
Christopher Gonzalez

Christopher Gonzalez is a powerful Billionaire CEO and owner of an illegal drug empire who was content with his distant and isolated life till he is forced to marry to keep his name and face off the eyes of single ladies and elite family preying into his affairs. Gabriella Thompson is a high school graduate who worked part time to assist her father in making ends meet, but is faced with the punishment for her father's mistake as she is held captive and eventually forced to marry this heartless CEO to save her father and sister. With time, will Christopher learn to love Gabby or will their marriage end as it is stated on the contract?

Sophia_Ekelose · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Christopher left the office earlier than usual, his mind consumed by thoughts of the mysterious voice, resonating with an unmistakable Mexican accent, that had threatened his life. The urgency grew within him, and he instructed his driver, "Take me to Third Street Casino."

The convoy swiftly changed course, heading towards the location provided by their enigmatic boss. As they arrived at the bustling casino, Christopher emerged from the backseat of the car, immersing himself in the vibrant atmosphere teeming with predominantly Mexican patrons. He blended seamlessly into the crowd, silently navigating through the circle of players engrossed in their games.

With each step, Christopher's determination solidified, leading him to a secluded private room. The room was fortified by a vigilant entourage of bodyguards, a testament to the influence and power of the enigmatic figure he sought—Mr. Santos.

Christopher's heart pounded as he entered the private room, the tension in the air thick and palpable. The bodyguards eyed him warily, their expressions a mix of caution and suspicion. He knew he was venturing into dangerous territory, but he had to confront Mr. Santos, the elusive figure who held the key to the answers he sought.

The room was dimly lit, the scent of cigar smoke hanging in the air. At the far end of a lavish table sat a man of power and influence, Mr. Santos himself. Dressed in an impeccably tailored suit, Santos exuded an aura of authority that commanded respect.

With measured steps, Christopher approached the table, his gaze steady and his voice determined. "Mr. Santos, I need to speak with you. It's a matter of utmost importance."

Santos raised an eyebrow, his dark eyes studying Christopher intently. "And what brings you here, Mr. Christopher? I must say, your presence in my establishment is quite unexpected."

Christopher took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking. "I received a message, a threat on my life. The voice, it was Mexican, unmistakably so. I need to know who wants me dead and why."

A moment of silence passed as Santos regarded Christopher with a penetrating gaze. The tension in the room grew, the weight of secrets hanging heavy in the air.

Finally, Santos leaned back in his chair, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Mr. Christopher, you find yourself entangled in a dangerous web. But rest assured, I have no interest in your demise. In fact, I can be of assistance to you."

Confusion flickered across Christopher's face as he struggled to comprehend Santos' words. "Why would you help me? What is it that you want?"

Santos' smile widened, revealing a glimpse of his calculated nature. "You possess certain skills and connections that could prove beneficial to our mutual interests. We are in need of someone like you, Mr. Christopher. Someone with ambition and the willingness to take risks."

The revelation left Christopher stunned. He had entered the casino seeking answers, but now he found himself confronted with an unexpected proposition. The allure of power and the opportunity for redemption tugged at him, even as the risks loomed ominously.

Before Christopher could respond, Santos continued, his voice laced with persuasion. "Join us, Mr. Christopher, and together we can uncover the truth behind the threats against you. We can navigate the treacherous waters that surround us and emerge stronger, united."

A whirlwind of emotions churned within Christopher as he weighed his options. The path before him split into two distinct directions, one filled with uncertainty and danger, the other offering a chance at uncovering the truth and seeking justice.

In that private room, with the weight of the unknown pressing upon him, Christopher made his choice. He extended his hand toward Santos, a silent agreement forged in the midst of shadows.