
Chilling in the multiverse

A random person died by accident and cheated god when réincarnating. Now he has the power of a god and is gonna chill and travel the multiveese. The story is going to be more about the changes the MC can do in a world with his powers. Also, depending on my liking on the world he is in, the changes will be more casual and chill, or more darks The mc is gonna be very casual and saying many facs to the characters The MC Will be visiting many anime world and i will try my best to portray their true character, but dont judge me too much if i made a little mistakes. English its not my first languaje, so expect some errors. You can also support me if you like my work, it makes me feel that someone likes what i do https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=77N9CT68QNUQL

Granax · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Priestella City and the Witch cult 2

Regulus is running from the battlefield, remembering that powerful undead who killed one of his wives from a distance

'Also, it doesnt seems that he knows about them... its most like his spell killed her in place of me' While he was thinking, a sudden tremor startled him. Looking behind, he can see a giant undead chasing him

'Its not him... must be one of his servants' Regulus thought and then shots a wind blade at the doom lord

As the wind blade nears, the doom lord somehow feels it and dodges to the side

Regulus, not convinced, start to throw wind blades and rocks at the doom lord

As he cant keep dodging, finally an attack reachs him, making many bones crack, but thats it, he keeps running and its about to reach Regulus

The doom lord, once near, strikes Regulus with his giant scythe, trying to break his invisible shield

Seeing that his attacks cant do anything, the doom lord activates {Ruinous Night} sacrifing vitality for power

A huge dark mist surrounds the place, making hard to see for someone who relies only on eyes

As the doom lord keeps striking Regulus, he starts to get a little concerned, as he can feel his shield is slowly breaking, although at a very, very little pace. Each strike of the doom lord reach deeper in his shield, even if its a minute ammount

Regulus keeps attacking the doom lord with everything he has, breaking many of his bones and also depleting his vitality

Finally, after 10 minutes or so, the doom knight falls to the ground, fading until he is no more

Regulus is serious while gazing at the shield he thought it was unbreakable. Miniature dent could be seen

He gaze around to see if anyone was watching and then returns to its destination


Rob was watching all of this happening from the sky like always. The fight of Ainz vs Regulus hyped him very much, but it ended in one of them running...

'I want to force them to fight... well, atleast Regulus, as Ainz wont run' I thought while forming a plan in my mind

Suddedly Rob vanish from the sky, teleporting to where the party is staying


Subaru and the gang was talking when suddendly a man appears out of nowhere

"Ah Rob, long time no see" Ainz says, completly calm about this

"Do you know him Ainz? Who is he? and why he appeared out of nowhere?" Subaru asks, not afraid but confused

"He is... um... Rob, yeah he is Rob" Ainz thinks and then simply says his name as he doesnt know how to introduce something more about him

"Hello, im here to tag around and if possible, see an epic fight. Also i want to force Regulus to fight Ainz, as he just ran away the last time" I said while gazing at Ainz

"How did you know... nevermind, we were about to siege the city hall" Subaru says, always welcoming a new powerful person to the party... i mean, someone who just appeared out of nowhere must be at least a bit strong. Right?

Subaru, Ainz and the gang starts to run in the direction of the city hall... with a hyped Rob following behind

In front of the city hall was a man and a woman in cultist robes. The man is wielding two great machetes, while the woman is using a rapier

An epic fight begins... or not, as Ainz is right doesnt have to hide from the party, he ends the fight with a single spell, killing the two cultists

"That was... anticlimatic" Subaru says dumfounded

The party has a few silent seconds and then continues to the city hall


Capella, the Sin Archibishop of Lust. Her abillity is to transform in anything she wants, she can also transform anyone she touchs... Why is this important? Because right now there is a giant dragon in front of the party

Capella is angry and distraught right now, as the two henchmen she painstakingly raised died in just a few seconds. She charges in her dragon form, trying to kill everyone in front of her

I stop Ainz who was about to cast another spell

"Ainz, let them fight this..." I said, afraid of Ainz one shoting another boss

Right now the party fighting the dragon is: Julius, Wilhelm, Ricardo, Crusch and Garfield. The others where in another part of the city doing their missions

