
Ch 8 vol 1

Chapter 8 Hijikata Isami

Hijikata Isami was the type of Quasi-Spirit whose memories had disappeared beautifully. Generally speaking, girls are more or less concerned about this.

How in the world did she arrive here? Most Quasi-Spirits wanted to know this. This was true even for girls who sought their existence through battle. It was the same for those desiring candy like Sheri and those seeking books like Takeshita Ayame.

The things sought would differ from person to person, but that was the only line connecting between the far side to the other side.

Hijikata Isami did not seek such a difficult goal.

After reaching this neighboring world, she discovered that she could survive in this world by killing others.

And so, she killed. That was all.

There was no need for eating, sleeping, dressing, or even entertainment.

Because there was no need, it became better to swing a sword. Although training was troublesome, Isami continued to cut and kill before suddenly stopping.

──Oh. Could it be said that she had some sort of issue?

As it turns, there was no one who would speak affectionately towards herself. Acquaintances should keep fading away.

Since she was the one killing, it ought to be like this.

I want a friend. No, I don't want that. I don't want to think like that. It was only a matter of time

before that relationship would be torn apart.

It was a little bit lonely. Not being able to do anything but killing, it was a little miserable.

...But still. She could not suppress her excitement, her accelerating heartbeat, when facing

other strong Quasi-Spirits.

And so, Hijikata Isami liked Takeshita Ayame. Despite knowing being hated by the other party, it was still a feeling of fondness. And most of all, rather than now, she hoped to kill each other at the very end.

There were Quasi-Spirits just as strong as her.

There certainly were Quasi Spirits even stronger than her.

However, as the only girl constantly fighting against, it couldn't be helped that she was an


Therefore, Isami felt relieved when asking for a joint effort. "Alright, let's have me and you finish off those guys together!" "Ara? Does that mean dragging in that pitiful girl Empty as well?"

Ayame raised her eyebrow. Somehow her judgement on that matter seemed relatively sensible── or at least Isami thought so. While undoubtedly looking callous and harsh at a first

glance, underneath that mask there was a cluster of tender and good-nature consciousness. Isami thought she was different from herself, a ronin who would swing a sword underhandedly.

"That's right. Cause that chap is an enemy."

Isami calmly said so. Truly the distinction between the enemy and them was drawn too fast. There was no room for sympathy, only the desire the cut down enemies when seen.

That was Isami's approach, her method for survival.

So even now, Isami would kill Ayame if given the opportunity. She was already an enemy; merely it was only that now was not the chance to kill.

However, these useless conversations exchanged on the battlefield were the greatest salvation for Ayame in this all too merciless world.

Honestly, this can be said to be the reason she has survived up until now, making it possible for the Sephira Crystal to accumulate even more power.

Quasi-Spirits cannot live without dreams. If so, Ayame's dream was──to someday not have an Unsigned Angel and leisurely converse with Isami underneath the sunshine. That was all.

Isami would surely laugh if she heard this.

Before killing, before being killed, Ayame hoped...to be at least able to convey that.

(...Well, even after deciding to kill, I broke down.)

Even though she desired that, she also still didn't want herself to die, how utterly foolish.

However, Isami repeated this matter again and again.

"If anything, I want to kill each other at the very, very end!"

"Yes, yes...I also hope for that as well. There are things I want to enjoy until the very end."

Isami widely opened her eyes. Ayame felt it was a little strange.

"Hey, let's go. To the shopping mall to play with both of them."

"Yeah! Un...let's go. Whether it's a Spirit or Quasi-Spirit, it doesn't matter. There's no

difference in withered lives. Be careful──<Yinbentabei>."

After entering the shopping mall, a strange scene was unfolding in front of them. There was a clerk. However, the clerk was just like a mannequin. There was a face, but no eyes and nose, only the faint outline of a mouth and no holes in the ears to listen to.

Was this a mannequin, or could it be── "It's a mannequin, that thing." "Welcome, what do you need to serve you?"

"Hello, I want clothes. Are there any recommendations? I am completely covered in pure white, it feels a bit too dirt free, or that is to say a bit too simple and naïve. I hope to be able to change into clothes that give people a more refreshing feeling──"

"Welcome, what do you need to serve you?" "...Is that all you can say?" With faintly moistened eyes, Empty turned to look at Kurumi. Kurumi placed her hand towards her lips while giggling gracefully.

