
Chilling in the multiverse

A random person died by accident and cheated god when réincarnating. Now he has the power of a god and is gonna chill and travel the multiveese. The story is going to be more about the changes the MC can do in a world with his powers. Also, depending on my liking on the world he is in, the changes will be more casual and chill, or more darks The mc is gonna be very casual and saying many facs to the characters The MC Will be visiting many anime world and i will try my best to portray their true character, but dont judge me too much if i made a little mistakes. English its not my first languaje, so expect some errors. You can also support me if you like my work, it makes me feel that someone likes what i do https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=77N9CT68QNUQL

Granax · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Closing things up and leaving with a new partner

After the great fight which almost nobody knew, the alliance lost his leader and god, which they still doesnt know

The empire also suffered a great defeat in the south, as Being X destroyed it before fighting with Ainz

Both sides thinks that the Alliance has the advantage

It was until Ainz went back to the battlefield in the center and started to attack that the Alliance felt that something was bad, as their god wasnt stopping him

Ainz started a masacre in the center and Being X didnt appeared, making the Alliance search everywhere with no result, making the higher ups worry about the future

As to why is AInz still fighting this war with his warrior mode? Rob asked him and his answer was "I always ends the dungeons i started", making Rob spechless, as Ainz thinks of the war as a dungeon or something like that

Tanya also went back to the south, going forward with her new powers

Yes, she is now a level 8 transendent. how? After fighting with being X she was drained of mana, making her recover from 0 to 100, this made her reach a new height which was lvl 7, but after killing Being X she reached lvl 8 after some part of his holy particles were aborbed by her body, as she was marked by him in the past

Now, with 2 unstopable entities, one on the center and one on the south, the alliance is falling apart


2 month was what it took for the empire to completly destroy the alliance, now the only things left are the after-war problems, which are left to the experts on the empire

This is something neither Ainz, Rob or Tanya cares

Rob is happy because he played a strategy game in real life

Ainz is happy becuase in the 2 months, he got the grasp on his new godly powers

Tanya is happy because she finally killed her nemesis and made a friend with someone like her

"Tanya, we are leaving this reality in a few days, as there is no more things to do here, want to come? After all you are not from here to begin with" Rob asks while sipping his coffe

"Well... yeah, it would be boring now that the empire controls almost the whole world, but where are you guys going?" Tanya answers

"I dont know, it could be a reality like this on the WW2 timeline, or it could be a medieval reality like the world of Ainz, anyway it would be fun i think. Also some reality has far more gods than this one, so if you come then you will need to continue training hard" Rob says while gazing at her

"It sounds fun... and i dont want to part with the only friend i made in decades, so okay, i will accompany you guys" Tanya, after thinking, accepts the offer


1 month later

"It took more time than i thought to end this" Rob said while looking at the city from his office

"Are going already?" Tanya asks Rob while gazing at the silent Ainz, who by now is completly adicted to experiment with his divinity powers

"Almost, i was waiting for the new god the be born"


"What a perfect timing, here it is" Rob says while watching the stone statue on the main crurch crumble

Many believers who were praying below it are in panic, as the rocks are about to crush them

At this moment, a holy energy protects everyone who was going to die

[Dont worry my childrens, i wont let my awaken to kill my believers] Those words sounded on the minds of the praying ones on the statue

Now, a identical to the statue man stays in its place, shining in gold

"Its... its the holy emperor..." People cant believe it, as their god is in front of them

[From now on, i, the Holy Emperor, will guard the Empire as i have awoken from my slumber]

This message sounded in the head of every person in the planet, making the whole empire to shake in happiness, as they now know that their god is real

After saying this, the man, calling himself the holy emperor, flew towards where Rob was, leaving a new statue of him behind to ammend the previous one

Rob, seeing this, awaits for its arrival

in just a few seconds, the man appears in front of Rob while Tanya and Ainz watch by the side

[I salute you, my benefactor, for helping me awaken earlier] The holy emperor words sounds on the party's head

[Forgive me, but i still cant speak as im newly born, so i can only transmit the meaning of thoughs]

"No problem, i was waiting for you to be born before leaving, after all, this is the first time i saw a god being born. It was interesting" Rob says while gazing the new god

"We are not staying in this world any longer, so i leave the empire to you, i hope you be a better god than the last one" Rob said, while waving his hand and opening a red portal behind him

"Lets go, now we really have nothing to do here, the portal is staying open only for 30 seconds" Rob said before disapearing in the portal

"Goodbye, i hope you can be a good guardian of the empire" Tanya said to the still bowing god and dissapeared in the portal

Ainz just stays silent and enters the portal

[Dont worry and good luck on your travels, benefactor, i will protect them, as they are what makes me exist] The holy emperor says while watching as the portal closes


(Change to first person POV of Rob)

Now in another void, the party of three are standing between all realities

"Now what?" Tanya asks Rob while gazing around

"Now... its time to choose, as you are the new member of the team, i will leave this time choose to you" I said while moving my hand

This time there is no table, only 3 cards are in my hand. I covered the cards so i cant see them either

"Pick one, i too dont know what they are, i just made them of 3 random realities"

Tanya, intrigued by this, picks the card in the middle... they always pick the middle one

The two others dissapears while burned by blue fire... just to make it more magic like

Tanya, still not being able to see through the fog of the card, gazes at me

"Just shake it a little" I said, expecting what the result is

Doing as she is told, she shakes the card, making the fog dissapear and revealing whats in its cover

"Thats... interesting" I said while looking at the now revealed card, which shows...

A shorter than normal chapter, as it was just the ending of this world and leaving. Also i wanted some time to think of the new world so i left the chapter there... happyface.jpg

Granaxcreators' thoughts