
childhood's first love

When he was three years old, he moved to her neighborhood. The first time he visited her house as a guest, she disliked him and said with a milky voice: "Why do you look like a bitch?" When she was six years old, She is a first-year bully, and he is her little brother. He is forced to run errands to buy snacks, carry her home, cover up when she sleeps, copy homework after school, pass notes for exams... Incarnate as the younger brother of Tianluo, always on call. Who knew that one day, she was suddenly suppressed by him. "Ehhh...?" Su was so stunned, she said:"the courage is fat, believe it or not I'll beat you? !" Ye Yao gnashed his teeth and stared at her: "Why do you think I've been lowly and small all these years?" "How will i know about this" Su Hao said. "oh,you really don't know" he said with a grin. when she was about to say something he sealed her lips with his. Su Hao felt current in her body.

Jasbir · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 20

On the way back.

Su Hao walk with a schoolbag on her back, holding one hand with haha.

Ye Yao looked at the cheerful haha ​​whose tail was wagging in front of his, and then looked at Su Hao Hao, who was humming a children's song next to her. The two ponytails were turbulent as she walked, with a faint smile on her little face.

"do you have more friends?" he couldn't help asking.

"Huh?" Su took a good look at his dark and beautiful eyes, and then nodded: "Yes, before I moved here, I met a lot of younger brothers in my hometown, and there is no one who doesn't know me."

"… ..."

At this moment, Haha suddenly turned around and ran over, his two short legs hugged Ye Yao's legs and kept playing with his tail.

Ye Yao frowned and took a few steps back, but did not break free.

I don't know why this dog loves to hug his legs so much, but he is still so strong that he can't break free.

"Hahahaha..." Su Hao Hao couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Yao asked anxiously and inexplicably looking at her.

Su Hao Hao smiled and said, "Ye Yao, haha, I want to conquer you and be your boss."


Ye Yao's face was a little red, and he said fiercely to the dog on the ground: "Go away, or else I hit you!"

Haha Ugly wooed him a few times, as if fighting back.

No matter how intimidating Ye Yao was, it didn't work, so he looked at Su Haohao for help.

Su Hao laughed enough, stepped forward and handed him the rope: "Come on, you hold it."

Ye Yao glanced at her and held the rope.

"Haha, let's go."

Su shouted, and then ran forward.

Haha, as soon as he saw Su hao, he ran away, and he immediately ignored the "conquest", so he turned around and chased after him.

"Ah." Ye Yao was pulled and ran away.

Two children and a dog disappeared in the distance, smiling happily their sound gradually faded away.

In front of Ye Yao's house.

The two children and the dog were panting from exhaustion.

"Wait...Wait...I'll give you something to eat..."

Su Hao put down her schoolbag, opened the zipper and took out the food for him.

Jujube sesame cake, glutinous rice cake with shredded coconut, cloud cake, glutinous rice date, pea yellow...


Su closed the zipper of her back, put on hher schoolbag, waved to Ye Yao and said "see you another day", then held haha and gone.

"Little master."

Drew ran to open the door and saw Ye Yao was holding a lot of food in both hands, his cheeks were red, and the hair on his forehead was a little wet, as if he had just run by, and hurriedly took it.

"Little young master, are these... are these for you?"

Ye Yao looked away, nodded, handed the things to him, and walked towards the room.

Drew looked at the pile of unnamed Chinese dim sum, and remembered that the young master was holding the dim sum in both hands just now. The originally indifferent little face looked even more beautiful with a smile, adding a little love, and a pair of eyes seemed to be shining with light. .

It was completely different from him who was usually not interested in anything.

the young master laugh?

Drew was stunned, and suddenly turned his head to look at the empty door.

In the days that followed, Grandpa Shen still didn't like Ye Yao very much. He felt that his agreement with Su Hao Hao was known to outsiders, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Ye Yao seemed to be able to sense that, every time he came, he whispered "Hello, Grandpa Shen", and then took the initiative to go to the side not to disturb them.

"Ha! Roar!"

Not far away, Su Hao Hao was practicing boxing with Grandpa Shen, Ye Yao retracted his gaze, squatted on the ground alone, and scratched something with his small hands on the ground.

"Have you practiced calligraphy?" A voice sounded above his head.

Ye Yao raised his head and saw that Grandpa Shen was standing beside him at some point, and Su Haohao was also beside him.