"Well, why don't you continue this merry one-man play a little more?" "I'm not performing!"

Empty entered the eye-catching store with her shoulders twitching in annoyance. (Hey, which one do you think looks good?)

(Isn't anything fine enough?)

(Don't say that, I want you to help find clothes that suit me!)

...The faint buzzing in her ears caused Kurumi to scowl. From the recovery of things that

should have been long abandoned, Kurumi's head suffered from an exceedingly sore headache. "Sorry, Kurumi-san. Do you think that this suits me?"

From Empty suddenly darting out while dressed in underwear, Kurumi was involuntarily taken aback in surprise.

From her innocent smile, Kurumi felt a faint degree of irritation and guilt. But at the same time, she unexpectedly did not want to deny the heart intertwined with that smile.

"...Ah...anything is fine...isn't that right?"

"I'm troubled when you say that...since I can't recall any memories, I don't know which one is suitable for me."

Agilely taking a glance to compare Empty's undergarments, Kurumi smiled with ill intentions written on her face.

"Isn't there something good right there? Something quite childish suits you." "D-did you said something you shouldn't have!? Wait a little bit longer!"

After Empty chose a really mature underwear to change in the fitting room, she vigorously yanked open the curtain.

Well, how about now, Kurumi-sa...nyaan!?"

Kurumi had already undressed with the magnificent figure of her underwear peeping out.

"Now, what were you saying?"

From top to bottom, with black as the main tone, the underwear had the most minuscule amount of fabric possible. Although it was black, the side straps of the panties had many see-through parts. It was at the level of barely being naked at the last moment.

Bewitching was one way to describe it. It was not a color that high schooler would wear by mistake nor was it underwear that a high schooler should wear at all. Including the transparent part, the entire bottom section was almost completely visible in the light.

Speaking of which, Empty thought that being entirely naked was not as

erotic as this. To think, she had publically changed clothes in the store without using the fitting room. Anyway, the last thing that Empty had thought of, in any case, could not be said.

"Um, can I say something?"

As Empty raised her hand, Kurumi, while still in her underwear, crossed her arms together and nodded. That unruly attitude did not change even when in her underwear.

"Yes, please feel free to."

"Obviously, there's no one else watching, but what do you mean with that super-obscene style of


If this kind of thing was seen by an adolescent boy, he would transform into a hungry wolf on the spot. Probably, it was also very lethal to girls as well.

"Underwear is a weapon for a woman. As a lady, how can I not wear this level of underwear?" "I really think that ladies wouldn't wear that kind of underwear...no, forget it."

Despite not knowing why, there was a tremendous sense of personal defeat.

"My victory."

With a refreshed look, Kurumi said so. ◇

"──Activating. First, second, and third shot preparation. Loading. Determining measurement.

<Crotos >."

On a drafty structure in the shopping mall, a single Quasi-Spirit began to drop down.

The target was on the second floor of the ladies' fashion shop, the girl Empty who was leisurely changing clothes and Tokisaki Kurumi.

The other Quasi-Spirit carefully took aim.

Needless to say, her goal was the same as the Quasi-Spirit falling down. From the very beginning,

they couldn't display mutual assists to support each other.

Since that was the case, the pair decided to attack Kurumi at the same time.

If either one could kill her, that was fine.

Their combat power was doubled. In addition, since both sides agreed to not kill each other yet, there were further improvements to their strength.

Of course, the four other remaining Quasi-Spirits──Sheri, Tonami, Tsuan, and False may intervene. In particular, Sheri and Tonami would be prepared to plunder the spoils without any hesitation. However, if they were afraid to come out due to that risk, they wouldn't have survived up until this point.

"A person's life is short; a brief life suddenly blooms and fades. It is a life to live without


With a smile, the girl prepared to set up her Unsigned Angel.

After the fashion store, there wasn't much more shopping. Rather, it was better to say that Kurumi and Empty were making a game of wandering around the shopping mall. Empty had enthusiastically called out to Kurumi to enter a store, but Kurumi had ignored each request every time.

"Really, what is the matter, Kurumi-san?" "I did not come here to play." "Eh, then what did you come here to do?"

Kurumi held the old-fashioned pistol in her hands while looking at the sky.

"It's to wait for an ambush."

Originally, the reason Kurumi had come to this shopping mall was to fight. Yesterday's investigation had shown that of the remaining 6 Quasi-Spirits, two of them had formed two-man groups.

