they spurred their mounts into a gallop. The sun was now a harsh presence above them, its glaring light casting long, reaching shadows across the undulating dunes. Their bodies screamed in protest, but they pushed on, their destination finally within sight from the ridge with the last long valley down to the city..

The silhouette of the city stood stark against the bright morning sky. Its towering torches, normally a guiding light for lost travelers, now a beacon of hope against the vast expanse of sand and stone. Their pace quickened at the sight, their hearts pounding in sync with the steady drum of the camel's hooves against the hard-packed sand.