
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Beyond the Dark

After surviving the apocalypse and defeating the Eldritch Terrors, Sabrina Spellman and her friends thought they could finally relax and enjoy a normal life. But their peace is short-lived when Sabrina discovers a new threat looming over the coven. The Dark Council, a powerful group of witches who rule over the supernatural world, has been secretly plotting to overthrow the Church of Night and seize control of all witches and warlocks. As Sabrina and her friends navigate the treacherous political landscape of the coven, they uncover long-buried secrets and conspiracies that threaten to tear them apart. Sabrina must confront her own dark heritage and make a pact with the devil in order to save her loved ones and prevent the Dark Council from unleashing chaos and destruction upon the mortal world. With the help of her loyal friends and family, Sabrina delves deeper into the unseen world of witches, uncovering ancient rituals and powerful spells that could turn the tide of the war in their favor. But as tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Sabrina must choose between her duty to the coven and her loyalty to her mortal friends, all while navigating her own complicated love life. In the end, Sabrina and her friends must face their greatest challenge yet: a final confrontation with the Dark Council that will determine the fate of the coven and the mortal world. Can Sabrina and her friends rise above their differences and defeat the forces of darkness once and for all, or will the coven be torn apart by their own internal conflicts and destroyed by their enemies?

Marconegrao7 · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 3 : The Dark Council

The next day, Sabrina woke up feeling refreshed and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. She thanked the survivors for their hospitality and set out on her journey once again.

As she walked, Sabrina couldn't help but think about the dark forces that had caused the apocalypse. She knew that there was something sinister behind it all, and she was determined to find out what it was.

Sabrina walked for days, until she finally stumbled upon a group of witches. They were gathered in a circle, deep in conversation.

As Sabrina approached them, one of the witches turned to her and said, "What do you want, mortal?"

"My name is Sabrina," she said, trying to sound confident. "I'm looking for answers. I want to know what caused the apocalypse."

The witches looked at each other, then one of them stepped forward.

"We are the Dark Council," the witch said. "We are the ones who control the dark forces that caused the apocalypse."

Sabrina felt a chill run down her spine. She had heard of the Dark Council before, but she never thought she would come face to face with them.

"Why did you do this?" Sabrina asked, her voice shaking.

"We did it to cleanse the world," the witch said, her eyes glinting. "To rid it of all impurities."

Sabrina couldn't believe what she was hearing. The witches had caused the deaths of millions of innocent people, all in the name of "cleansing the world."

"You can't just kill innocent people like that," Sabrina said, her voice rising. "You have to be stopped."

The witches laughed, and Sabrina felt a surge of anger rise within her.

"You're just a mortal," the witch said. "What can you do against us?"

Sabrina took a deep breath, and then she did something she never thought she could do. She summoned her witch powers, her eyes glowing a bright shade of red.

"I may be a mortal, but I'm also a witch," Sabrina said, her voice ringing with authority. "And I won't let you get away with this."

The witches were taken aback by Sabrina's display of power. They looked at each other, then one of them stepped forward.

"Very well," she said. "We will spare you for now, but if you get in our way again, we will destroy you."

Sabrina watched as the witches disappeared into thin air, leaving her alone in the empty field.

As she walked away, Sabrina knew that she had just come face to face with evil, and that she had to do everything in her power to stop it. She also knew that she had just discovered a new power within herself, a power that she could use to fight for what was right.

The road ahead was long and uncertain, but Sabrina felt a renewed sense of purpose. She knew that she had to keep moving forward, no matter what obstacles lay ahead. For the sake of her loved ones, and for the sake of the world, she would not give up.