Moreover, it could be said with certainty that neither Tsuan nor False would ever partner up with anyone.

Kurumi was aware. She had thoroughly investigated it. Yesterday, it had already exceeded 13 times that these ten people have fought against each other. Why were these Quasi-Spirits participating, what their spirit genus was, what their stance on this situation was, and how they were planning the challenge this conflict.

Tokisaki Kurumi was weak. No, of course it was impossible for her to be weak. From the perspective of being a Spirit, a line was already drawn between the Quasi-Spirits. However, she was still weak.

Only one short gun could be obtained. That ability could only be used sparingly, including the First Bullet <Aleph>. Above all, it was impossible to exercise more than that.

It was hard to say that the Spirit Dress of God's Authority no. 3 <Elohim> was perfect. Contrary to what one might expect from its stylish appearance, it was difficult to say how long it could withstand the fierce attacks coming from the Quasi-Spirits.

However, that was the source of her method of survival. She survived through enduring, investigation, determining a target, and then driving that opponent completely into a desperate corner.

It was coming, Kurumi's intuition had whispered to herself.

The shopping mall was a spacious structure. Therefore, if commencing a surprise attack, now was the perfect opportunity as the two were about to walk outside.

It wasn't like those girls to miss such an opportunity.

As she looked at the Quasi-Spirit falling down, there was no look of surprise on her face. As expected, everything was as planned.

Yes, as expected, what had fallen down was── "<Crotos>──<Spira>!" "Welcome, Takeshita Ayame-san. I would like to praise you for not attacking while a lady is changing clothes."

As Takeshita Ayame dropped down, Kurumi smiled while pointing the pistol with her fingers already hanging over the trigger.

The intersection lasted just for a moment.

Even though stunned at being seen through, Ayame fired her arrow. The arrow was just like a rifle bullet, going forward perfectly straight in a spiral motion. At the cost of sacrificing speed, the arrow had the destructive capability of penetrating an Astral Dress──

Kurumi avoid it by slightly bending her body.


Other arrows can increase speed by boasting them with reiryoku, but since <Spira>'s increased

power depended on its rotations, increasing more speed would yield errors in accuracy. No

matter how much speed increased, it made no sense if a hit couldn't be


However, Ayame's role of pinning that girl to a single location had already been accomplished. While putting on the brakes mid-air, Ayame continued firing one arrow after another. "Kiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!"

It was that girl (Empty) who let out a sorrowful scream while fleeing in disarray.

On the other hand, Kurumi did not run away as she threw a clothing rack from the ladies' shop

towards Ayame.

Countless clothes danced in the air. Ayame's field of vision was obscured. A single gunshot rang.

It seemed the other side hasn't established a target; the bullet didn't even sweep past her.

However, the sound of gunfire gave away her standing position.

No problem, within effective attacking range...! "Isami, now!"

Ayame shouted. Immediately, afterwards, accompanied by a slamming roar, Isami leaped from the fifth floor and landed on the ground.


It was an innocent monster-like roar. An extraordinary onslaught struck the surrounding region. There was no such thing as a special ability for Hijikata Isami's Unsigned Angel. It was a pure mass of reckless slashing. Merely, cutting, cutting, cutting, until the very end, a fury of slashes where neither defense nor escape was permitted.

Not matter what sort of Spirit; no one could remain unscathed from this.

"──Eh, there's no one here!?" "Huh...!?

Ayame froze upon hearing Isami's voice. Thinking back just before her thoughts got scrambled,

she remembered the gunshot.

Yes, she seemed to be──able to gain strength by shooting at herself!

"Ayame, where!?"

"Looking for, now──"

Ayame suddenly looked up. This time, with her arms widely stretched out, Tokisaki Kurumi was falling towards them.


After shouting, she quickly noticed that was wrong. What was falling was merely just a mannequin dressed like Tokisaki Kurumi.

Seeing that was wrong, she wanted to scream that out──Ayame had noticed. But Isami responded to her voice and looked up to the sky. However, the problem was not only there.


From Isami's shadow, a girl crawled out. There were two main ways of defeating Isami's

slashing boundary.

One way was to attack the boundary with enough destructive power from a distance where her boundary could not reach.

The second way was to not let her attack in the first place.

"To give you a piece of advice...you two should have put more emphasis on the meaning of working together."

No matter how much you know each other, no matter how much you are deeply attached to each

other from the bottom of one's heart.

