
Chose to Forget

She was chasing him since high school. She devoted her years working in his company. Still, she was nothing to him. After being ignored for years, she decided it was time to stop. Then something made her forget him. He had eyes on a lot of people, but never on her. He despised how she always appears in front of him. When she stopped, he missed every moment of it. Then he decided to open his heart to her. When he did, he was nothing to her.

Xinglan · Urban
Not enough ratings
59 Chs


Su Lianghao had been doing rounds for five days straight with still no noted progress on Chen Kaori.

He had consulted with the other departments for a better holistic approach. They started correcting her electrolytes and blood acid-base balance and were able to maintain stable vital signs. Still, she had no sign of waking up. Her electroencephalogram had brainwaves indicative of deep sleep, thus the specialists were still trying to figure out if they had missed anything to be treated for her to wake up.

Su Lianghao poured himself his third cup of coffee for the day after returning to the doctors lounge after he finished his rounds.

He took a sip and sighed. He leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes. He could still recall the younger Chen Kaori, back in high school.

Su Lianghao was a bright student. He belongs to the top 10 list each year and he was kind to everyone. However, his strength and endurance back in high school was below average, as he often read books rather than actively playing around with other kids since he was younger. Sprints could make him heave.

Though he was not good with sports, girls still liked him for his intellect and would sometimes form small crowds asking him to teach them homework.

However, the only girl he liked had eyes for someone else. That someone else was top of the class and good at sports--named He Zifeng.

Since freshman year, Su Lianghao had eyes for Chen Kaori. He would adjust his glasses whenever she passes by to sneak a 3-second glance at her. However, she barely talked to him though they were classmates. Chen Kaori most of the time was around He Zifeng, though on the surface, the latter was a bit irritated by it.

Su Lianghao planned to confess to her on their second year in high school. He could still recall how he failed.


It was the last day of the school year and they were about to go on vacation. No actual class was held. Teachers only summed up the overall evaluation of the class and were giving pointers and advices for the following school year, as they would soon be seniors.

Su Lianghao brought a white rose and hid it in his bag. He decided he will confess to Chen Kaori that day.

He had been observing He Zifeng for two years and noticed that Chen Kaori's efforts to get close seemed to be in vain. He concluded that the two are not together and that it was only Chen Kaori's unrequited love.

Su Lianghao mustered all the courage he could possibly have that day, and asked Chen Kaori to see him at the entrance of the gymnasium after class. He waited with his head looking down on his shoes, tapping with jitters.

As the sound of gravel being stepped on approached, he look up with his best smile for Chen Kaori.

His smile disappeared as soon as he saw the face before him.

He Zifeng stood before him, towering him and casting a shadow on the colors of the sunset.

"You...why you? Where is Chen Kaori?" Su Lianghao furrowed his brows and tried to peek behind He Zifeng.

"She is not well. She asked me to come in her stead, for whatever you need to say." He Zifeng declared in monotone.

"She's sick?! When? She was still fine during class..."

"I already sent her home. Spit out what you have to say...you're wasting my time." He Zifeng's tone then had a trace of irritation. He noticed that Su Lianghao seemed to be holding something against his back. He knew that it was a confession and was a bit relieved that he went instead of Chen Kaori.

"I...I will tell her myself!" Su Lianghao blurted out and ran away.