
Ch 7 vol 1

Chapter 7 Doll Master

After leaving home, the doll stood there. The one on the left was red, while the one of the right was wearing a Gothic Lolita costume with a principle blue axis. Looking at their hands they were holding a violin and flute, which they ought to have no problems preforming.

"Hello" "Hello"

They both spoke in high-pitched voices.

"Yes, hello", said Empty as she replied back politely.

"What is it?"

On the contrary, Kurumi replied back in a dissatisfied mood. However, the doll continued to speak without changing its expression.

"In yesterday's battle, Nogi Aiai was killed by Tokisaki Kurumi, Ibusuki Pannier by Sheri

Musika, and Sagakure Yui was killed by Tsuan."

Despite already knowing it would happen, a pain in her heart would still be felt each time hearing the word "killed". Ibusuki Pannier was the young girl who held that doll. Sagakure Yui...certainly she remembered her as the ninja-like girl who was the first one to head out.

"A medal for fighting bravely" "Please by all means, please by all means" "...No need."

Kurumi kicked it away in irritation, which Empty judged from her voice and facial expression. In just one day, Empty was starting to grasp Kurumi's complicated emotional performance to the point of being a little bit scared of herself.

"Is that so" "That's regretful"

"The true power of a Spirit, let us thoroughly examine it today" "It would be our honor"

A monotone high-pitched voice──Empty couldn't help but feel something barely audible burst out.

"...Un, the preliminary skirmishes have already finished." "You'll be certainly targeted today." "Please be prepared." "Yes."

For a moment, Kurumi's eyes looked to be full of benevolence. But then she noticed the short

gun in her hands.

"What is this?" "That gun."

"A Spirit is quite fickle. Next time, please make a doll that won't bother me a little, Dominion- san."

The dolls suddenly jumped back, but it was already too late. While describing the cause of death for those two, it ought to be no more than approaching to close to a calamity.

At the very least, if it were a sound-only creature, it should be able to escape death. The two dolls shattered in quick succession, transforming into an ugly corpse.

"Uh, I saw something disgusting this early in the morning..."

When all is said and done, the doll was just a puppet. Even after being broken, there would be no flesh and blood.

However, it was definitely not pleasant to see something with a human shape being crushed.

"Say, did that make you angry?"

"This is not an issue of whether this makes me angry or not. I am a Spirit."

"Alright, let's go." Kurumi said as she took a step forward. Namu, namu, after pressing her hands together in prayer for the broken doll, Empty hurried to chase after her.

It was a leisurely walk to the shopping mall.

There were no attacks. Although Empty was worried about being caught in a fight and killed, she was more concerned about her left arm.

Fortunately, it was not painful. However, there was a ridiculous strange sense of loss from just disappearing and reappearing a while ago──but she could only endure.

"Is there anything Kurumi-san wants to buy at the shopping mall?" "Nothing in particular at all, I have no interest in fashion."

"Ha, what a pity, you look so beautiful."

After Empty said that, Kurumi rolled her eyes up──and then cheerfully laughed from the bottom of her heart.

"Yes, yes, that's right. I am a beautiful girl."

As Kurumi finished speaking, she covered up the corners of her mouth.

...Well, it looked like she was in a good mood.

Empty made the utmost effort to move as positively as possible as the shopping mall was finally within sight.

The shopping mall, which was covered in pink and white mosaic tiles, was shaped just like a mysterious castle from a fairy tale.

Going to that castle, anyone could use magic. Any girl could become a Cinderella princess. She felt that the castle was beckoning to her.

"Castle...? To me, I can only see a tombstone."

"I-If you say it like that, it may end up looking like that. Can you not give such a sinister association to the place we are going to!?"

Certainly it did also look like a grave. A huge tomb fit for a king. If so, would they be grave robbers?

Kurumi smiled as she spoke.

"The tenth region (Malkuth) was originally in the possession of a Spirit. So, all of us are illegal intruders here."

"Ah, right. If you are a Spirit, do you know any other Spirits?"

Kurumi stiffened for a little, but after a while she slowly turned her head to the side.

"Regretfully. I don't know any other Spirits." "Eh..."

It was the Spirits who formed this neighboring world. Tokisaki Kurumi was among one of them. To be able to create whatever world desirable, what sort of feeling would that be?

Empty imagined a girl who would create an empty city within an empty world.

Fearful of the great power of the Spirits, no one would dare to invade this world. This was a so- called awe-inspiring sanctuary, a town bathed in white light.

"It's very lonely."

Empty quietly muttered to herself.