The act of launching a coordinate attack was a separate matter. It was only though countless, exercises, negotiations, and failures could that power be enhanced.

It was not unusual for 1 + 1 to become negative.


Isami turned to look back to slice at what came out of the shadow. However, there was an indescribable grief within her expression.

She wouldn't make it in time, was it by instinct or was it──

A gunshot shredded apart her thoughts.

Unable to escape, a blow to the Sephira Crystal. The radiance of life within that girl's eyes was

taken away in the blink of an eye.

"Isa, mi!"

──However. Isami continue clung onto to Kurumi. "Shoot...Shoooooooot!"

There was no hesitation. With the greatest concentration within her life, Ayame's promise

inevitably gave way to her greatest single attack.


At that moment, a phenomenon occurred that even Kurumi could not predict.

The ground shook, Empty screamed (although this was the case every time), Isami and Kurumi's

faces both changed complexion.

"Neighboring world composition (Compiler)...at such a time!"

In the neighboring world, Spirits have already disappeared. However, even so, the Spirit's majesty was still unceasingly spread here. Occasionally, even when in a distant world, they continue to have a great influence over the Neighboring world.

It is unclear when and how this effect will occur. The scale that would change is also unpredictable.

...According to one theory, the effect would occur when a Spirit's mood is greatly shaken, but

that was not certain.

The earth was torn apart.

Black pillars soared up, ravaging this world. From those pillars, countless needle–like thorns began to grow.

Apparently, this current transformation seemed to have been brought by a mood turning sour.

"Ah!? No, wait..."

The floor that was about to collapse was now tilted obliquely as Empty was sliding down without any leverage.

The destination, which used to be a staircase, was now nothing else than a black pillar protruding outward.


Empty's scream. She and Kurumi exchanged gazes──Kurumi was clung onto by Isami and

couldn't move. Even so, Empty reflexively stretched out her hand.

The woken thoughts spoke out.

"It was impossible to be saved."

Empty had known, she had always known. Since she was a very weak creature, she couldn't help

but reach out.


It was hard to believe.

It was impossible for Kurumi to reach her hand. A faint trembling of the eyes. As Empty was falling to the hole of death, she thought that was enough.

How comfortably easy it was to sway the heart. As long as she, reached out towards me──

Falling down.

It was similar to when she was born just a while ago, Empty thought so.

Soon afterwards, the impact will come; it was a great enough height to at least die. If she landed on her head, she would die more easily. She considered that as she closed her eyelids. While waiting for the shock that would come soon, the worst scenario would be to continue living while half- dead. The painful experience afterwards would likely be very difficult.

Soon the impact will arrive, it was impossible to prepare for what was going to happen. She

couldn't help but cry. The shockwaves would soon come, she guess that this was it.


No matter how long, the impact hadn't come yet. She trembled in fear as she opened her closed


Then, just at the moment of opening her eyes, Empty finally tasted the super-level impact.

"No way...!"

Kurumi understood that Empty would not die from a fall from that extent. At best there will be a little pain or shock. However, those thorns were quite bad.

Those thorns are said to be the heart of a Spirit itself. There were a lot of

Quasi-Spirits that were swallowed and never returned. It was the same regardless of whether formed from positive or negative emotions──. Looking down at the bottom, Empty's figure couldn't be seen as expected.

Isami was already dead. On the other hand, Ayame had not recovered yet. Even so, because her instincts as a warrior, she had already nocked her arrow.

However, Kurumi's short gun was slightly faster.

The sound of gunfire resounded.

Ayame's Sephira Crystal was shot through. "Ku, u──"

The serious collapse had begun. In addition, blazing flames rained down incessantly from the sky as a souvenir.

"...As expected, the timing is too bad." Kurumi's eyes firmly captured the second attacker. Sheri Musika, along with Tonami Furue.

"With cute faces, two young ladies who can't be taken lightly. ...I have no choice but to escape."

This was not a battle that can be won. Tokisaki Kurumi's power was versatile with extensive uses. Even in the present situation where only two abilities can be used, it was possible to see the optimistic prospect of this being manageable.

However, Kurumi understood that this was a gamble.

No matter how convinced of not suffering defeat, there were no absolutes in battle.

The battle in the shopping mall was because Kurumi expected to win. Takeshita Ayame would start a surprise attack. She would work together with her rival Hijikata Isami.

