
cherry blossom in the winter snow( update on a indefinite hiatus )


Ariel_Espino_jr · Realistic
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12 Chs

chapter 7 (shopping) part 2

<p>(Sunday 9:45)<br/>(yin's pov)<br/>I think I may have arrived to early (end of pov)<br/><br/>1hour later<br/>ring!!!<br/>ring!!!<br/>ring!!!<br/><br/>"hello" yin said "hi" mei replied "where you guys?" yin asked "oh where already at the mall " mei replied "well I'm in front of the of the store meet me there " yin said "ok will meet you there " mei replied "ok I'll hang up then" yin said "ok bye" mei said <br/><br/>be...eb<br/>10 minutes later <br/><br/>as yin was sitting in a chair in front of the store he hears mei's voice calling out his name "YIN!!!!!" after he hears the mei's voice he sees a girl waving at him "is that mei?" yin thought to himself,as the girl got closer he realizes it was mei so he then stands up and walk towards mei, he notices fang and chi behind mei, "hi" fang said "hello" yin replied "shall we go and get the ingredients" chi asked "yeah sure" everyone replied.<br/><br/><br/>for more updates pls follow me here:<br/>https://instagram.com/baiming041?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=</p>