
Chosen (Legacy Of Gods)

In a world where individuals with supernatural power were born, Reiko, Mark, Aln, Dash, Danna and Ashley, the members of a special squad in the kingdom of Badin, a small but powerful kingdom and the center of technology in the entire Mirka Continent, go on missions to achieve their goal and protect their country, in the middle of those missions their life change drastically as they stumble upon a misterious man who raise the question that will carry each of them to question the origin of their supernatural powers, and in discovering it, without knowing, they will change the fate and history of the entire world.

Moisesupolo · Fantasy
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Chosen (Legacy Of Gods) - Chapter 4: " In-form-action "

Chosen (Legacy Of Gods) - Chapter 4: " In-form-action "

Being the leader seems to have all of the advantages an authority position can give, for we all feel so, but, for the young human named Reiko, who's parents died while he was as good as a fetus in the world, leaving him behind with nothing more than a necklace and a foster family, although he grew up in a wealthy house where he was well fees and well trained, and not many people knew he was adopted, he always felt something was missing, and he felt he was not the best suited for the leader position, he lacked the confidence even though he have shown amazing leadership skills, but he was greatful that his teammates were always ready for his orders, but never abused his power

He always craved for friendship rather than power over others, his way of leading was more sympathetic, he only had a father figure who was the commender in chief, for unknown reasons to him, the commander in chief took him in, trained him along with Aln, the commander in chief's little brother, yes he was an elf two, the most rare race in the kingdom of Badin, and according to history, they were only few elfs remaining, due to the wars during the dark age, but that didn't matter anymore. Reiko was a perfectionist, he believed that as long as you do your assignments perfectly and faster, you could have more free time, he loved reading mangas, watching animes and playing videogames, one might say he was the carefree type, but he knew his obligation and understood his role, even though he felt not up to the task, yet again he was assigned another member in his team, another yet problematic member, he had stood his ground, but was still reluctant of the way he did it, for he only wanted to be friends with Mark, and not some kind of passive bully to him, his thoughts not mine, but he was determined to do his job an earn his keep, for now, introducing the new member to the ways of the gifted squad was his role, as for combat training, that was captain Crisp's job.

There were three electronic golems, and he pointed at the one farther to the left to Mark " you will be practicing with that one " he said pressing some buttons in the screen of the box " i will set it to beginner level" Mark looked at him a bit annoyed

Beginer level?- he said trying to let him know he gas used a gun before - it is not the first time i will use a gun did you…

It is a special gun created only for the military- Aln interrupted him, he was loading the second gun

Hey dumbass why are you imitating leader?- said Dash obviously annoyed at the question the demidemon was about to ask - just fucking listen you newbie -

He is right did you know that?- Reiko said to Mark - well you will know very soon, shoot at the golem first, but aim at the temple- said Reiko while giving Aln a sign to come over with his hand

Tshj, stupid idiot, how can i shoot the temple of the golem when he is facing me directly up front?, i would need to…

You don't need to do anything but shoot, you didn't know that, just shoot

Mark looked at Reiko veins coming out of his face, he calmed down "don't you dare tell me anything if i fail" he said to Reiko while taking his aim, they were still a bit far from the golems, 30 m at most, he aimed at the temple side and took a shot, he was amazed when he saw the bullet curve for a milimetre, but it didn't hit the temple, instead it brushed the golem's temple "i told you it was impos…" he was saying, his voice distant, lost in his thoughts " you dumbas leader you didn't tell him" Dash punched Reiko in the head he flew a little away and fell, he then came close to Mark, 

we said this guns are special idiot," Dash said aproaching Mark "instead of asking, you went on trying to impres who?, dumbass" he was close now, pointing a finger in Marks chest poking him everytime he said something "you idiot, you are not in the slums anymore" and poking his chest again, getting angrier and angrier " so here, you are just a fool learning how to use a spoon, ask questions dumbas," Reiko stood up in surprise looking at Dash lecture his junior, and he thought that Dash could be a better leader than him "because our leader thinks everyone is smart, and a fool like you will never learn, dumbass" Dash said, grabed Mark's gun, which Mark was holding in his hand, confused, almost scared, surprised at Dash lash out of anger, and gave it to  Aln, who looked surprised as well. " shoot the damm temple "

That was painful Dash did you… 

You shut up dumbass leader, it was not painful, next time you will be screaming momy, dumbass, you are a dumbass did you know that?- Said dash to Reiko, shouting as loud as he could, if one didn't know better, would swear his throat was about to burst

This guns are made with runic stones remanants after refining, it's sturdy and it has two special quality- said Aln to Mark, who now was paying close atention to Aln, ignoring the leader and his scolder in the background .

And what are the special qualities? 