Relying on Ayame's signal from perhaps above or below, Isami would rush towards her without


A slashing boundary that could be called absolute. In order to escape that, there was no choice but to accelerate with the First Bullet <Aleph> to escape over a long distance.

In the battle with Nogi Aiai, their eyes should have noticed her using a bullet.

Therefore, she took her gaze off Isami to peek into the surrounding situation. Then, she kicked away a planned in advance mannequin that was

dressed like herself, using it as a decoy.

All for that brief moment, in order to completely deceive the other party. And in order to conceal another power in the end.

Tokisaki Kurumi decided to withdrawal.

...Could Empty be able to return in the end? There were few Quasi- Spirits that could escape capture from those thorns.

It was a pity to lose her, Kurumi thought so. Although it was extremely of self-interest, there must be a limit to self-deception──.

Forget it. What should be considered right now was something else. It was almost time for "her"

to appear.

Even with the power of a Spirit, she didn't know if she could beat her in the end.

No, she had to win. Anyhow. If not──she would forever be unable to be saved.


The Sephira Crystal had been broken; Ayame understood that this was defeat. Remorse, despair, all sorts of frightened emotions escalated──but all she could do was shed tears.

The day would come where they wouldn't have to fight and be free to talk to each other without concern. She only had those faint hopes.

Why did she throw that dream away?

"...Next time, I hope it's at least not a relationship of fighting each other."

Whispering such words, she closed her eyes.

"──That dream, it's for you to grant."

She shouldn't have made such a frivolous wish, Ayame regretted that at the very end of her last



Opening my eyes, what appeared in front of the field of vision was a school classroom. However, the appearance was different from the classroom visited yesterday. The school building was somewhat old and felt more

familiar than the classroom from yesterday. However, there was just one problem.

The classroom was basically half-destroyed. All of the desks were damaged or knocked down and there were no chairs left functioning as chairs.

It was strangely sad, Empty thought──while frightened.

This hand was not her own hand. Rather than the sleeves of her white dress covering her hand, there was something resembling a hand guard instead. Not only that, the hand was moving on its own initiative.

Like within her dream, the hand was moving without permission. Someone (me) was moving.

There was a door open to the classroom. Although it was not out of her own will, her gaze reflexively shifted there.

It was like a strong collision against the skull or a sharp blade striking the heart. In that manner, the painful shockwaves traversed through her body.

In front of me was a boy perhaps of the same age. With blush black hair, a slender body, and a gaze that was difficult to conceal the fear that was permeating.

Something inside me was carelessly released. The door and the rear window glass were blown

away, as the boy's face was stained with blood.


A loud screech, a hysterical struggle, it didn't matter if this was a dream or not.

But, it was hopeless for him. What happened was absolutely hopeless for him.

Fortunately, the previous attack had just passed through the side of the boy's body. It only

caused minor injuries on the face. Even so, it felt as painful as my heart being carved out.


From the mouth, those words rushed out. No, not just that. I am not myself, but rather borrowing

someone else's body──Empty was convinced of that.

As for the reason why, it was because this voice was completely different from my own. Although physique and chest size have not changed much, the voice and fingers were different. Clothing was also different. And above all, there was the feeling of not being myself.

...The boy did not try to escape.

It was impossible not to be afraid. If looked closely, both legs were trembling. The waist was also a little bit jittery. Both eyes had a timid hue. She could kill him as easily as picking up a flower, the boy likely also understood this well.

However, he did not run.

No, it wasn't a timid look, but rather a look of determination. This was not something like a man's resolve.

In order to protect something even more precious than himself, he would not retreat here.

A worthless conversation had begun. The boy gave his name. Strangely, that name couldn't be

heard. However, she thought that it was not likely important. As important as he may be, a name was only an accessory.

As a girl without a name, Empty thought so for some reason.

"I...to talk to you...came here." "I want to talk to you." "I──won't reject you."

Each word permeated just like a shower of rain, piercing through her just like a bullet. Was the one crying herself or this host? Even that was undistinguishable.

I wanted to talk. Thinking deep down, I wanted to talk with that boy, just like her. Rather than wanting to burn, my heart felt like ignited like a raging flame. However, this was a flame that would never disappear without a trace.

As soon as she realized that, it was not a jest to say that she felt possessed by a murderous intent towards her.

Why was it not herself, why was she chosen?


And so, she at last surpassed Empty.

