
Chosen to be a tester

The Gods and Devils become bored and decide to turn the world into a living video game. But what happens when your players are too weak to play? You reincarnate some of them into Alpha testers of course!

Olcm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 3

Black screen, red letters, "Game over" The two words no one wants to see while playing a game.

I sat up and looked around, I was sitting in a white room identical to the room I was just in.

"What's with all the white rooms? Hire an interior designer or something." I muttered while standing up, with a godawful pain in my neck. "Where even am I? Did I die again?"

After standing up I could see a small blur of a chair in the distance. Since the entire room was devoid of anything else I figured I was supposed to do something involving whatever it was on the other side of the room.

After about 10 minutes of walking with nothing but my thoughts, and the ground beneath me I arrived at a man sitting in a almost throne looking chair. But it wasn't a gold throne, or even a leather throne, Instead it looked like a rudimentary looking wooden chair. Hardly something that looked comfortable.

"Who are you?"

The man was dressed in a green shirt, with jeans, leather boots, and a leather cap with a feather attached. He sat there, and seemed confused at my question. after a moment he answered "I'm a god of course. I'm the god of progress."

"You don't look like a god." I said, sitting down in front of him. "And if your a god does that mean I'm dead? like actually dead this time?"

He sat there, a little offended that he didn't look like a god. "Yes, you're dead. Normally you wouldn't be here after you died, but I brought you here to give you an offer. As you know you were transported to be an alpha tester for a massive game meant to entertain the Gods."

"Yes, I know this. So why am I here?" I asked, while still trying to get rid of the pain in my neck.

Clearly annoyed by my interruption you could see his eye twitch a little. Yet he still continued. "Since the game is meant to entertain the gods, naturally the gods would want to provide help for their favorite characters. So many gods give a blessing to a player, depending on how powerful the god is this blessing could range from a minor boost, to a boost that will push the player to the very top. I'm going to give you a blessing and revive you!" The last bit he said with a slight smile, barley noticeable. but it was not a cheerful smile, instead it was an unsettling smile.

"Why me?" I asked, staring at him?


"Why did you choose me, to give a blessing to? I'm not very strong, nor am I special."

Once again you could see a slight unsettling smile on his face. "That's exactly why I chose you. You are in no way extraordinary, or special. You are not strong, and you don't have a backstory to set you apart from anyone. If you were in a book you would be an extra. That's exactly why you were chosen. I am the god of progress after all, I want to see you progress, from a forgettable extra, to the Main character of the story."

The way he talked to me, the way he barely smiled, everything he said made me feel uneasy. after a moment of silence I asked "If I'm so ordinary, and weak why was I picked to be a tester in the first place?"

"All of the humans who were picked to be testers are weak. the weak will turn into the strong, and then the strong will be spread among the weak, and the cycle will continue."

"That makes no sense." I said this, somehow more confused then I was before.

Annoyed, he said "I answered your question. Now, will you accept my blessing?"

Despite feeling uneasy about this, I could see this was my only way to keep living. "Yes I'll accept."

He smiled, that same smile, but it wasn't a small smiled anymore, it was a full smile. It sent shivers down my spine, and made the hair on my arms stand up. Now that I looked at him again he looked completely different. He didn't look like a god, or a human, he looked like the devil himself. It seemed as if his skin was peeling off and turning into smoke, his body was covered in what looked like colored smoke that had been condensed around his body. It was black with shimmering purple. But what described it best was not the color it looked, or the form it took, rather it was best described by how it felt. It felt like pure evil, It felt like I was being enveloped by pure malice. His eyes looked like blood shimmering in the summer sun, they looked like the eyes of a hunter, after killing its prey. His smile was terrifying and made my skin crawl. My entire body froze, it felt like I couldn't move, like I was drowning in a pool of pure malice. My heart raced faster then I had ever felt, It felt like my heart was going to tear out of my chest and run away. My mind was completely filled with only one thought, "Run away". This was something I had never felt before, this was pure fear. Even the Fear I felt while I was plummeting to the ground, 100 feet in the air, was nothing compared to this. This was a fear I didn't think was possible. This man was not a god, nor a devil, this man was a Monster.

Time felt like it stopped, I thought I would be frozen there forever. But it was no more then a second that I sat there. By the time I blinked it was gone. There was no more malice, no more evil, it felt like everything had vanished as fast as it appeared

After a moment he said "Good, I will revive you. However you wont remember anything that happened here." He snapped his fingers, and I blacked out.

Thanks for reading!

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