
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This story is purely fictional.

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
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123 Chs

Salt Mine & Salt Snakes- I

Before Saad could gather his thoughts, another quest window materialized before him, its golden script shining in the ambient light.

[Quest: Whip Mastery Challenge - Part I]

Description: To prove your worthiness as a Whip Master, you must collect the essence of 20 Salt Snakes. Delve deeper into the salt mines, where they are known to dwell, and retrieve their essence.

Quest Details -

Essence of Salt Snake: 0/20

Difficulty: Hard


Whip Mastery Skill Upgrade

+500 EXP

The challenge set before him seemed daunting at first. Saad couldn't help but wonder if he had made the right choice by opting for the hard test. However, as he thought about the potential rewards and the thrill of mastering the whip, he steeled himself for the journey ahead.

Twenty essences from Salt Snakes didn't seem impossible, and the prospect of enhancing his Whip Mastery skill was too enticing to pass up. With a resolute nod, Saad decided to delve deeper into the cavernous labyrinth of the salt mines. His adventure as a Whip Master had begun, and he was determined to prove himself worthy of this class.

What he did forget in that moment was the difficulty level of quest and rewards. He was being given 500 Experience points so the quest couldn't be easier.

As he ventured further into the salt mines, the ambient light revealed a faint, glowing spot up ahead. Saad's curiosity got the better of him, and he approached the mysterious source of illumination. To his surprise and delight, it was none other than a treasure chest, adorned with intricate designs.

Saad eagerly opened the chest, and as the lid creaked open, it revealed its contents. Inside, he was presented with three option cards, each accompanied by a description:

[Agile Steps]

Increase your agility by 5 points and gain an agility boost by 20% after winning against a foe. This effect is stackable up to 5 times, and after the 6th turn, it resets.


25% of your health is recovered at the end of every battle.


Your attack increases by 50% after winning against a foe.

Saad carefully considered his options presented by the treasure chest. With only 30 HP and the prospect of facing the challenges of the Hard difficulty level, he knew he needed a reliable source of healing to sustain him during battles. The healing option seemed like the safest choice to ensure his survival in the long run.

He reached out and selected the Healing option, feeling a surge of vitality flow through him. This newfound ability would undoubtedly come in handy as he ventured deeper into the salt mines.

[You have gained a passive ability, Healing-I]

As Saad continued his journey, the salt mines began to sprawl out into a labyrinth of winding tunnels and caverns. He had heard some spooky sounds of winds blowing and water dripping but for the most part, it was completely silent. Soon, he arrived at a crossroads, and his path split into two distinct directions. He paused, feeling a sense of confusion as he considered which path to choose.

One path was brightly lit, with an inviting aura, while the other led into a darker, more foreboding corridor. Saad couldn't help but wonder if the game was employing some form of reverse psychology. Could the well-lit path conceal hidden dangers, while the darker route held valuable rewards?

His curiosity piqued, Saad made a bold decision. He would venture down the darker path, trusting his instincts and gaming intuition. After all, in the world of virtual adventures, sometimes the greatest rewards awaited those willing to face the unknown.

As Saad ventured deeper into the dark, foreboding corridor, an unsettling unease settled in his chest. The strange silence that enveloped him was disconcerting, like an eerie prelude to something unknown.

Then, without warning, a blood-curdling screech shattered the silence. Saad's heart raced as he turned to see a bizarre creature, a broken structure of salt and crystal, lunging at him. Instinct kicked in, and Saad sprang into action, his whip in hand.

His initial strike, however, had little effect on the creature. Saad's stamina was low, a mere 7, and his attack power was equally modest. He realized he had overlooked checking the stats of his whip, which was likely a beginner's weapon. It was now a battle of his wits and determination against a level 5 Crystal Critter.

[Salt Critter]

Level: 5

HP: 50/50


Strength: 20  Agility: 5  Vitality: 30  Intelligence: 5

Saad refused to back down. Instead, he relied on his quick thinking and the environment. He darted behind salt hideouts scattered in the cavern and used his whip to chip away at the creature's HP, one strike at a time. It was a slow and meticulous process, but Saad had patience on his side, and he was determined to emerge victorious, even if it took time.