The girl, who also was without a name, was given the name Tohka. She

was attached to this new name.

What a simple reason. If you forgotten your own name, it was unassuming enough to have someone else give you a new one.

It's just, that was it.

She accepted that name. A great name, which she spoke of proudly. Hazy. Blurry.

Reaching out, even if she stretched and stretched, it wouldn't reach that boy. It would never

reach. It felt just like that.

No. I don't want this. It's still not enough, I want to talk, I want to see his smile again, not her, I──"

Screaming. Howling. The tears continued to overflow. Recognizing. Even without any memories, I would never forget it, how can I ever forget it.

Like or blazing fire burning, like contaminated water diffusing outward, or possibly the gloomy sentiments of a shadow lurking in an alleyway, Empty filled herself.

To herself who should have been nothing, a single guide point was born. On that day, she fell in love with this boy────────once again.

Opening her eyes, it was like waking up from a dream. The black pillar had already disappeared. Apparently, it was a temporary object that would soon withdraw after some time had passed.

Empty was laying down on the first floor of the shopping mall, with her limbs all stretched out in shape of a 大 character.

There was no pain.

She stood up by supporting herself with her left hand. Speaking of which the left hand should have already disappeared, while thinking of such a thing Empty repeatedly closed and open the palm of her hand. Although there was still uneasiness about the future, there were already intense aspirations burning within her chest. There was a strong conviction that her left hand would never disappear again.

She felt she understood the reason why everyone had a dream. It was love rather than a dream,

but it didn't change the matter that she hoped to live on for that purpose.

The neighboring world was very beautiful. So beautiful, a Quasi-Spirit with dreams could dance here forever as if in paradise.

If an eternal girl could weave a dream forever──how beautiful could it be?

Conversely, looking at the other world how was it in comparison? There was no such thing as eternity, only the ugly struggle of the human world.

Likely, this world here is much better. To be more convenient, a method to live without fighting should also exist.

However, there was no such person here. Because he was not a Quasi- Spirit in the neighboring world; but rather, he was a person living a life as a human being.

Empty fell in love with a person from the other world.

I want to see each other; I want to talk after meeting. If only through looking, those words would never be said. I want to hug; I want to be by each other's side. I want to smell, to look into each other's eyes. I want to hold each other's hand, hear each other's voice──.

"...To take a small taste, that would be out of the question." The feeling was unbearable.

Anyway, what should be done to meet him? Empty kept considering that matter.

The color of the world felt like they had become richer. Despite not knowing where to go, the final destination was already decided upon.

This was Empty's dream.

...Now. This girl, with dreams of love almost switched into sleep mode, suddenly snapped back to reality.

"──My apologizes. Can you be a hostage for a while?"

I really became a hostage. Ahaha.

Two hours after the battle in the shopping mall, Tokisaki Kurumi's message was transmitted via doll.

"Taking Empty as a hostage?" "Exactly."

"Well, I understand. The location is──oh, where? Oh, so that is it. Please act on my behalf; I'll head over there at 7:00 PM if possible."

"Isn't it already after school hours?"

"To let the other party have a hostage there, a useful overseer who would already turn a blind eye

to a little matter like this."

"...I hope not to add too much trouble."

While watching the departing doll, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help but softly laugh.

"What is this about talking about her as a hostage? They've really thought of something interesting."

──After laughing for a while, an icy cold hatred covered Kurumi's heart.

Hostage or whatever, it was really amusing. Was she that important to me?

...In a sense, that was correct. She truly was a cherished existence. Even if she must be prepared to abandon her consciousness at the key moment...

Then, when was this critical moment? At that time, it couldn't be that the reason she reached out was due to her having unwillingness to part.

Her thoughts ran stagnant.

She vowed not to look back, but the superfluous past had come crawling out. No, not yet. Don't let her heart thaw and be hindered by worthless

emotions. Until that goal was achieved, she would remain ruthless. Prideful arrogance, fearless courage, scorning everything with that laughter as such was the worthy presence for this smile.

...Anyhow, her being made hostage strategy was born.

Reflecting it over, turning strategies on their head, it was all for eventually reaching that

woman's side to defeat that enemy.

Was struggling here something to be accumulated?

Yes, truly Tokisaki Kurumi would never have to struggle. With this graceful power, she would bewitchingly strike down her opponents.

Three hours left.

Tokisaki Kurumi continued to think so.