
Chosen to be a tester

The Gods and Devils become bored and decide to turn the world into a living video game. But what happens when your players are too weak to play? You reincarnate some of them into Alpha testers of course!

Olcm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 8

The small goblin shook a little, as he led me through the forest. After about forty-five minutes of being silently led through the forest, I arrived at a small village. The village was surprisingly civilized. There were wooden houses, and shops, spread out across the sides of the street. I smirked, "I guess Ocura was wrong about the goblins having no intelligence." The shops were all crudely decorated. "Well, even the crudely made decorations are more than I expected." All the shop signs were written In what I presumed was the goblin's language. I didn't understand them, but I could still make out the purpose of some of the shops. It looked like one of them was a butcher's shop, one of them seemed like some sort of carpenter's shop. and it seemed they even had a general store. There was also a few other shops, that I couldn't identify.

As we walked down the main road, many goblins stopped what they were doing, and stared at me. Clearly they didn't get too many human visitors. Not that I didn't expect that. After all how many players would come and visit a small goblin village? And if they did visit, it would most likely be to conquer the goblins. After a few more minutes of walking, we arrived at a large.. castle? mansion? it wasn't either of those. Instead it looked more like someone shoved multiple houses together and just went with it. It was really nothing more than a large wooden rectangle, with some poorly made decorations. "Not.. exactly what I expected. I figured the King's castle would be more.. grand."

After arriving in the.. castle for lack of better words, I was taken on what I assumed was a tour. I say assumed, because no one spoke a word during the tour. in passing, I saw a kitchen, a bathroom, a few bedrooms, and a set of crudely made stairs. I guess they decided that the upstairs was not part of the tour, because I soon arrived at the throne room. "Well, I didn't quite need the grand tour, but at least we finally made it to the throne room." At the end of the room sat the King, he was sitting in a grand throne, with a crown atop his head. The throne, and crown, were both well made, and didn't match the sloppily crafted house they lived in. The king was holding a scroll in his hand, and was talking with another goblin who stood beside his throne. The talk seemed serious.

When we walked in the king noticed, and put down his scroll. When we reached his throne, I realized, What the fuck was I doing? I had just stumbled into the throne room, without a second thought. Well, not like I can exactly leave now.

The king looked at me and said in very broken english, "You..strong...why...come?" He stared at me, waiting for my response. "You..No...communicate.." He turned to the goblin beside him, and said something in a foreign language I couldn't understand. The assistant goblin scurried off somewhere, while the king picked his scroll back up.

Now left alone, while the assistant went to go fetch, whatever the king had sent him to get, I could hear a voice in the back of my head. "Kill him, He's weaker than you. I bet he drops a lot of xp, just kill him now, while his guard is down." I was confused where the voice was coming from, was it that bastard who was made out of flames? He did say he was my "Inner thoughts" or some shit like that. Looking at the king again, It did seem true. He seemed weaker than me. I didn't know how I knew this, I just did.

As I thought about it more, I fell deeper into my thoughts. It felt like I was being encompassed my thoughts, "Kill, Gain, Grow stronger, Power, Unmatched," These words floated around, and filled my ears. "Kill, Strength, Power, Kill, Power, Massacre, Be Strong, Eat.." wait, eat? The world, my thoughts collapsed, as I felt the feeling of a finger touching my shoulder.

I broke out of my thoughts, and saw the assistant goblin standing next to me. He was carrying a tray with what looked like an acorn on it. But this acorn had a glowing flower sprouting out of the top. I picked it up and looked at it. "What kind of biologically mutated bullshit is this?" The king put down his scroll and looked at me again. "You..eat...you...communicate." I looked at it some more, "Mom always said not to eat things given to you by strangers.. But then again, what she doesn't know won't hurt her." I plopped the acorn in my mouth and started chewing. "Why the fuck is it so hard? I feel like I'm trying to eat a boulder's ballsack." After breaking through the tuff outer shell I felt something small and round inside, like a peeled grape. "Oh god, Is it an actual ballsack?"

After gulping down the last bite, the King said "Do you understand me now?" slightly surprised I said "What the fuck? I thought you couldn't speak english." The king looked at me, and continued.

"The fruit-"

"That was a fruit? when did fruit get so fucking hard."

"-The fruit you just ate, Is a rare type of fruit in this forest. It allows humans, like yourself, to be able to speak the language of us forest monsters."

"So it was google translate's ballsack?"

Confused about my reference he slowly spoke, "If.. you wish to call it that. The important part is, you should now be able to speak with the races of the forest."

"So why did you give it to me, if its such a rare fruit? In fact I'm surprised you even let me into your village."

The king looked at me for a moment, "I gave it to you, because I saw no choice. You are much stronger then most of the humans that come through here. Most human's stats do not exceed ten, before they clear the first floor. And after they clear the first floor, there is no reason for them to come bother us anymore. For someone with your aura to come to our village, I did not see any option to but to comply."

Most player's stats don't exceed ten? that was a surprise. In that case the skill I got from fighting the Orc was a very large boost. I believe it was plus twenty to all stats. Thinking this, I heard that same voice in the back of my head. "You heard him, he said you were stronger then him, you could just kill them all. You would gain so much xp, you would grow unstoppable." It was true, killing the village would probably give me a lot of xp, but I needed the goblins for my plan. So for now killing them wasn't an option.

After a little bit the voice slowly faded away. Did I suppress it? well, I'll just leave it alone for now. I continuing my talk with the king. "What did you mean by Aura?" He looked at me, slightly confused for a moment. "I thought someone of your caliber would already have learned about aura. Aura Is a the excess power leaking out of it's host. There are four levels of learning aura.

Level one, is seeing other's auras.

Level two, is seeing your own aura.

Level three, Is manipulating your aura.

And Level four, is completely controlling your aura.

However I'm not qualified to teach you about aura. If you want to learn more you will have to find a proper teacher, someone more qualified than me."

The idea of an aura was very interesting to me. But currently there were more important things that I needed to take care of. Originally I had no idea how I was going to do this, but if its true that most player's don't get their stats above level 10, then I might have a shot. Standing up, I pointed at the Goblin King. "I won't be beating around the bush any longer. I have come to subjugate the goblins."