
Ch 5 vol 1

Chapter 5 Sheri Musika

"Bu──rn. Bu──rn. Fla──mes──bu──rn──!"

Contrary to that relaxed voice, the surroundings were wrapped in hellfire. The Unsigned Angel in Sheri Musika's hands <Sekhmet> focused the sunlight. At her fingertips, the buildings were mangled while at the same time burning.

"Waaaaaah! Waaaaaaah! Enough already ahhhhhhhhh!"

It was Ibusuki Panie who was running while crying. Her Unsigned Angel <Talos> was "melted" by Sheri with little effort. Even her Astral Dress had received 8% damage, as she had no choice but to jump while fleeing in disarray.

Panie, who had just issued the challenge confidently, was now distorting her face with dread. Honestly, despite being in bad taste, for Sheri it resembled a cheerful comical skit.

"So──rry! It's──over!"

Upon hearing that, Panie's face was stained in despair as she was driven into a corner. "S-sorry! No, please help...!"


The blow from <Sekhmet> merciless struck Panie. At the moment she cried out, Panie's entire

body was under the illumination of the focused sunlight, leaving behind not even a grain of ash.

"The end."

Clap, clap, she patted her hands against each other. The next moment, accompanied by an extreme murderous intent, the sound of the wind being cleaved in half was heard.


However, Sheri Musika was a veteran fighter. From the very beginning, she knew that there was someone with a composed look aiming for her.

The wall of fire was easily splintered, splitting it apart. Although more than half had melted away, it still cut through as the sharped edge approached Sheri.

"Don't look down on me!"

Sheri barely intercepted the blade with her Unsigned Angel <Sekhmet>.

The tremors that came from her internal organs scattered a nauseous feeling through her skin. Indeed, that blow made her realize she was on the brink of death.

"Tonami...Furue!" "Yes, hello."

Far away, the girl who threw the chakram ring gave off a bashful smile.

"As relentless as ever─!"

"Haha, who is the one that is merciless? Burning away an opponent as she was begging for her


Her mouth was laughing, but Tonami's eyes looked incomparably cruel. Of course, that is to say it couldn't be helped as there weren't any rules preventing matters like this.

"You usually wouldn't do this. That being said, you just want the Sephira Crystal." "Yes, it's just like that."

Extracted Sephira Crystals, although it will take some time, can still be absorbed as nutrients.

Sheri, as well as Tonami, had lived in this manner, devouring other Quasi- Spirits and walking away victorious up until now.

"You better stop doing it that way. It appears that Ibusuki Panie's Sephira Crystal is going to cause indigestion."

"Did you know that Quasi-Spirit just now?"

While gossiping with each other, they made sure to probe without lowering their respective guards. Although there was the mutual desire for acquiring more information, they could never expose their weaknesses to each other.

Alternatively, even if displaying a flaw, it could be an unconscious flaw or even more an invitation put on display on purpose─.

While going around in circles trying to outthink each other, they continued to chatter nonstop.

"Recently, I feel that child was somewhat famous. Well, it was same for me as well." "Were you seriously famous?"

"Of course it was like that!"

Sheri smiled.

Having missing memories of the other world, that point was common knowledge among the Quasi-Spirits.

Even so, there were people like Sheri who remembered vaguely. On the off chance of someone getting lost in the neighboring world with a book on their person, it started the impetus of remembering all sorts of things.

As said during her self-introduction, Sheri used to have a younger brother and sister. The number of siblings couldn't be recalled, not due to a lack of love, it was simply due to being part of the numerous things she couldn't recall. Judging from her bad behavior, she likely lived in a city in the other world that allowed for such things to happen after being exploited. Naturally, her brothers and sisters are not in this world.

She used to have a starving younger sister who died. There were some that died in infancy whose genders are now unclear. There were no parents, or at least there was the likely feeling of that lack of presence. Even if they were there, it was probably nothing to remember.

Sheri thought of this world as if it was heaven. Or was it actually heaven? It was the first time eating so many sweet cakes.

It was also the first time sleeping on such a soft bed.

No matter how much she ate, there was no tooth decay. Even if she wasn't full, she wouldn't be

hungry. She felt neither cold nor hot. Always, life was fun all the time.

Thus, she continued to kill, since by killing she could live in this gentle world.

That is why, Ibusuki Panie, who had the same scent as her, was an opponent that she wanted to crush first.

Capable of using cowardly methods that were unimaginable, adopting whatever tactics for murder, because they were similar existences she was unpredictable. So, she had decided to crush her first.

But the problem here now was Tonami Furue.

She also had the same scent as her as well──and she was a few steps

better than Ibusuki Panie. In the current situation, it was impossible to land a surprise attack and it was unclear if she could win in face to face confrontation. Even if she did manage to win, she definitely wouldn't have enough power to challenge the next battle.

Being devoured by hyenas was an unwelcomed end. Besides, more importantly that girl was also here.

"Hey, Tonami-san, let's team up?" "Team up, I don't think so." "Really? You saw it as well, that self-proclaimed Spirit over there.


Tonami fell silent. That's right, the ultimate and worst irregular in this game.

"Look, isn't it said that Spirits have created this world in a sense? In short, aren't they the source

of the power that we are desperately trying to control? Have you ever imagined how powerful

that would be?" "...I have."

Sheri was a fifth-Spirit type and a user of flames. Even against an opponent of the same type, she

was confident that she wouldn't lose.

But, if against an embodiment of flames itself, how could she win?

"If that is the case. If the Spirits are actually participating in this mutual killing (date), then we'll all be effortlessly killed without leaving behind any fragments."

"I suppose so. The third Spirit type.....is shadow. Since third Spirit types are rare, I've only fought them two or three times."

First type (light), fourth type (ice), fifth type (fire), eight type (wind), ninth type (sound), and tenth type (substance) ──occupied more than 80% of all Quasi Spirits. The second (information), sixth (sealing), seventh (transformation) types occupied the rest. The third Spirit type──a person capable of manipulating shadows was exceedingly rare and below 1%.

"There must be something besides shadows, but even that is not enough to judge her strength."

Tonami had poor fighting experience against the third Spirit type. And furthermore, the issue lied with most of the third Spirit type being weak

without exception. What needed to be done, what to do now, even that was not clearly understood.

"Both of us, so in order to get rid of those two, let's join forces." "Two? ...Ahh, so you're including Empty-san as well?"

"Yes. I'm wondering if that child also has something, or at least that's what I'm thinking."

"I don't think it is anything. That child is probably a trap (fake). I'm sure that it would be cautious to crush her now, but I also don't want to be caught in an unexpected trap."

"Oh, that's hard to understand. So, what shall we do?"

"...Let's work together. So the immediate goal is Tokisaki Kurumi?" "The goal is one more person. Only that one is just a simple threat."

Sheri smiled while looking at the direction where a huge explosion had occurred. Tonami's

expression changed either due to fear or hatred.

"Biscuit Smasher..."

"That's fine after all. That halberd, I have only seen it once." "What are its weak points?"

Faced with Tonami's question, Sheri laughed as if being caught. "Her weakness, let's start looking for it now."