One, - explained Aln - it being made of material taken from energy core stones, it contains energy, so it uses that energy when shooting with it, alowing us to control the shot- this caught Mark as a surprise as he heard, control the shot, but Aln was already aiming and *pum, he shot, the surprise in Mark's face could be seen from all angles, he couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing, the bullet curved in mid air, hitting the side of the golem's head, 

- ohhh, now i see why the aim training Aln - Said Reiko ignoring the scolding of Dash

Listen to me when im talking, you bumbass leader- Dash was furious and stomped with one leg but his leader was distracted already and walking toward the others, he looked at him in desperation, but he gave up, sighted and followed him

And two - said Aln removing the bullet loader living the gun empty of bullets - you can shoot energy bullets too - he then shot again, and Mark couldn't be more surprised, he couldn't believe his eyes, there was no bullet but the impact was heavier than a sniper rifle, and it was shot with just a hand gun?

You seem to like our toys- said Reiko relieved that they could finally, impress the new recruit, maybe this will give him a reason, he thought - " you will first train curved shooting, then you will learn energy control, because we are different " - he said while taking his two swords  "when you are ready press the start button, and train aiming with the golem, curved shooting only did you know…"

He know that you bumbass- said Dash annoyed and moving toward the far right golem

Aln, are we training together? 

Yes, let's get on it - the two of them walked to the center, Aln loaded his guns, and Reiko remove his swords from his back - two hours without stoping? - Aln said smiling

Aln was the type to always keep quiet, he rarely showed any changes in his facial expression, he enjoyed little social events, he didn't like people that much, except from Reiko, his little brother, although adopted, he loved him as his blood, and he knew Reiko loved him above anyone too, and the both knew how deep they're bond was

One of the few things both of them enjoyed doing together was training, since they've been doing it together from a very young age, they like the exchange of blows because, it may sound strange or being dificult to understand, but their sparring always reminded them of how strong was the other, being each others back watchers, and of course it was what brought them close to each other, they trained for thirty minutes till Dash was interrupted, he then interrupted Reiko and Aln

Sorry leader, Aln, Cap says if you are done playing with the new recruit you shoulg go greet the other new recruits - Dash said throwing a towel to both Aln and Reiko

Did we have another recruit today? - Reiko said looking at Aln confuse, as if to tell Aln " hey leader say something", then looked at Dash in search of confirmation,

Ehh? We had three recruits today didn't you know that?-

Uhh? - Reiko was more surprised than a chicken seing one of it's egg hatch a ckoockoo but Dash couldn't say if it was because of the news or him saying Reiko's phrase

Anyways we should go, dumbass of leader - said dash putting his guns back to the box

Reiko looked at Aln who looked back at him " we will continue later, go greet the newbies" Aln said smiling, Reiko gave him a smile back and kept his equipment in his box and left followed by Dash.

They got to the Captain's office door, dressed in uniform, Dash was still holding his pad and making some notes, meanwhile Reiko was adjusting his jacket

This is hell uncomfortable did yoy know that? 

Uuurgh, leader can you behave?, - Dash was trying to compose himself - the new recruits are sent from the empire, they were working directly under the emperor, so please behave

Eeehhhhh - Reiko was surprised - the empire? - Reiko thought, he asked himself how do those professional looks like, he regreted not paying attention to reports and letting Dash do the paper work- do you think they like videogames? 

I don't know and  concentrate dammit,- Dash said while knocking, and they heard the captain inviting them in, Reiko opened the door and went in, Dash followed him from behind

in the office, there was the captain, two young girls and an elderly woman dressed in asiatic clothes, Reiko and Dash entered the room and study the visitor's faces, they were two young girls, one shorter, slim in complexion and had an emotionless look in her face, as if a robot not well designed, she was wearing a jean trousers, a t-shir with the letters blood designed in front, she had her hair dread, a sniper rifle in her back and four hand guns to in her rib's side and two in her waist belt, the other one on the other hand had a big smile, she was licking a big lollypop and huming a song that made the leader and vice leader felt as if the song was taken from an horror movie " oi leader, isn't that song from carabelle?" Said Dash whispering to Reiko but he was just observing her, the other girl, who was a bit bigger in complexion was wearing a princess like gown, canvas an a belt, she had around 12 mini daggers around her belt.

Autor Notes : Thank You for reading it through, i will be updating two chapters per week till further notice, also, the chapters will soon be available in spanish, sadly the translation is the only one that will have the cover, thank you for your support

With Love  M.U.

Special Information:

Military Weapons: The kingdom of Badin developed these weapons soon after the kingdom was stabilised, created from the remnants after refining the runics stones, this weapons have special qualities and are unique in the entire continent, they can allow the wielder to modify the trajectory of the bullets, and also they can be shot without bullets using the wielder's energy, these qualities makes the weapons uniqueness, and the use of these  weapons allowed the kingdom to show supremacy over their invaders, and stabilised the Kingdom of Badin as a supreme Military force, Wining battles with less casualties.