
Chimaera's Conquest: The Legend Of The Devourer

WSA 2024 entry Synopsis: In the not-so-distant future, a group of Earthlings find themselves mysteriously transported to the Nexus Realm, a fantastical world besieged by monstrous creatures. With no way out of the craziness, they reluctantly joined forces with the realm's inhabitants to combat the constant threat of these otherworldly beasts. To defend the Nexus or Nexaria, powers were bestowed upon them with the promise of returning home after successfully repelling the monsters dangling before them like a carrot. Years passed, and the initial camaraderie between the heroes slowly began to crumble. Still, the Protagonist, Adrian Fenrir, with his power known as Analysis, played a crucial role in understanding the monsters' patterns and weaknesses. However, as the group became more adept at handling the threats, they grew increasingly independent and, perhaps, arrogant. One day, due to a series of mishaps, Adrian found himself surrounded by assassins. He tried his best to drive them off but failed and met a bitter end. It didn't take long for the assassins to do their work, and as per the contractor's request, they decided to dispose of Adrian's corpse by selling it to a mad scientist known for his experiments with creatures from the Nexaria. In need of a fresh subject for his latest project, the scientist transformed Adrian into a chimaera, a fusion of humans and monsters to be sold as a weapon for war. However, the scientist's plan backfired when Adrian, against all odds, regained consciousness within his chimaera body. Fueled by rage and the memories of his betrayal, Adrian seized control over his new body. Now reborn as a chimaera with the ability to absorb organs and gain the powers of other creatures, Adrian vows vengeance upon the mysterious contractor who sent the assassins for him. Once a battleground against monsters, the Nexaria now witnessed a different kind of conflict—one driven by betrayal, revenge, and the extraordinary powers of a vengeful chimaera. *** Weekly bonus chapter goals: • 20 Golden Tickets: 2 extra chapters. • 80+ (weekly) Power stones: 2 extra chapters. • 1 Review: 1 extra chapter (Only valid for first 10 reviews) • Super gifts: 4-8 chapters, depending on the gift. *** Discord Server link: https://discord.gg/bjetmPER5p

AkshatArpit · Fantasy
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300 Chs

Unconcerned Allies

The atmosphere in the guild headquarters of the Valiant Blades was tense. While the rest of the team was on a mission, Seraphina, leader of Aria church, had sent Adrian to negotiate with the Raven's guild, but he had gone missing without a trace. 

While some knew about Adrian's mission, the group as a whole, was informed about the incident upon their return a couple of days later, and now they were busy discussing what they should do next.

"Where could Adrian have disappeared to?" Vincent, their leader and a magic swordsman, growled, his fists clenched in frustration. "That fucker always causes trouble for us!"

"I agree! This is ridiculous! Adrian has been missing for days, and we still don't have any clue about his whereabouts," Amelia, the fiery redhead and the team's archer, paced back and forth. "Lady Seraphina should have known better than to trust him with such a crucial mission."

The group's mage, Sophia, was quick to respond. "He contacted me as he entered the Raven's Guild building. I'm sure they had done something to him!" 

"Sophia," Vincent mumbled, scratching the scar on his face. "You already know that they claim. Adrian never arrived-"

"I know they are denying he was ever there, but I'm certain he was!" Sophia yelled, slamming her hands on the table.

The other members of the team exchanged glances. They didn't believe her, as it was clear on their faces. Yet none of them wanted to offend the strongest member of their party. So, Clara, Sophia's best friend and a warrior, interjected.

"Are you sure, Sophia? Maybe you misheard him. Adrian's been known to get things wrong." Clara said, moving her auburn hair out of her face as she got up to hug Sophia. 

"I didn't mishear anything," Sophia said, adjusting her spectacles with a glare that stopped Clara in her tracks. "Adrian specifically said he was inside the Raven's guild building, and the negotiations were about to begin before disconnecting."