Julius uses spirits to attack

Wilhelm and Crusch takes the front line and fight, sword in hand vs a dragon

Garfield and Ricardo supports from the sides

An epic fight starts

Julius can do heavy damage with his spirits, leaving many wound on the giant dragon

As Capella tries to attack Julius, Wilhelm and Crusch deflect her claws, defending the damage dealer

Ricardo and Garfield attacks Capella from the sides, doing many tiny wounds and making her unable to concentrate on the front

The battle was getting more and more intense

It was at this moment that Capella tries to run, being unable to win against the group

"That would be boring" I said and with a snap of my fingers a giant dome appears surrounding the area of the fight

Capella who was flying away crashes into an invisible wall. She misunderstand this as a trick of the group to not let her flee... which is not a total misunderstanding

On the other hand, the party fighting her was curious but glad that she came back to fight, as they can finish her

The fight continues and Capella is becoming more and more crazy, making desperate attacks in order to hurt them

Ricardo lost an arm in an exhange while also cutting half of her claw

Wilhelm got pierced in the stomach and tossed away while trying to stall her. This worked, as the party cut her tail and also a whole dragon limb

She is now like a caged animal fighting for her survival, fighting like mad while trying to reach Julius, who is the most dangerous and, in her head, the one who made the barrier

A wounded Garfield is throw far away

Ricardo is lossing too much blood as his arm was torn off

Wilhelm is still MIA

Crusch and Julius are the last people fighting, although very wounded

Capella was very wounded by now, not even her regeneration can heal her that fast. She is a no tail, 2 legged dragon who can barelly stand

She makes a final bet, throwing her whole body at them. And just when Crusch was about to parry her strike, she transform in her human form, taking her by surprise as Capella transform her only hand into a spear, impaling her while rushing at Julius, the last one standing

Capella uses the impaled Crusch as a human shield to get in range of Julius, making him unable to strike in fear of killing his teammate

The spear was nearing Julius... its was about to pierce him when

"{Reality Slash}"

A white flying blade tearing the very fabric of space reaches Capella, cutting her from this space and tearing apart her body. She is cut from top to bottom, leaving no room for regeneration even if she has some. a bisected body falls to the ground, leaving a very gory scene

"That was a good fight... finally some good food in this world" I said while nodding, not minding Ainz helping them at the end

Julius is shocked and relieved that this is finally over. He starts to search for the most wounded ones of the team, grouping them together on the floor while using heal magic.

While Julius was healing his team, from the body of Capella, a dark mist tries to leave but is chained by otherwordly laws and brought over into the body of Ainz

Ainz feels completly refreshed right now and also a little more powerful

"Well then Ainz, you just leveled up" I said while looking at him.

"Why now? I killed some so called powerful humans in this world, even dangerous beasts and never got any EXP" Ainz asks curiously

"Thats because you killed a Sin Archbishop... she was just a normal human so that doesnt give anything. But she got a part of the lust witch soul, thats the thing you absorved... Well, from now on no more Lust Archbishops will be born in this world... Unless the witch cuts her own soul one more time." I explained to him

"So... basically its like in the game, i need to kill enemies at least on divine level to gain something?" Ainz asks concerned, as he wanted to farm weak but numerous enemies to get strong... everyone wants an easy farm to level up

"Yeah, you got it"

Ainz sighs, knowing his future plans for a fast level up are destroyed

While the two of us were talking, Julius healed the whole team. Wilhelm and Crusch are heavily wounded and would need time to rest.

"Hmm?" Ainz makes a surprised sound, as he can see a black book was dropped after killing Capella... Of course is not a random drop, its just the book she always have on her. The Gospel

Ainz reaches over and picks it up from the ground.

"{Identify}" Ainz casts a spell Rob taught him to use the system


[Name: Book of Wisdom (Copy) (Cursed)]

[Description: This is a copy of the Book of Wisdom, made by Echidna, the Witch of Greed. Can allow the reader to see the path of the future he desires. Diferent from the book of wisdom, this only shows the reader desired future, while the Real book, shows the past, present and future. Does not claim to be one hundred percent effective. A little piece of Echidna's soul is sealed inside


"Mmmm... Hey Rob, if i destroy this thing, can it also give me EXP?" Ainz asks while throwing the book to Rob

I catch it and see its info

"Sure, just completly destroy the soul in it and you will get it" I throw the book back to Ainz

"Sure. {Greater Break Item}" Ainz casts and the book seems to strugle a bit... then little by little, it starts to break and dissapear


In a garden, seated while drinking tea, Echidna suddendly felt as if she lost something... Something very important. She is alarmed, as this never happened before. After some minutes of searching, she finally finds the answer... A gospel has been destroyed... This normally wouldnt mean much to her, as the soul fragment would rush back to her... But this time is different, the Gospel is gone and also her piece of soul.

