
Chloe’s Choice

After using the wish to change her life, Chloe finds herself and her father living the life of Marinette‘s family. The new world has a new Ladybug and the events aren’t matching up to what she remembers of her old world. But in this new world she’s not going to be the weak rich girl she was before.

madhat886 · TV
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10 Chs



At the restored Church of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Chloe is back with her family and her cousins are all alive again, thanks to Red Queen restoring everything back to how it was before the villain destroyed the city. Chloe did punch out Max, taking off his glasses before punching him out and leaving him with a black eye. Which she did after she learned why he turned into a villain in the first place.

"Demi can transform me into any hybrid from story I can think of, which works even when I'm not in superhero form. Not as powerful if I was a hero but still useful," Chloe explained to her family with her transformed into a centaur. And Marine is on her back clinging to her, using her as a stuff toy to deal with the fact that she died.

"You were hidden away?" Lou ask looking at Demi floating in the air.

"Yes, it happens time to time. The other Greek Kwamis must all be hidden away too," Demi said.

"I heard of spirits from stories travelers tell. Giving people abilities and magic to survive in the age of ice," Rocky said remembering stories told about the Kwamis.

"Really you know of my kind?" Demi ask.

"Oh yes, heard of Tusk the mammoth the kwami of power," Rocky said making his adopted family looking uneasy.

"Haven't heard of Tusk in centuries. She and the others of use their powers to help the early humans to survive," Demi said.

"So can you find any miraculous?" Wendy ask wondering what it be like to have her own fairy that gives her powers.

"I can tell if an item is one but I have to see said item to know it. I'm not one who has the power to track other Kwamis, I only have to power to allow to one who wears the bracelet to transform into something that is fused together with something else," Demi explains.

"Cool you're like Ben 10 now," Theo said.

"Who?" Chloe ask.

"A cartoon about a boy who finds an alien watch that lets him transform into aliens," Luna said.

"I'm going to have to practice with my new power," Chloe said as she looks to her aunt and uncle Sandrine and William. "Can you take Marine off."

"Sure," William said taking Marine off of Chloe and held her in his arms.

Chloe transforms again, turning into a kappa, a turtle human hybrid from Japan, followed by her turning into a tengu. Both forms are female, with her looking like a female turtle woman with a deep bowl-like depression in her head full of water. Followed by her transforming into a female tengu who unlike the males, looks more human but has bird talons for hands and feet, and large black crow wings on her back. Chloe transforms back looking tired.

"A kappa and a tengu, haven't seen those since I was in Asia," Demi said.

"What happen?" Chloe ask Demi.

"While you can transform into hybrids without me needing to transform you. It does take a lot out of you if you transform so quickly," Demi explains. (1)

"Good to know," Chloe said.

"What are you planning on doing now?" Andre ask Chloe.

"Be a hero, what else," Chloe said.


The following days -

A giant bread villain is rampaging in the streets, Red Queen and Cheshire stood in front of it ready to fight. Chloe joins them and transforms into a 6'2" female Minotaur, she also really developed in that form with E cup breasts covered by her breast plate that has changed to cover the enlarged chest. Both Red Queen and Cheshire couldn't help but stare at the bigger Chloe and her bigger chest, with Sabrina remembering that Chloe is only 13 and when she's older, she would only get bigger. Chloe charged at the bread monster followed by Red Queen and Cheshire.

The 3 stand in front of the defeated bread monster.

Another day, I'm back at school

I think about him, he's so cool

He looks at me, I look away

But does he see me anyway?

A huge purple skin man with a bowler hat is fighting both Red Queen and Cheshire with him pounding the ground with his massive fists. Chloe transforms into a lamia, the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a snake. She wraps her snake's body around the man trapping him, allowing both Red Queen and Cheshire to attack together.

The man is hanging upside down by rope and back to normal.


He's got me spinning around


My feet are off the ground


And when the sun goes down,

That's when I become...

Animan transforms into a T-Rex and chase after Red Queen and Cheshire. Chloe attacks from the side transforming into a Akhlut, a wolf-orca hybrid, having the massive body of a orca or killer whale, and the legs of a wolf. Chloe slams her massive body into the massive dinosaur and knocks it to the ground.

The 3 heroes stand in front of the return back to normal Otis Césaire.

Miraculous! Simply the best!

Up to the test when things go wrong!

Miraculous, the luckiest!

The power of love, always so strong!

A snail theme villain with two hoses coming out of the shell on his back, has captured a number of people in green bubbles. He fires a stream of bubbles at Red Queen and Cheshire who are saved by Chloe who transforms into a cactus cat and fires her sharp needles at the bubbles, popping them.

The 3 stand in front of the villain who is now in a cage.

I am the cat, just chillin' out

But in the night, she's all I think about

I feel so strong when she's around,

She picks me up when I am down

A villain biker is racing along the streets of Paris, tossing fireballs into buildings and blowing them up. Chloe transformed into a centaur is racing after the biker with Red Queen and Cheshire following on the roof tops. Chloe dodges a fireball thrown at her and sprints ahead along side the biker and jabs her spear into the front tire, jamming the wheel and sending the biker flying forward out of his seat.


Oh no, you'll never know


My love can only grow


And when I see her smile

That's when she becomes...

In the flooded streets of Paris, Syren fights Chloe who has transformed into a mermaid. Chloe dodges the thrust of the trident of Syren and leaps into the air and transforms into a Siyokoy, a creature of Philippine Mythology green-skinned humanoids that have scaly body coverings, webbed hands and feet, having fins on several parts of their bodies and long green tentacles. Chloe drives back into the water and pops out with Syren wrap in her tentacles. Which cause both Red Queen and Cheshire along with a number of others watching, think of hentai.

Miraculous! Simply the best!

Up to the test when things go wrong!

Miraculous, the luckiest! ([Adrien:] Miraculous Oh, Oh)

The power of love, always so strong!

Miraculous! Simply the best! (Oh...)

Up to the test when things go wrong!

Miraculous, the luckiest! (Miraculous...)

The power of love, always so strong

High above Paris, Guitar Villain riding on top of his flying dragon crocodile, is sending out blasts of sound waves at the heroes. Both Red Queen and Cheshire are riding on Chloe who has transformed into a griffin. Chloe dodged the sound waves and spun around throwing Red Queen and Cheshire off of her back and caught them in her front talons, and on the next pass by Guitar Villain throws the two at the villain. Said villain ducks and Red Queen flys over the villain but is hit by Cheshire knocking both of them out of the air and flying to the ground below. Chloe drives down to catch the 3 falling heroes and one villain.

The heroes stand in front of Jagged Stone and his pet crocodile both back to normal.

Miraculous! Simply the best! (Miraculous, you are the best,)

Up to the test when things go wrong! (oh...)

Miraculous, the luckiest! (the luckiest..)

The power of love, always so strong! (always so strong...)



Author's Notes -

1 - While Chloe can transform into hybrids without becoming a hero first. The energy it takes will wear her out. The transformations aren't superhero level in strength or power. But if she transforms into something that can fly or has superhuman strength she can still use the natural abilities that the form has.
