
cherry blossom in the winter snow( update on a indefinite hiatus )


Ariel_Espino_jr · Realistic
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12 Chs

chapter 8 shopping part 3

<p>while entering the market chi pulls out a list of ingredients for the mochi ice cream and chili garlic shrimp " ok mei go to the section to grab a pound of regular shrimps" chi said "ok " mei replied and walked away to get the shrimps "fang go get tomato paste and ketchup" chi said as soon as mei left "and yin get some chilli garlic sauce and some sugar then I'll get the rest of the ingredients needed for the mochi" chi quickly added "ammm ok " fang and yin said.<br/><br/><br/>(chi's pov) "huh I wonder were the powdered sugar and glutinous rice flour is"(end of pov)<br/><br/>1 hour later <br/><br/>(chi's pov ) "... WE'RE ARE THE POWDERED SUGAR AND GLUTINOUS RICE FLOUR I FOUND THE ICE CREAM BUT I CAN'T THE POWDERED SUGAR AND GLUTINOUS RICE FLOUR....ITS BEEN AN HOUR"(END OF POV)<br/><br/>"ammm sir do you know we're the powdered sugar and glutinous rice flour are..?" chi asked a worker "ah yes follow me" the worker said, chi then followed the worker, "were here" the worker said " thank you so much" chi replied " no problem" the worker said.<br/><br/><br/>(chi's pov )" finally I found the four and sugar"<br/><br/>10 minutes later <br/><br/>after paying for the ingredients chi meet up with the yin and the other's<br/>"sorry did I keep you guys waiting for a long time" chi asked " not really we kind all finished at the same time " yin replied "that's a relief then" chi said " lets get home then" mei said "yeah" everyone replied<br/><br/>for more updates pls follow me here:<br/>https://instagram.com/baiming041?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=</p>