To her that little piece was nos even 5% of her soul, the alarming thing is that someone can destroy it without her finding the culprit... it is as if there is a veil covering her divination. She starts a world wide search, trying in vain to find Ainz


Ainz just broke the book when a dark mist enters his body... he was not able to level up this time but a little bit of EXP is good enough

Now Subaru, being the only one not wounded... except for Ainz and Rob, runs into the City Hall, trying to find the hostages... only to not find anything except for a kid. He searchs the whole building but the only thing weird is a room with a lot of flies

There are traces of someone here besides Capella, but it ran away.

'Must be Ainz one shoting Capella... Thats very intimidating' Subaru thought while searching more

After Subaru exits, he explain what he found inside

Everyone seems happy that only 1 hostage is found and no corpses... except for 1 person. Wilhelm, who is now recovered, has a very disgusted face...

"The flies... they are the hostages..." He said, with a very angry voice

"What do... you mean?" Subaru asks, perplexed at such a claim

"Ive heard about it... not only did she have the power to transform herself into anything... but also to transform other people." Wilhelm answers

"The best thing we can do for them is to end their suffering" He adds while walking into the city hall

"W-wait! We can try to save them!" Subaru stops Wilhelm and looks for Ainz, the always powerful undead friend

"Sorry, i cant. I dont have anything to dispel a polymorph debuff" Ainz answers, as most of his spells are deadly and death related. He can dispel such a status if he use some unique items in his inventory, but he wouldnt do that for random people

"Subaru, Killing them is the best thing we can do. They are in constant suffering" Crushs says to subaru and then follows Wilhelm

Subaru stays on place, sad at the current situation

After some time, Wilhelm and Crusch exits the city hall and walks toward the hotel, as they wanted to rest their tired bodies

Subaru and the rest of the gang follows after them... while Subaru is still lamenting the fate of those poor people

After arriving at the hotel, everyone goes to their own room, wanting to rest after a very difficult fight


The next morning, the party, now rested and ready for anything, recieves a very shoking news... Emilia dissapeared and Regulus Corneas is claiming her as her wive number 79. The whole town heard about the news, as Regulus wants to make it as public as possible

Subaru is furious and is about go rush alone into the wedding only to be stopped by Ainz, who doesnt want to repeat yesterday

Subaru, after being calmed by Ainz, starts to make a plan on how to kill this Regulus fella... Searching for information about him from the people he knows...

And the answer leaves him hopeless... Even Reinhard said that Regulus is a very difficult foe

After finding this, Subaru goes to... obviously Ainz, who accept the challenge of killing Regulus, as it makes him remember his days doing a Raid Boss.

Now Subaru and Ainz leaves the hotel and prepare to leave for the wedding... with a hyped Rob 10 steps behind, wanting to watch a good fight between Ainz and Regulus, the two having their own OP powers


A.N: If someone want to cry about "How could a normal attack do anything to Regulus... blablabla". The answer is simple. If someone powerful enough attacks him, his 'laws' are overwrite by the powerful one. Dont understand? Then think about this: If a minor god and a major god can stop time. Will the minor god time stop affect the major god? The answer is no, as the major god is much more powerful so he can negate his use of time. In this case the doom lord has a very high attack for someone of his which is level 80 aprox, having stats of a level 90-95, and you can think of level 100 in overlord as a half god, and Ainz, being a minor god, aka level 101, can summon someone very powerful. You must also remember that most Sin Archbishops are normal humans with some powers, not divine beigns

Its me, DIO!

2 or 3 Chapters for the new world!

Expect a good new Arc with more protagonism of Rob

Im trying to find the balance between Ainz and Rob, so forgive me if in this arc Ainz got so much protagonism

Granaxcreators' thoughts