
Childhood friends: who says we can’t date?

“Do you know how long we have known each other for?” Su Jin asked the man standing opposite her. “16 years, 3 months, 3 hours....” Yu Ren paused before glancing down at his watch, “45 minutes and 23 seconds.” Su Jin has long been used to his precision and didn’t even blink at his answer. “Precisely! 16 years, 3 months, 3 hours and whatever minutes...!” “46 minutes and 13 seconds now.” Yu Ren interrupted her. “Gah! My point is, since we have known each other for so long! We definitely do not suit each other!” Su Jin practically roared, annoyed at getting cut off. “But it is because we have known each other for so long that we should date.” Yu Ren answered with his usual non expression. “Why do you even want to date me? What do you like about me?” Su Jin asked. “I like everything about you.” Yu Ren replied with a ‘isn’t that obvious’ look on his face. Su Jin palm practically itched when she saw it. ‘Must not slap him. Must Endure!’ “Everything? What do you even know about me?!” Su Jin was so frustrated that she wanted to throw something at his face. “You are 24 years old, your height is 163 cm and your weight is 52 kg. You think you are fat but I don’t agree with you. You love the color blue and....”Yu Ren started answering mechanically, repeating everything he knew about her. Su Jin was so confused and just listened to him droning on and on. Until he said, “.....and your cup size is...” That was when she woke up and ran towards him. ‘Stop! Stop! Shut up before I kill you Yu Ren!’ This is a short story about a man pursuing his childhood friend.

Imagine163 · Urban
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

He is sick

"Huh....?" Su Jin opened her eyes wide at what he said.

"Yes. Date." Yu Ren repeated what he said.

Su Jin stood stock still and wondered what's this about. Suddenly, understanding dawned and she replied calmly.

"Date? It's March 23rd today."

"I know. It is the 23rd of March year 20xx today. Right now it is currently 8 pm...."

"So you know." Su Jin stopped him. She knew if she didn't, he would tell her the exact minute and second as well.

"Yes I know the date. Can we date now?" Yu Ren replied calmly. He knows that Su Jin can be a little slow sometimes and that he shouldn't rush her.

"When you say date...." Su Jin trailed off.

"Dating before getting married and having children." Yu Ren gave more details to help Su Jin process the information.

"Marr—-Marriage?!" Su Jin yelled out, shocked.

"Yes and children." Yu Ren furrowed his brows slightly but soon relaxed them. She should understand now.

"Hold on! Just hold on ok!" Su Jin waved her hands about as if to stop his words by doing so.

"You want to date me? Like the kind where men and women go out together and get to know each other?" Su Jin asked just to make sure. She knew he was bizarre and it was better to get a confirmation than to misunderstand him.

"Yes. Date, Get married and have children." Yu Ren nodded empathetically.

"But....but we are friends!" Su Jin yelled.

"Yes. That's why we must date first." Yu Ren nodded, failing to see the problem here. 'Isn't she being slower than usual today?'

"Yu Ren! We are friends, we can't date!" Su Jin said.

"Why?" Yu Ren asked calmly.

"Because.....because.....because I say so!" Su Jin yelled out.

"You are being unreasonable. Didn't Mom say to think before you speak?" Yu Ren frowned slightly before reprimanding her.

Yu Ren is referring to her mom here. He's been calling her mom as mom since he was 10 years old.

"That's my mom! Of course I know! And I'm not being unreasonable. We are friends so we can't date." Su Jin argued back.

"Is it stated in the law? Is it morally wrong?"

"No. But we still can't date. Do you know what dating is? Do you know why people even date?" Su Jin asked back hotly.

They have known each other for over 16 years, and she has never once seen him date anyone. She doubts he know about anything outside his work.

"Yes. To get married and have children." Yu Ren replied. He knows that it is in human's nature to procreate after all.

"It is because they like each other!" Su Jin put her hand on her waist, exasperated with his answer.

"That..." Before Yu Ren can say anything further, he suddenly clutched his stomach. He was sweating profusely and he twitched his eyebrows slightly.

"Hey what is wrong with you?!" Su Jin exclaimed and ran over to his side from behind the counter.

"Nothing. I like you so we can date right?" Yu Ren continued the topic while clutching his stomach.

"Hey is this the time for that?! Can you even move?" Su Jin asked hurriedly.

"Su Jin...date..." Yu Ren said but stopped as the pain in his stomach intensify.

"Stop speaking! We'll talk later. Let's go to the hospital." Su Jin hurriedly took her car keys and helped him out of the shop.

Yu Ren cooperated and closed his eyes as he leaned against the car seat.

At the hospital, the doctor informed them that Yu Ren's got a slight problem related to gastric. He has to stay in the hospital for a few days.

'Sure enough! He was talking nonsense cause he is sick!' Su Jin thought and nodded understandingly.