
Chosen to be a tester

The Gods and Devils become bored and decide to turn the world into a living video game. But what happens when your players are too weak to play? You reincarnate some of them into Alpha testers of course!

Olcm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 13

There was blood smeared across my palm, and a corpse in front of me. A corpse, wrapped in spider's web. It looked like something out of a book, where a giant spider eats humans instead of insects. I grabbed my dagger out of my inventory, and looked up.

There was indeed, a giant spider. It was clinging to a web that covered the entire ceiling. 'Get outta here.' I could hear Trip almost trembling at the sight. I guess he really doesn't like spiders. It was a good idea though, this was the only time I had a chance of running. Crawling back into the hole would take too much time in the middle of the fight. I would be impaled in the back before I even got half my body inside.

I should run, it was the most sane and logical thing to do. But still, something inside of me wanted to grow stronger. And the only way to grow stronger is to fight. The spider unleashed a roar which made my ears ring. It was that same feeling from before, the one of fear. But this time I could withstand it. Was it thanks to the character trait from earlier? I wasn't sure, and I didn't have time to find out. The spider let go of its web, and did a flip in mid air, landing upright on the ground in front of me.

"Well, I wont lie, that was impressive."

The spider wasted no time, immediately raising one of her eight legs, and bringing it down full force at me. I quickly dodging it, running to the right. I barely dodged it. The spider was probably five times my size, yet it still moved so quickly.

I turned my dagger and rammed it into the spider's leg. Nothing. The skin of the leg was like iron, it wasn't something I could break easily. Right now the only option I had was to doge, while I tried to figure out where to attack. and Trip was practically hyperventilating into a paper bag, so he wasn't worth shit right now.

"Can you fucking help!?"

With each dodge, it felt like I was moving slower, every strike came closer to hitting me. With a few of them even scraping against me and breaking the skin. More blood slowly leaked out with every hit I took.

'..Eyes' Trip managed to get out, between panicked breaths.

"What are you a kid? Stop being a pussy, and get your shit together."

Taking Trips advice, I looked at the spider's face. There was a giant red eye, surrounded by three other smaller eyes. Somehow I had to get up to the spider's face, and attack the eyes. I could only think of one way..

'No!' It seemed Trip didn't like my idea. Well, too bad he wasn't the one in charge.

I bent my legs, and as yet another spider leg came rushing down at me, I jumped. I managed to jump just high enough to grab onto the spider's face, just a few feet below her eyes.

"I didn't think I would make that jump." I said, letting out a slight sigh of relieve. "I should play basketball, I would kick ass."

'What the fuck is wrong with you!? Why would you do something so foolish!?" Apparently Trip had gotten over his fear of spiders, by focusing on his fear of dying.

"It worked didn't it?"

'That's not an excuse! One day it's not going to work and we're going to die because of you!'

"Well, your the one who told me to investigate the cave anyways-"

The spider began to shake, jump, run, everything it could do to get me off of it. Apparently It didn't appreciate it's prey desperately hanging onto it's face. Despite the eyes only being a few feet above me, the climb felt more difficult than I could have imagined. It felt like climbing mount Everest, while riding a bucking bull.

I had finally made it. As I looked into it's eyes, I could feel a shiver crawl down my spine. I forgot how creepy bugs were.

'Kill it!' Screamed Trip in my head.

Taking his advice, I quickly plunged my dagger into the biggest eye. Blood started squirting out, like I had just pierced a bag filled with blood. The spider left out a loud screech that could have woken up the dead. It started running around randomly like it couldn't see where it was going. I guess I did just stab its eye though. I could tell It was dangerous to stay hanging onto a giant stampeding spider, so I made my way to its other eyes. With each eye I stabbed, more blood came gushing out, and more crazily the spider ran. On the last eye the spider started running straight towards a wall.


I quickly stabbed it's last eye, before It rammed my back into a wall. It continued running around, leaving my body sliding down to the ground. I landed on the ground. I could feel my bones broken, I was coughing up blood and could barely move, or breath properly. "Damn, It really got a good hit in on me." I could feel my mind racing, desperately trying to find a way to not die.

By now the spider had been running into walls, shaking the entire cave it seemed like. It was slowing down.. Did this mean it was almost dead? Does this mean I won? Well, Winning doesn't mean much If I die in the process, does it?


What? I could hear Trip, but it was like he could barely talk. What did he mean by inventory? Inventory.. Inventory..


A window popped up in front of me. It was bare, like an empty shelf. except for one thing. "Medicinal Herbs x20" The Medicinal herbs I had picked earlier, to satisfy the side of me telling me it was a bad idea to find out what was at the end of the tunnel. I chuckled a little, which hurt my chest like hell.

"Maybe I should have listened to myself earlier.."