
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Update: Everyday

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Salt Mine & Salt Snakes- II

The whip's leather strands cracked through the air with a satisfying sound, and Saad repeated the maneuver. He continued to exploit the creature's delay, dodging its attacks and retaliating with calculated strikes. It was a slow and meticulous battle, but Saad's determination and observation skills proved to be his greatest assets.

The level 6 Crystal Critter screeched in frustration as it struggled to land a hit on its agile opponent. Saad's persistence paid off, as he slowly but surely chipped away at the creature's HP.

Minutes felt like hours in the dimly lit cavern as Saad and the Crystal Critter engaged in their tense standoff. Saad's stamina held steady, and he was careful not to overexert himself. With each precise strike, he drew closer to victory.

Finally, Saad saw his opportunity. As the Crystal Critter lunged one last time, he executed a perfectly timed dodge and countered with a powerful whip strike. The blow landed with a resounding crack, shattering the creature into a shower of crystalline fragments.

Saad, panting but victorious, collected the essence of the defeated Crystal Critter. Despite his low experience, his careful observation and strategic approach had seen him through.

[You have collected 10 salt mine crystal.]

[Experience points: +6]

He breathed heavily, his stamina at 1 as he sat down. The slight cuts due to dodging soon healed per his passive skills.

But before he could fully recover, Saad's gaze fell upon the water's surface, and his heart skipped a beat. Glinting silver eyes with slit pupils stared back at him, reminiscent of a snake's gaze. Fear gripped him, and he felt his body freeze in place as a message flashed before him.

[The opponent has used Fear.]

[You are effected by the negative status Fear. You will be unable to move for 20 seconds.]

His body remained utterly still, paralyzed by an unseen force. Saad's breaths came in shallow gasps as his eyes remained locked with the serpentine ones in the water.

In the next moment, majestically and with a slow, teasing grace, a colossal snake emerged from the water. Its body appeared to be intricately carved from salt crystals, glistening with an otherworldly beauty. The snake, nearly four meters tall and impressively thick, approached Saad, who desperately wanted to move but found himself immobilized.

The snake's mouth opened wide, revealing fangs and an interior composed entirely of salt. Small salt crystals formed and shot out, impaling Saad's body. Agonizing pain surged through him, the intensity halved, but it was still excruciating. A message window appeared, delivering a cruel verdict.

[You have been inflicted by the Venomous Saltaire Strike. The cyanide will kill you in 30 seconds.]

[The pain scale has been adjusted to avoid trauma.]

"No- No...Oh Allah!" He cried out, completely forgetting that this was just a game. 

Desperation and terror overwhelmed Saad as he writhed in pain. The venom coursed through his veins, and he screamed, the sound echoing through the cavern. It was a cruel twist of fate, and Saad felt trapped in this nightmarish ordeal.

As the seconds ticked away, the snake slithered around him with an eerie, patient grace. Saad's vision blurred, and he realized that this was the end. The world went dark, and his consciousness faded.

When Saad awoke, he found himself back in the saltwater lake, staring up at the cavern's roof. A sense of relief washed over him, but it was quickly replaced by despair. He had lost all of his hard-earned experience points, but his passive skills remained with him.

'Why did I choose hard version? Why am I so stupid?' He thought with frustration.

In that moment, Saad felt utterly crushed by the weight of his own mistakes. Choosing the hard option had been a grave error, and he berated himself for it.

Frustration boiled within him, and he considered exiting the game in anger.

A message window appeared, mocking his frustration.

[Exiting now would make it impossible to take the test for the next 30 days. Do you wish to continue?]

Saad stared at the screen, his expression a mixture of anger and resignation. The developers had him cornered, and he had no choice but to continue his journey, no matter how perilous it had become.

"Seriously?" A silent, frustrated sigh left his lips. 

Saad's frustration and determination simmered within him as he grumbled and got back on his feet. He felt trapped in this virtual world, and the anger that had built up needed an outlet. He might as well continue his journey now that he was here.

He walked forward cautiously, his senses on high alert. The chest that had been closed earlier was now open, which meant that once a prize was taken it couldn't be taken again. He kept looking around to notice any unusual movements or anything out of ordinary. 

As he moved forward, he could hear the sound of crystals being dragged on the uneven floor and he knew who it was. It was none other than the salt critters. As he approached, two level 5 Salt Critters emerged from the shadows, their crystalline forms shimmering menacingly.

Saad knew he had to be efficient and clever. He couldn't afford to take on both creatures simultaneously. With a calm focus that contrasted his earlier frustration, he reached for a nearby salt stone, a shard of rock glistening with salt crystals. With a practiced hand, he hurled it to the side, creating a distracting noise that lured one of the Salt Critters away from the other.

As the separated creature investigated the sound, Saad took advantage of the situation. He knew from his previous encounters that attacking the back of the creatures' heads dealt more damage. With a swift and precise whip strike, he lashed out at the creature's exposed rear. The leather strands cracked against the crystalline surface, and the Salt Critter screeched in pain.

[You have dealt critical damage.]

As the other creature got attracted to the sound, Saad relentlessly moved his whip and let it crack on the back of the creature that was like block of salt and easy to hit if you knew where to hit. 

[You have collected 10 salt mine crystal.]

[Experience points: +5]

The remaining Salt Critter, lunged forward, limbs slashing through the air. Saad dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack. His heart raced, but his resolve remained unshaken.

With each strike, Saad became more adept at predicting the Salt Critter's movements. He dodged, countered, and attacked with calculated precision. The whip's leather strands cracked through the air, finding their mark on the creature's vulnerable spots. The creature screeched and retaliated, but Saad's agility and tactics allowed him to maintain the upper hand.

Minutes passed, the cavern echoing with the sounds of battle. Saad's HP gradually dwindled as the Salt Critter landed a few hits, but he paid it no mind. He knew he had to finish this fight.

Finally, with a decisive strike to the back of the creature's head, Saad shattered its crystalline form. The Salt Critter disintegrated into a shower of salt crystals, and Saad quickly collected its essence.

[You have collected 10 salt mine crystal.]

[Experience points: +5]

Saad caught his breath, panting heavily as his HP slowly regenerated. He had lost some health, but he wasn't bothered. The fight had been challenging, but it also served as a release for the frustration that had been building within him. He was ready to continue his journey, even if it meant facing more trials in this unforgiving world.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Han_Sirangcreators' thoughts