In the dimly lit cavern, the battle between Saad and the Crystal Critter unfolded in eerie silence. The creature, an amalgamation of salt and crystal, moved with an otherworldly grace, its jagged limbs slicing through the air as it closed in on Saad.

Saad's heart pounded in his chest as he faced the formidable foe. His initial whip strike had barely made a dent in the creature's shimmering crystal form. With a mere 7 stamina and an equally weak attack stat, he knew he was at a disadvantage.

Gritting his teeth, Saad quickly assessed his surroundings. Clusters of salt hideouts were scattered throughout the cavern. They offered some semblance of cover, and Saad decided to use them to his advantage.

As the Crystal Critter lunged again, Saad darted behind the nearest salt hideout, narrowly avoiding its razor-sharp limbs. He knew he couldn't afford to take a direct hit. From his sheltered position, he lashed out with his whip, the leather strands cracking against the creature's crystalline body.

The whip's strikes were feeble, but they served their purpose. Each hit chipped away at the Crystal Critter's HP, albeit slowly. Saad focused on his timing, waiting for the perfect moment to strike and then retreating behind the salt hideout for safety.

The creature screeched in frustration, its crystal shards clattering against the rocky floor as it tried to reach Saad behind his makeshift barricade. Saad's stamina was depleting, and the battle was becoming a war of attrition.

Minutes passed like hours in the tense standoff. Saad's determination refused to waver. He knew that every strike brought him one step closer to victory. The creature, relentless but increasingly weakened, showed signs of fatigue.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Saad's whip found its mark with a resounding crack. A critical hit! The Crystal Critter shattered into a shower of glistening shards, its form dissipating like mist in the cave's eerie glow.

Saad, panting and triumphant, watched as the creature's essence coalesced into salt crystals. He reached out and collected it, a sense of accomplishment surging through him.

[You have collected 5 salt mine crystal.]

[Experience points: +5]

Saad's frustration simmered as he gazed at the meager 5 experience points he had gained from defeating the Crystal Critter. He couldn't believe how little progress he had made in the world of the salt mines. The realization struck him like a lightning bolt - he had chosen the hard difficulty, and now he had to face the consequences.

The level of those Salt Snakes must be sky-high, Saad thought, a sense of dread creeping over him. Facing level 25 creatures was a daunting prospect, and he shuddered to think of how challenging those battles would be. Grinding and leveling up seemed to be his only option if he wanted to succeed in this perilous environment.


As Saad pondered his predicament, little did he know that the enigmatic NPC was observing his journey with a satisfied smile. The NPC mumbled cryptic phrases to himself, as if engaged in a conversation with an unseen presence.

"Oh, he has the same persistence," the NPC murmured, his eyes fixed on Saad's determined figure. "To think we would see this again, history repeats itself."

There was an air of mystery surrounding the NPC's words, as if he held knowledge of a deeper layer to Saad's journey. Whatever secrets the salt mines held, it seemed that Saad was fated to uncover them, one challenging battle at a time.


Oblivious to the enigmatic NPC's musings, Saad pressed on through the dark, eerie cavern. His footsteps echoed softly in the stillness. The oppressive silence was broken only by the faint drip of water and the occasional echoes of his own breathing.

Then, as if on cue, another blood-curdling screech pierced the air. Saad's heart raced as he instinctively sought cover behind a nearby salt hideout. He peered out cautiously, his senses on high alert. This time, a level 6 Crystal Critter emerged from the shadows, its crystalline form glinting ominously.

The Crystal Critter advanced, its jagged limbs poised to strike. Saad watched its movements closely, studying the creature's patterns and behavior. He noticed that it had a slight delay after lunging, which presented an opening.

As the Crystal Critter lunged, Saad expertly sidestepped its attack, narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp crystal shards. He struck back with his whip, delivering a precise blow that chipped away at the creature's HP.