
Chilling in the multiverse

A random person died by accident and cheated god when réincarnating. Now he has the power of a god and is gonna chill and travel the multiveese. The story is going to be more about the changes the MC can do in a world with his powers. Also, depending on my liking on the world he is in, the changes will be more casual and chill, or more darks The mc is gonna be very casual and saying many facs to the characters The MC Will be visiting many anime world and i will try my best to portray their true character, but dont judge me too much if i made a little mistakes. English its not my first languaje, so expect some errors. You can also support me if you like my work, it makes me feel that someone likes what i do https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=77N9CT68QNUQL

Granax · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

A chat with Aizen

"Did you hear? that Kisuke is doing the test to be a captain" Random shinigami A

"Really? I heard that only the most respected people who has unlocked the Bankai could become captains" Random shinigami B

After a while, the 2 shinigamis are gone, only Rob, who was reading on the library is left

'... so... im really early in the story, although i know that Ichigo is going to be born in a hundred years, it doesnt feel as real as reading history and hearing rumors' I thought while reading the past 300 hundreds years of history,

'Thats a lot of years for such a small book of 100 pages, but i guess 300 years are not much for shinigamis, so they only record the most important things'

'So... Kisuke is almost becoming a captain and still not going to japan... that also means that Aizen is not a captain yet... this is interesting, i can change many things in the history at this point...'

While gazing at the sky like a wise man thinking, I start to plan what i will change and how this will affect the story, also which character i will speak as i want to talk to many of them, even Aizen

'I'll let Tanya and Ainz keep going until Yhwach apperas, as he has a very OP power, i dont think Ainz or Tanya can beat him'

After thinking of my plan, i start to walk toward the fifth division


After reaching the fifth division i start to gaze around

After finding a shinigami wandering i approach him

"Hello, can i ask you something?"

"Uh? Hello, are you new in the division?" Random shinigami G answers

"Nope, im just searching for someone named..." I take out a note with a name to seem so i seem like delivery person

"His name is Sōsuke Aizen, do you know where he is?" After reading... nothing as the paper was blank, not that the shinigami knows, i put a harmless smile on my face

"Ah, you mean Lieutenant Sōsuke? He is in his room, i can notify him that someone is searching for him if you like, its seems that you have a message for him" Random Shinigami G points at my note while saying that, thinking that a superior gave me a message for Aizen or something like that, then he goes to Aizen room in order to notify him

A few minutes later, the shinigami is back

"Follow me, Lieutenant Sōsuke is waiting for you"

"Sure" I follow after him, anticipating this reunion

After a few minutes of walking, we reach Aizen's room, the shinigami knocks the door... or not, as they are sliding japanese doors, he just announces our entry and open the door

There he is, with a smiling harmless face and glasses. Right now he is wearing a normal shinigami outfit, as he is still not a captain

'I must say that compared to the captain outfit, the normal shinigami outfit lacks something...' I think while gazing at Aizen, who is smiling at me while speaking to the random shinigami G

"Good work, you can leave us for now, I hope to talk with our extravagant friend right here" Aizen says with a gentle smile while gazing at the shinigami and then at me

'Extravagant? ... .... ... ah, right, im still wearing the trench coat i like so much' I think while gazing down at my clothes

'Well, fuck it, i can just say that i like this style'

"Yes sir" While i was thinking, shinigami G exits the room, leaving only Aizen and me

"Take a seat, im curious about what do you have to say or if you have something for me" Aizen says while maintaining his act

"Mmm... well, i just wanted to talk with the genius Sōsuke Aizen"

"Genius? You flatter me, im just a bit more clever than the rest, its not to the point of being a genius" He answers with a humble smile

"Emm... i put a barrier on this room so... can you drop the act? Its giving me the creeps" I says with a weird face, as he speaking like that is really creepy after knowing his true personality

Suddendly, the air around Aizen changes, he start to gaze around with caution

"Barrier? I dont sense any reiatsu at all, are making a joke? This is not even funny" Now he is acting like a superior mad at his subordinate for making a prank, but also he is slowly reaching for his zanpakuto

"Explaining my powers is a little bothersome, so lets say that im not a shinigami, so its no wonder you cant feel reiatsu"

"Then a Quincy? No, they where almost exterminated. Hollow? the captains would feel it... Vizard... Arrancar... none of them, just what are you?" Aizen draw his zanpakutou while making and discarting theories on what race i am

"Can you calm down?" I point at him and he falls to the floor in a seating position, like before he got up

"!?" Shocked, Aizen tries to get up, only to fail in the attemp

"Look, i can kill you easly but i didnt, so this atleast mean that im friendly right? ... and dont bother trying to hypnotize me, as im immune that"

"Wha-" Now, really a little panicked, Aizen start to plan his way out, trying to find a way alert the captains

"We are in a separated dimension so no help will come... really, i just want to talk.. im going to undo the binding in 3 seconds, so can you stay put?"




Aizen is free again, but he remains in place

He cant sense the outside neither the inside of the room, something is supressing him

He though many things in those 3 seconds and reached a grim but real conclusion

'This beign is like the soul king, im nothing in front of him, i must abide his whims if i want to live' Aizen thought

"Thats better, now, can i talk to the real Aizen? not the act but the real you"

"... Sure, now, what do you want? A powerful person like you is interested in me, i guess you know many things about me, right?" Dropping his smile, Aizen start to speak in a more rough voice and also giving a mysterious vibe

"About you? Well, yeah, i know you have a Hōgyoku and want to become the new soul king... also that your zampakutou can hypnotize people, also its weakness is to touch your handle... another thing..." While telling more things about him, Aizen start to pale, as what i know is practically all of his deep secrets.

