
Chilling in the multiverse

A random person died by accident and cheated god when réincarnating. Now he has the power of a god and is gonna chill and travel the multiveese. The story is going to be more about the changes the MC can do in a world with his powers. Also, depending on my liking on the world he is in, the changes will be more casual and chill, or more darks The mc is gonna be very casual and saying many facs to the characters The MC Will be visiting many anime world and i will try my best to portray their true character, but dont judge me too much if i made a little mistakes. English its not my first languaje, so expect some errors. You can also support me if you like my work, it makes me feel that someone likes what i do https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=77N9CT68QNUQL

Granax · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Fame, war, and... the second part?

"Hot news! Hot news! General Wilson captured an enemy base with almost no casualties!" A newspaper kid shout on the streets

Many people bought it to see whats happening on the front and after reading it... people were cheerful, as in this world, and specially in this time of WW2, many people have patriotism first and foremost. If the country win they win too, thats their mentality

General Wilson fame spread far and wide within the country, making many people cheer for him

Even on the central HQ many high officers were praising him, after all, taking an entire base with a team of 10 people (and a golem that nobody exacltly know its power for now) and some warships is a new

General Rob Wilson gained more authority in the empire, now his word are valued more, be it by the goverment or by the people


On the captured base 'The entrance'

Tanya and Ainz were gazing around, seeing the now occuped base

"Its pretty fast how they relocate all the supplies and defensive weapons" Ainz said, its the first time for him being personally in the WW2 times

"Its pretty normal, after all, they dont wanna lose this base, as it would cost a lot more to recapture it" Tanya sayd while gazing at what she took part of

A soldier suddendly ran to them, its seems he was earching for Tanya

"Second Lieutenant Tanya, General Wilson calls you to his office along with many Colonels" He then gaze at the "Golem" Ainz

"Thats all" Then the soldier goes to do his things

"Lets go, i hope im getting promoted for this" Tanya said while Ainz follows her

They started a 60 minutes long in straight line travel towards their previous border base

After arriving, Tanya saw that many soldiers were gazing at her with respect instead of ridicule for being a child. She has gained it after participating in such a feat

They keep walking until reaching a door. It has a tag on the front which says 'General Wilson'

Tanya knocks the door, and after getting a response she enters

Inside are the already waiting 5 Colonels and a chill Rob seating

Tanya made a salute to them and just wait for.... something to happen

"Now that we are all here, im gonna discuss some important things" I said while gazing at the Five Colonels and Tanya

"First of all, congratulations on our soldier Tanya for completing the mission, you role was very important and you executed it well. Its a pity only two of your team survived, but for a base its an acceptable cost" I start praising Tanya a little and saying her role was important, so the Colonels doesnt get mad about a random soldier joining

"Now, the surrounding countries are thinking what we will do. Retreat or continue?" I remark the last part, as many thought we will continue the conquest

"Sir, i think we must continue, we have the advantage and a secured ground path to them" Colonel 3 said

"Sir, i differ, we need to retreat and prepare our defenses around 'The Entrance'" Colonel 1 said another point of view

"Sir..." Many of them started to say their views on the situation while Tanya is still a mute on the corner

Im not going to add oil to the fire by askin Tanya, a low rank soldier in the Colonels eyes for her opinion, i have others plans for her staying here

I ligly hit my table, making the colonels to focus on me

"The central in the capital asked me what im going to do, what do you think i answered?"

"We will continue the battle, but just one objective. See here" I take out a map from inside my table

The map marks the Empire and surrounding countries

Legadonia Entente Alliance. which is in the north is also marked. After capturing 'The Entrance', the Empire now has free access to their territory. But would that be a good idea? If the empire makes a full invasion the other countries are going to attack us from the side

I point to four bases near 'The Entrance'. One is at the East, another at the North, the third on the west and the last one is a little far on the north west.

"We have four bases to choose, we will only attack one of them, and after that, we are going to retreat into defense" I said while pointing at the East base

"The East base is the most isolated from the others, so reinforcements are not going to come easly, also it has nice comunication with 'The Entrance'. Thats our target. Besides, if we push them too much then they will do a full front attack. Lets conquer them little by little

After saying thing, the Colonels started to formulate strategies and plans to complete this

"Is possible, but to capture a base in the shortest time and with not much casualties... this base its different from the other, as this one doesnt have coast for warships" Colonel 4 said

"Thats where our soldier Tanya enters into the operation" I said and the Colonels turns to see the still mute Tanya

"She will be my representative in using the Golem i showed before, and she also is a very powerful mage. Between the two of them, destroying their defenses its not going to be difficult, also using such a firepower can lower their morale" I said and waited for their response

