
Christopher Gonzalez

Christopher Gonzalez is a powerful Billionaire CEO and owner of an illegal drug empire who was content with his distant and isolated life till he is forced to marry to keep his name and face off the eyes of single ladies and elite family preying into his affairs. Gabriella Thompson is a high school graduate who worked part time to assist her father in making ends meet, but is faced with the punishment for her father's mistake as she is held captive and eventually forced to marry this heartless CEO to save her father and sister. With time, will Christopher learn to love Gabby or will their marriage end as it is stated on the contract?

Sophia_Ekelose · Urban
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34 Chs


At lunchtime, Eric and Jack walked into Christopher's office, hoping to have a meal together. However, they were met with Christopher's refusal, citing unfinished work due to his absence the previous day. Disappointed, they left him to his tasks, but Eric couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss.

As they sat down to eat, a heavy silence hung between them. Eric couldn't ignore Jack's distracted state and decided to inquire about it. "Did something happen between you and your girlfriend?" Eric asked, concern lacing his voice.

Jack's mind snapped back to the present, realizing he had been lost in his thoughts. He quickly reassured Eric, "No, we're fine. There's nothing wrong on that front."

Curiosity piqued, Eric pressed further. "So, what's on your mind then?"

Jack hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to share his thoughts. Finally, he spoke, "Who is Gabriella?"

Eric found the question peculiar but answered nonetheless, "You mean Gabriella Montero?"

Jack shook his head. "Honestly, I don't know. I didn't get a last name. But have you ever heard Christopher mention that name?"

Eric furrowed his brow, trying to recall any instance where Christopher had mentioned Gabriella. "No, I can't recall him ever mentioning anyone by that name. Why do you ask?"

Jack took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before revealing what he had learned from Chelsea. "Apparently, your brother-in-law is married."

Eric's eyes widened in shock, and his jaw dropped. "But... but paying him a visit yesterday, he walked out on us. And now we find out that he is married? Christopher is one complicated person indeed."

The weight of the situation sank in, leaving Eric and Jack with more questions than answers. The enigma surrounding Christopher deepened, and they realized that there was much more to uncover about his hidden life and motivations.

Eric's mind whirled with disbelief as he struggled to comprehend the complexity of the situation. The fact that Christopher had managed to survive an assassination attempt only added another layer of confusion to the already bewildering revelation.

"I can't wrap my head around it," Eric muttered, his voice filled with a mix of shock and bewilderment.

Eric's mind raced, trying to reconcile the conflicting pieces of information. Christopher's alleged assassination seemed to contradict his presence at the office today, showing up like nothing had happened, not a word about it. The questions multiplied, and Eric knew that he had to uncover the truth.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Eric turned to Jack and said, "We need to find out what's really going on. Something doesn't add up. Let's dig deeper and get to the bottom of this."

''Christopher is a maze, Eric, it's impossible to get any information.'' Jack concluded