He takes a few seconds to calm down and starts to talk

"Are you going to expose me? Arrest me? Take the Hōgyoku away from me?" Now, completly calm as he accepted the fact that this person in front is not someone he can do anything about

"... didnt i say i just wanted to talk?"

"... you really mean it?" Aizen answer with a weird face





a few akward seconds and a gaze contest later, Aizen restart the dialogue

"*ahem!* What do you want to speak of?" After an awkward cough, Aizen asks

"Firstly my greatest question... why are you doing this? I know that later you will manipulate and kill many people, why do you want so much to be the soul king?"

"Starting hard, huh? Well, this is pretty simple. I hate how this world is managed by a puppet and also made of lies of the 5 noble houses. I want to be the soul king so i can change everything with absolute power, as word doesnt work with them, for this goal i need to transcend the power of a Shinigami, thats where the Hōgyoku enters, i will fuse with it so i can become a second soul king!" At the end, Aizen started to appear more solemn in his words

"Mmm... Okay, so to archive your goal, are you ready to trample on anything?"

"Exactly, i will dispose of anyone trying to stop me, be it shinigamis, hollows, or even humans"

"Thats some determination you have there buddy"

"Now, are you going to stop me so i wont kill more innocents? To stop me from being the enemy of the world?" Aizen asks

"Nah, i dont care much about your goals or the path to them, im just a curious person, thats why i wanted to talk with you, maybe later i will talk with Yamamoto... although his ideas are very old fashioned, like an old man who cant addapt to the times"

"And old man... ha... thats funny, its the first time i heard someone disrespect the camptain commander like that, i hope you dont kill him, as that would mean that i will need to change my plans" He says with a... smile? Woah, he can smile while being in villain mode

"Sure, im not going to change the future i know, i just want to talk to some people" After that, i continued to talk with Aizen about various topics, like his view on the world, hollows, shinigamis, etc

Considering his future and past actions, he is a rather neutral person, in fact, depending on the moral of people, he could also be a good person, trying to expose the lies of the noble clans

Well... he also said many extreme things, like disposing of the entire noble clans, destroying the royal guard... etc, your average goverment change

A few hours pass and Aizen is less guarded about me, as i told him that im just a spectator watching history being made, so i think he got relieved that i wont help his enemies or something like that... also me being basically omnipotent also worked in making him like that, because... 'Why resist if he can just kill me with a thought' or something like that

"Look at the time, i think its time to go, i enjoyed this time, i hope i can see the world you want to make" I express my intent to leave, not before leaving a final comment

"also, before leaving i will give you a piece of advice, dont underestimate your enemies only because you have that hypnosis power as i know you are feeling rather smug with it"

"... i will keep that in mind, but im always a cautious person"

'Bullshit, you would have used it on Ichigo at your first meeting if you were that cautious' While refuting him in my mind, i dissapear from the room, leaving only Aizen in there

After my leave, Aizen gaze around and contact the random shinigami G

'I can feel the energy outside, also, i could contact that shinigami' Aizen thinks while waiting for said shinigami to come

no more than a second after his call, shinigami G appears

"Yes lieutenant Sōsuke? is something wrong with that guy? ... where is he?" Shinigami G gaze at the empty table with confusion

"He already left, i had a great chat with him" Resuming his act, Aizen gives Shinigami G a gentle smile

"a great chat? but i just brought him here" Shinigami G is confused

That answer made Aizen eyebrow to twitch a little while thinking of something

"Could you please tell me when you brought him here? I mean... how long ago it was" Aizen asks

"Ummm... Lieutenant Sōsuke are you alright? i left the room 2 seconds ago"

Aizen: ...

'So he controled time outside this room while speaking with me? was it in the whole soul society or was it only in this building? If it was the first then it would be something very terrifying' Aizen thinks while seriously thinking about his chat with Rob

'Do not understimate... if he can control time to this extend, and considering his last words, then it means that he can see the future... Does his warning means that i failed because i was too arrogant?' Aizen, overviewing his past actions, began to see many places where he was found but his hypnosis made it work

'Its seems that i need to plan more carefully and not rely only on the hypnosis' While thinking so, he signal the shinigami to leave, leaving him alone in the room

Now, a less arrogant Aizen has been born, will it change the future or is he going to lose again?


After teleporting out of Aizen room, i appear in the sky above a district outside the shinigami academy

While gazing below, i can see Ainz and Tanya working to gain money

I put a weird face while looking at them as they are... doing an honest job working as clerks in a shop

'i tought they would go the path of a hitman or something more violent' While thinking of that, i dissapear

Next target: The always grumpy Byakuya... or not, he is the happy Byakuya right now, as his wife to be is still alive... lets change target

'There is no kenpachi either... fuck, i think ill just wait a few years while traveling around' After thinking of that, i teleport to a clear field and summon a cart with a horse tied on it

Jumping in, i put a samurai straw hat (Kasa) that puts a shadow on my face when facing the sun

Leading the cart i start my exploring journey

will Aizen change his destiny? well see on the next chapter of dragon ba-

Btw, if u have any question or suggestions, we can chat on my discord! ... which i dont know how to put as link doesnt work... just copy the code


Granaxcreators' thoughts