
childhood's first love

When he was three years old, he moved to her neighborhood. The first time he visited her house as a guest, she disliked him and said with a milky voice: "Why do you look like a bitch?" When she was six years old, She is a first-year bully, and he is her little brother. He is forced to run errands to buy snacks, carry her home, cover up when she sleeps, copy homework after school, pass notes for exams... Incarnate as the younger brother of Tianluo, always on call. Who knew that one day, she was suddenly suppressed by him. "Ehhh...?" Su was so stunned, she said:"the courage is fat, believe it or not I'll beat you? !" Ye Yao gnashed his teeth and stared at her: "Why do you think I've been lowly and small all these years?" "How will i know about this" Su Hao said. "oh,you really don't know" he said with a grin. when she was about to say something he sealed her lips with his. Su Hao felt current in her body.

Jasbir · Urban
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chpater 27


However, at this moment, a girl's voice came from behind.

Everyone turned to look.

The little fat man stopped in a conditioned reflex, turned around stiffly, and saw the devil who made him have nightmares.

"Su...you..." The little fat man was so frightened that his legs went weak, and he quickly ran behind the little boy.

"Old...boss...she...she...the devil..." The little boy gave him a slap in disgust: "Look at your cowardly appearance, a woman will scare you like this!"

Little Fatty I want to cry but have no tears, boss, you don't know how powerful this girl is, we can't beat her when she is crazy...

Su looked at the little fat man huddled behind the little boy, squinted his eyes, suddenly recognized him, and said: "Again It's you little fat man, you haven't been beaten enough by me, are you!" The little fat man was so scared that his pants were almost wet, and he hurriedly shrank behind the little boy.

Unable to push him away, the little boy kicked him in disgust, turned to Su and said, "Hey, who are you, get out of here, it's none of your business here.

" Solve it together!"

"Otherwise we will teach you a lesson!"

Several boys pointed at her and said.

Su Hao gave them a cold look: "Let go of him, and I won't move ." The group of little boys looked at each other, and then laughed.

"Are you kidding me hahahaha..."

"I tell you, our fists don't have eyes!"

"Go away, don't delay our business!"

The group of little boys obviously didn't take Su seriously, they waved their hands and continued to turn around to deal with Ye Yao.

They picked up a stone and threw it at Ye Yao.

"Hey, give the protection fee, can you hear me!"

Ye Yao was hit on the forehead, he groaned and lay on the ground.

Su Haohao's eyes widened, and immediately said loudly, "Stop! My husband is mine alone, and you are not allowed to bully him!"

No one cared about her...

The little fat man was still worried, but he saw that the boss and his brothers were not afraid So he was full of confidence, and the fox fake tiger prestige provoked her with a ghost face: "Small, and the ability to bring us-"

with a "bang", the little fat man was knocked to the ground and covered Howling and screaming.

The remaining boys were all startled, and just turned their heads, they were thrown to the ground one by one.

In just a moment, those arrogant little boys were lying on the ground, wailing.

Su put away her fists well, glanced at the little boys on the ground, then walked up to one of the boys, lowered her head and pulled down his mask, and said with a sullen face, "I warn you, if you don't eat a toast, you don't eat a fine drink. , I dare you to collect protection fees in the future, I see you hitting you once!" The little boy looked like an angel, but his big black eyes stared at her hard, and his face was full of unyielding expressions.

Su Hao raised his small fist: "Did you hear it!"

"yes, I heard it." The little boy's face turned from blue to white, and he said unwillingly.

Su Hao stood up, looked around, and said, "Did you hear it!"

"I heard it!" Seeing that the boss was subdued, the other little boys hurriedly responded.

"Little Fatty, did you hear me!"

"I...I'm not called Little Fatty, my name is Yang Xinghao..." Little Fatty replied with a sad face.

"Do you think you're thin?" Su glared at him, and the little fat man quickly buried himself on the ground and stopped making a sound.