
childhood's first love

When he was three years old, he moved to her neighborhood. The first time he visited her house as a guest, she disliked him and said with a milky voice: "Why do you look like a bitch?" When she was six years old, She is a first-year bully, and he is her little brother. He is forced to run errands to buy snacks, carry her home, cover up when she sleeps, copy homework after school, pass notes for exams... Incarnate as the younger brother of Tianluo, always on call. Who knew that one day, she was suddenly suppressed by him. "Ehhh...?" Su was so stunned, she said:"the courage is fat, believe it or not I'll beat you? !" Ye Yao gnashed his teeth and stared at her: "Why do you think I've been lowly and small all these years?" "How will i know about this" Su Hao said. "oh,you really don't know" he said with a grin. when she was about to say something he sealed her lips with his. Su Hao felt current in her body.

Jasbir · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 24

"Ye Yao, do you want to be my son-in-law?" Jiang Wanyue stared at him closely.

they woudn't be separated...

Ye Yao thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Great!" Jiang Wanyue was so excited that she quickly instilled in the two: "Okay, from now on, you will be called Ye Yao's husband. Now, Ye Yao, you have to call su hao a little wife, you know?"


Su Hao frowned in disgust: "Mom, you can't you call me a little wife, I'm three years old this year, call me old!"


Her silly daughter.

The corner of Jiang Wanyue's mouth twitched, and she shook her finger solemnly: "No, okay, if you want to be our son-in-law, you have to call it that."

"...Okay." Su Hao reluctantly accepted.

Jiang Wanyue looked at Ye Yao again, smiling softly like water: "Ye Yao, you should call her 'wife'."

Ye Yao turned to look at Su Haohao, pursed his lower lip, and said, "Wife."

"Husband! "Su blinked his eyes well and replied.

"Yes, that's it." Jiang Wanyue almost laughed happily, tried her best to control her emotions, and continued: "Ye Yao, when you have a wife, you can't only have fun with other girls, you can't play with other girls, you know. Do you?"

"I know Auntie." Ye Yao nodded obediently.

Hao Hao and Ye Yao didn't know at this time, they were only three years old and they were fooled by Jiang Wanyue to make a marriage and a lifelong decision.

A week later.

Ye Yao was recommended by the teachers of the calligraphy class of the Children's Palace to participate in the National Children's Calligraphy and Painting Competition. Ye Yao performed steadily and won unanimous praise from the judges and the audience with his agile "Shang Shan Ruo Shui", and finally won the prize with a good score of 6 points.and won the championship.

After receiving the award and leaving the stage, the little girl sitting under the stage ran over from a distance.

She is wearing a lady's pleated skirt, her long hair is slightly curled, a small leather satchel is slumped on her chest, and her pink face is very cute .


husband? !

Drew almost stumbled after hearing this, and hurriedly looked at Ye Yao who looked as usual: "Young, young master...how could Su Hao call you 'husband'?"

"Aunt Jiang asked her to." Ye Yao replied coldly.

"Uh, do you agree with that young master?"


Ye Yao nodded, and walked towards su hao with the trophy in his arms, his fair and soft face finally showed a child's naive smile.

Drew looked at the back of his young master with complicated eyes. He really didn't know whether to be happy or unhappy...

"Husband, you are really amazing..."

Su said enviously, taking a good look at the golden trophy in his arms.

This trophy is bigger than her martial arts trophy...

"Thank you." Ye Yao's cheeks were a little red, and he said happily.

"Come here, the first, second, and third people come to take pictures!" A staff member shouted not far away.

Ye Yao glanced back, then said to her, "Okay, let's go take pictures."

"Okay." Su Hao nodded with a smile.

At the same time as the classes in the Children's Palace, the kindergarten classes are also going on as usual.

With her super good communication skills, Su Hao got acquainted with a large group of children and lived a very happy life every day.

But Ye Yao still had a cold and quiet appearance. Whether in the Children's Palace or in the kindergarten, he only talked to Su, making those nymphos envy and jealous.

present day.

Su Hao went to the toilet and came back when she suddenly heard a little girl crying around the corner.

After a pause, Su Hao turned his head, hesitated for half a second, and walked over.