Marcus, the group's tank and brawler, chimed in. "Come on, Sophia. Knowing Adrian, he's probably just flunking from his duty or got caught up in some other guild's drama. We don't need him as much as we used to, anyway."

Amelia nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We've outgrown his analysis skills by now. Besides, the church might even send us someone better in combat now that Adrian's gone."

"Well, that wouldn't be a bad thing. Even if the church can't, we can find someone ourselves, someone who can throw a punch." Clara scoffed. "It's not like Adrian contributed much lately in the mid-level dungeons."

Vincent raised an eyebrow. His patience was getting thinner each moment with his group's blatant disregard for Adrian's disappearance. 

"Alright, everyone, let's not jump to conclusions. Whether Adrian was useful or not, we need to find him," he stated before facing Sophia. "Sophia, are you sure he didn't mention anything suspicious?"

"He didn't," Sophia replied firmly. "He said he was there for negotiations, nothing else."

"Maybe he just wanted to say goodbye to his favourite pair of spectacles before disappearing into thin air," Amelia snorted.

Sophia abruptly stood up as the argument escalated, knocking her chair backwards. 

"I can't believe you're all so indifferent! Adrian's missing, and none of you fucking care!" Sophia exclaimed. "Maybe you don't need him, but I sure as hell do! I'm going to find Adrian, with or without your help." 

Before anyone could react, Sophia stormed out of the guild hall, leaving the team in stunned silence. Vincent rose to follow Sophia, but Clara touched his shoulder, stopping him. 

"Let her go," she said. "Adrian was her lover; she obviously took his disappearance hard. Give her some time, will you?"

Marcus added, "And Amelia, it wouldn't hurt if you showed a bit more empathy. Adrian might have been a pain for us, but he meant a lot to Sophia."

"Does it look like I care about human emotions?" Amelia rolled her eyes as her elf ears poked through her hair. "Anyways, I'm leaving. You guys can do as you please with Adrian's issue."

Vincent sighed angrily, feeling a mixture of frustration and disappointment. He had hoped Adrian's death would open up new opportunities for him, especially with Sophia. But it seemed like Adrian's ghost continued to haunt him even in death.


Meanwhile, in Victor's hideout.

After hiding Victor's corpse, Adrian turned around, and a mirror caught his attention. He had noticed the ogre skin patched all around his body and wondered what else had changed about him. 

He hesitatingly walked to the mirror, not knowing what to expect. His reflection stared back at him, but it was not the familiar face he expected.

Like his body, there were several small patches of ogre skin around his face. But that wasn't all. He could feel something different about his face. The shape was a bit off, as if a part of his skull had been replaced by someone else's. 

As he stared at his face, he realised his eyes were slightly off. But he wasn't surprised. After all, he had used a skill he never had before on the stranger mere moments ago. 

"It was because of the eyes..." Adrian sighed, his fists clenched. 

Suddenly, Adrian felt a surge of rage inside him. He had always been a rational pacifist. But his death had messed him up. He couldn't control his anger anymore and struck the mirror with a force that shattered it.

Breathing heavily, Adrian surveyed the remnants of the mirror scattered on the floor. The reality of his situation gnawed at him, but he knew he needed to regain control. 

He had a lot to think about, and he couldn't lose his rationality on trivial stuff, or else he would waste the opportunity he had been given to exact his revenge. 

"I can think about who or what after I escape this place," Adrian mumbled, taking a deep breath. "I need to get out before someone comes looking for whoever I just killed."

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he searched the chamber for clues or tools to aid him. But as he did, he heard a similar notification sound of the system. 

It surprised Adrian as he had thought the system would have disappeared after his death. But he was wrong. 

"Let's see what we got here..."

Weekly bonus chapter goals:

• 50+ (weekly) Power stones: 2 extra chapters.

• 1 Review: 1 extra chapter (Only valid for first 10 reviews)

Normal posting schedule: 1-2 chapter(s) per day

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