
Ch 4 vol 1

Chapter 4 Takashita Ayame

The friction of a pitched shrill resounded in that space as Takashita Ayame's arrow bounced off Hijikata Isami's Japanese sword. However, even then Ayame's figure remained invisible.

"Hiding and moving around as sneakily as ever, Ayame!"

Isami howled in enjoyment. From an unknown location, Ayame's voiced responded back. "That is my tactic. Please leave it alone."

"No. It's a good thing to fight with all your strength, so I don't care at all!" "...How truly straightforward."


Without responding to that cry of doubt, Ayame fired further arrows. The three arrows curved, shooting, driving, changing trajectory towards Isami.

"Ahahahaha! It's really fun to fight against you!"

"Is that so? I'm not having fun at all, hurry up and die already." "How cold!"

No matter how the trajectory changed, the aim of the attacking arrows she sniped remained constant. At the moment of entering the reiryokuken, the breakdown of perception and interception occurred simultaneously.

"Compared to that──!" "What."

"──Easily won, that self-proclaimed Spirit!" "Yes. Very strong."

While fighting, the two of them at the same time began to unknowingly converse ideal gossip with each other. Likely this was because the two had fought hundreds of times in serious

attempts to kill each other, but even then this was not the reason why the outcome had not been settled yet.

The state of struggle for each other's deaths and the ease, at which senseless gossip can be enjoyed, both existed between the two parties. The two sides did not feel anything strange about this matter.

"Her ability is unknown that is it!"

"But there are a couple of things I've noticed. With long distance guns,

even at close range relying on a gun would improve combat ability."

"To be able to deal with both far and near distance! Amazing!"

"For me, it's an annoying opponent. Although this is also the case for you as well."

"What, it'll be fine for both me and Ayame! I am strong, Ayame is also strong! Confronted by a

person with the luxury of both far and near distance, we won't lose!" "..." "What's wrong?"

"Ah, um. Sure enough, I hate you." "Why is it like that──"

Firing an arrow that was brimming with passion──and receiving that passion comfortably.

Hijikata Isami wished for this moment to last forever. The battle was harsh, painful, exceedingly painful, with victory only bringing a peace of mind, but.

Fighting against her was always enjoyable no matter the injury. It feels like she's been having so much fun that she's been postponing settling this matter all this time.

She knew that Ayame hated her. Surely, the reason was that her playful attitude would never be compatible with her rigid demeanor.

Isami thought it was a bit lonely. However, she also didn't want to lie.

But. Still──

Ah, she wished for this pleasurable time to continue forever and ever. While embracing this hope that she could not tell others, Isami roared.


...Ah, it's too irritating, Takashita Ayame thought as she clicked her tongue.

The appearance of Isami, which was seen across 10 windows and 3 buildings, was something akin to a dot. But for Ayame, that dot was more than enough to adequately establish a target.

After hundreds of battles, she had finally gotten to this distance. The feeling of distance between them.

An antimony where friendship deepen through mutual attempts at killing each other. The stimulus was as indulging as slowly sinking into lukewarm


However, this was already over.

Today, they had come to settle this here and now in order to rise to greater heights. That was the pledge she made to Isami. Wanting to become even stronger, they had mutually relied on each other. For that purpose, both parties were fighting without fear.

To be honest, she couldn't deny feeling a sense of regret within herself.

(I wonder if I had ever met her while I was in the other world.)

A friend, a rival, or otherwise just an acquaintance she would say hello to. Thinking of herself in such a foolish matter, it was quite annoying.

Takashita Ayame also did not know about her past. However, with the slight memories she had left and conversations with other Quasi-Spirits, she began to understand her own existence accordingly.

Perhaps she was a high school girl living in Japan in the other world. She didn't know how she

got lost here. Or maybe, she was invited here by someone.

However, those things did not matter now. With no lingering attachments to the past, she lived day by day with all her might.

Did she go astray in this neighboring world, or was she here from the very beginning.

Ayame was always, always craving, longing for that. No matter how focused she was when firing, whenever the arrow landed, she was unable to suppress this strange excitement.

It could even be said that she was alive for this purpose.

But on the other hand, painstakingly reading a book acquired from the other world also had an unspeakable sense of satisfaction.

She especially liked books that depicted love. No matter how clumsily written, for herself who had abandoned the feeling of love, it was a very charming matter.

To fall in love with someone, to be in love with someone, what sort of mood is needed in the end? Someday she wanted to understand that.

But, when speaking of the things done for that goal, it was just killing and fighting.

Fighting, killing, and aiming for higher places...she had always been surviving like that up until now. As a Quasi-Spirit who had been fighting for a long time, the memories of instant chance encounters were engraved onto her mind.

Ah, that is to say...she recalled some people wearing the same clothes as herself. However, their faces were faintly hazy to the point where she could not remember them.

And then, there was only one person around her. Hijikata Isami.

But that was also coming to an end. Since this battle won't stop until someone is killed. So, this

time there will certainly be one person who will die.

...Excessive thinking leads to stagnation.

She did not want to feel such stagnation when fighting her. Purely, there was only joy in confronting Hijikata Isami.

──What is this? A maiden in love?

Not listening to the calm whispers, she casted away her enthusiasm.

She released the arrow. Firing again and again, bouncing back again and again, each time it

pointed out each other's inadequacies.

Thanks to this, when facing Quasi-Spirits outside of Hijikata Isami, an arrow easily landing its target would seem not too perplexing. It could be felt that when two people are pursuing strength, the Sephira Crystals of the two would shine even brighter.

Gradually becoming absorbed in this, the result was choosing these repeated battles.

How much power could she have if she became the Dominion? What would the world look like under those eyes?

Takashita Ayame wanted to know.

Desiring that knowledge, she released the arrow.

There was only one concealed motive; the existence of a partner to share this delight. Yes, for example like Hijikata Isami.

──How stupid.

Ayame closed the lid of that idea. She shouldn't rely on that unrealistic

hope anymore, now they

simply had to kill each other. She would pierce an arrow through Isami's chest.

If not, it was absolutely impossible.

With all the power in her body, she fired her favorite arrow, at last destroying Isami's stronghold. "What.....!?"

So far in front of Hijikata Isami, Ayame had been consciously sealing herself for the moment where she could fire with all her strength.

Someday, when killing her──she would release this arrow at a speed before Isami could even respond.

Someday, she would realize that this arrow could not be dealt with.


Ayame released further arrows. At a speed with a greater magnitude than so far, Isami and her

reiryokuken couldn't keep up, causing her Astral Dress to tear apart.

Sneer and deride it as cowardice, slander and criticize her. Today Takashita Ayame, for this day, for this moment, unleased everything that she had──!

"Ahahahahaha! Amazing, Ayame is the best after all! How can I lose to you!" Hearing Isami's loud voice, Ayame felt somewhat relieved. "...Well, I thought you would call me out on my cowardice."

Right now, she asked herself whether or not her heart could be described as feeling very pleasant.

While thinking of such a thing, Ayame let out a small smile──

"Right, like I thought! This match between us, can we slightly postpone it!?" "What?"

Ayame immediately froze.