"Sir, i dont think you will be going to direct the assault, and leaving the leadirship to a second liutenant its inappropriate" Colonel 2 said

"Thats why i called you 5 here, she will be my representative only in regards to the Golem and her strong firepower, the operation needs a good commander in charge. You five know each other, so take a step forward the one who its the best in siege assaults"

"The five gaze at each other... under their fast eye contact they already found an answer, after all they have been together for some time and know each one capability"

Colonel 5 Steps ahead

"Sir, i have experience in this, i can assure a flawless conquest" Colonel 5 was almost an old man with white hair, its seems he has been leading troops for some time already

"Okay, i leave it to you, you will command Tanya and the Golem, which its codename its 'Ainz' to the battle. Take as much soldiers as you need, i trust your expertise" I said while looking directly into his eyes

"Yes Sir!" Colonel 5 makes a salute and take off, ready to prepare for the battle. The other 4 Colonels watch his back while remembering the old times

"Now, Second liutenant Tanya, take a step forward" I shouts to Tanya in a solemn voice

"Yes!" She takes walks in fron of me

"In recognision of your efforts, you are promoted to First Liutenant, keep doing a good work for the Empire" I said to her while taking a new uniform from under my table... its just to trick them, as i spawned it a second ago

"Thank you sir. Im honored and will be working with the Empire in mind!" Tanya takes the uniform, makes a salute and steps back

The Colonels stays silent for the whole promotion thing. They are witnesses of her promotion and there is also an unwritten rule on the military: Promotion procedures are not to be interrupted, or you will gain the hate of everyone

"Also, after this operation you need to prepare, in 1 month you will enter the War College of the Empire, starting a very important part of your career, as you cant be a good captain without strategy" With that, i finish with her

She took note of that and took her leave, leaving only the 4 Colonels and me inside

"You four, start preparing defensive measures for the new base we are going to have, also start preparing comunication and transport between 'The Entrance' and the other bases"

"Yes sir" With that, the four of them leaves, im the only one in the office


"That was a good start, now i need to secure some territory inside the north, after that i will change objective, taking little by little of every country around, leaving only one country untrouched. We know they arent our allies but the other countries who suffered dont, so i can use that country as a shield for some time" i speak to mysleft, as there is a barrier surrounding my office, no one can listen from the outside if i dont want to

"Lets see how much it takes and how good it goes this assault" After that, i reclined in my chair, thinking of many future plans


2 weeks later

Shoking news again, the Empire took another base from the Legadonia Entente Alliance, putting them on the edge, but calming after noticing the Empire retreating and going defensive

The operation 'Release the kraken' was know to many, as the Golem named Ainz made such a huge contribution that nobody can surprass it. Said golem destroyed an entire company of more than 400 hundres of soldiers in a single strike. He is now exposed to the world and the surrounding countries are trying to find intel of him

The second shoking one is a little girl soldier, whose name is Tanya. She made such a powerful magic shoot that destroyed many defenses of the base, making the scientist of the Empire crazy as they couldnt find how she made so much power with such a normal rifle

Colonel 5, whose name its not going to be mentioned, made a great contribution leading the forces

All of this operation was arranged by the now very famous General Rob Wilson, whose name is now feared by the Legadonia Entente Alliance

While civilians cheers for him, the central was confused as General Wilson requested to return from the north front, giving an excuse of escorting Tanya to the war college in 2 weeks... Who would believe that?!

They are waiting to see what this general do, but they are not worried, as everyone works for the Empire and to make the Empire a bigger and better place. They are only curious, not concerned of him having scheming thoughts, as those type of people died early in the war


Fame spreads and days pass

1 week and 5 days later

I was traveling along with Tanya and Ainz towards the capital, Tanya is going to have some classes of strategy and management in the imperial college for 6 months while im going to start the second part of my 'Conquering the world' plan while waiting for her, as she is a key piece in them

1 day later

We are already settled in the capital and Tanya bids farewells before going to the college... it sounds cute, like sending a kid to school... *ahem*

I start walking toward the central HQ, where the highest officers and the most powerful people of this country is staying. From here starts the second part of my plan: Taking the leadership of the Empire or atleast some part of it

I was followed by Ainz, who is more like a moving threat than anything

Some minutes walking and im finally here. In front of me is a giant palace or temple by design, as its like a fusion of both. It has a old feeling, like it was made centuries ago

There are soldiers patrolling

Soldiers in watchtowers

Soldiers in doors

It is basically highly protected from any angle

'Its about time, for a new leader to rise in the Empire, or atleast something of equal importance' I thought while climbing the stairs of the palace

Hewo uwu

Sorry for taking much time, i was researching the lore of youjou senki, trying to make this arc more realistic in its way.... Also i was thinking of many ideas on how to follow

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