
childhood's first love

When he was three years old, he moved to her neighborhood. The first time he visited her house as a guest, she disliked him and said with a milky voice: "Why do you look like a bitch?" When she was six years old, She is a first-year bully, and he is her little brother. He is forced to run errands to buy snacks, carry her home, cover up when she sleeps, copy homework after school, pass notes for exams... Incarnate as the younger brother of Tianluo, always on call. Who knew that one day, she was suddenly suppressed by him. "Ehhh...?" Su was so stunned, she said:"the courage is fat, believe it or not I'll beat you? !" Ye Yao gnashed his teeth and stared at her: "Why do you think I've been lowly and small all these years?" "How will i know about this" Su Hao said. "oh,you really don't know" he said with a grin. when she was about to say something he sealed her lips with his. Su Hao felt current in her body.

Jasbir · Urban
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32 Chs

Chapter 09

Su Hao Hao, who has always been active in dancing, suddenly stopped, and those little nymphos in the class felt that something was wrong.

"Why is Su Haohao not in good spirits recently?"

"Never mind her, as long as she don't pester my Prince Night."

"You all watch it, I'll call my brother."


"We know. "

Liang Xinxin finished arranging the people, and then ran out of the classroom.


The teacher came over and urged everyone to take a nap.

Ye Yao glanced at Su Hao Hao, who was still lying on the table and couldn't afford it, put his things in the box and locked it, then stood up and left.

Instead of going directly to the apartment, he went to the bathroom first.

After coming out, he was suddenly blocked by several people.

"Big brother, he is the Prince of Night in our class." Liang Xinxin pointed at Ye Yao and said to a fat boy with a big head and a head next to her.

"You're the man who rejected my sister?" The chubby boy raised his eyebrows fiercely and asked.

"Xinxin, why do you like this kind of boy? He looks prettier than girls and doesn't seem to have any strength." The thinner boy next to him was a little embarrassed. If he hadn't known in advance that he was a boy, he would have not come here.

Even he himself was almost fascinated by him.

Liang Xinxin stomped her foot and shouted, "You don't care what I like, in short, you can let him be my boyfriend!

" She is the darling of the family, so the two older brothers are naturally obedient to her.


in the girls' dormitory.

"My legs hurt so much, and I can't sleep because I'm hungry, so I pretend to be asleep and wait for the lunch. " Su Hao said in mind.

teacher Cha left, after a while, she opened her eyes and got up from the bed.

The children around were sleeping, the dark curtains were drawn, and it was very quiet.

Su Hao Hao got out of bed quietly, put on her shoes, and slipped out.

Downstairs of the apartment is a large lawn and greenery, which is much larger than that in the hostel. The fresh air is mixed with a faint fragrance of flowers.

Su spread her hands well and walked along the path, humming in her mouth.

"The dark sky is low, and the bright stars follow... Worms fly, worms fly, who are you missing... The stars in the sky cry... The roses on the ground wither, the cold wind blows, the cold wind blows... You are Thinking..."

Suddenly, a boy's roar came from out of nowhere.

"Listen, kid, you must be with my sister!"

"Brother, don't be so rude to him." The little girl's squeamish voice sounded.

"Okay, sister, listen to you... Hey, as long as you promise to be with my sister, I'll let you go..."

Su Hao Hao stopped, turned her head around following the sound, and then fixed her eyes on the distant bathroom.

In the bathroom, the fat boy and the thin boy pushed Ye Yao to the corner together, threatening.

Ye Yao had his back against the corner of the wall, biting his lower lip tightly, his obsidian-like eyes full of unyielding.

The two little boys looked at each other, rolled up their sleeves and stepped forward.

"Stop!" A young voice came from behind.

The two little boys were startled, turned their heads and saw a sweet and lovely girl standing at the door, but her face was full of anger.

"What are you doing, let him go!" Su Hao looked at Ye Yao who was pushed to the ground by several people, and said coldly in a tender voice.

Ye Yao raised his head, his dark eyes saw her, and his eyes flickered.