
Chat group of gods:Traveling through mythologies(Paused for eternity)

( This is Not a Fanfiction! Also try to read over 15 chapters then decide if you want to continue or not. Finally, I am a newbie writer so if you don't like it, then don't read it. ) Have you ever thought about what would happen if you somehow joined the group chat of Gods? Raghav was born in India and now living in the U.S. somehow joined a group chat where several other people joined - [ Dharma king has joined the group.] [ Thunder Child eater has joined the group.] [ Born from a headache has joined the group.] [ 7 times immortal has joined the group.] Dharma king: "Interesting, I didn't know humans have developed so far that they can send me a smartphone in Yamlok." Thunder child eater: "Why is my name this? I don't like this. How can I change it?" Born from a headache: " I agree with you, Child eater, I also don't like my name very much." The child eater: "Hey!! Don't call me that!." 7 times immortal: "Which God made this group? @Raghav you are the Admin, can you tell me something? Dharma king: "Oh! That's an Indian name, are you also a fellow sanatan God, @Raghav? A/n I don't own the story cover, all its right belongs to the artist, contact me if you want it to be removed.

Arch_Tysonoo · Fantasy
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31 Chs

CH - 22 Meeting of the Demons

--Raghav's P.O.V.---

It's been three hours since the failed invasion of Asmel. There are several things that I got to know about things that are happening here.

First of all, Some high-ranking demons like Asmodeus waged a war against Lucifer to gain full control of Hell. Lucifer holds the most power in hell so if he dies, Asmodeus will have no problem conquering Hell.

The second thing I got to know was that Asmel attacked without the commands of Asmodeus. He tried to defeat Lucifer with a puny 4 legion army and that led to his defeat.

Lucifer is strong. So strong that he could easily kill at least 50 legions with a single movement of his hand and Asmel was only a High-rank Commander. I was confused about the ranking and so I got to know the third thing.

The ranking system was based on not just personal strength but also influence. There are several different levels that one can climb but the true rulers of Hell never change as they are so overpowered that no demon dares to challenge them.

The rankings based on strength are as follows

• Lesser Demon

• Demon

• High Demon

• Demon commander

• Arch Demon

• Ancient demon

Once the demon gains enough strength, it can gain more influence. Gaining enough influence they obtain a certain territory to rule which depends on their ranks and the acknowledgment of the 'higher ups'. Getting into the ranks of rulers, they get a boost in their powers and get stronger.

The rankings are as follows

• Presidents

• Counts

• Marquises

• Prince

• Dukes

• Kings

Though even if someone becomes a 'King' ranked demon, they don't get full control over Hell. The only True ruler of Hell is Lucifer, who had absolute strength. Asmodeus blinded by his greed started a rebellion with a few other high-ranking demons.

(I Know Asmodeus symbolizes lust but greed is something natural for him.)

Now fourth and the most important question was, how in the bloody hell Asmodeus was alive? In the legends, Gabriel killed Asmodeus. The answer to that is human lust.

Asmodeus symbolizes lust and humans are becoming more and more lustful as time goes by. Asmodeus was received with more power by the very lust and rest you know.

There are a total of 22 Dukes in Hell and 13 of them support Lucifer and the rest are with Asmodeus.

Currently, I am in a private room. This room is quite big and compared to what I imagined, it is good. This room had a king-sized bed, a few creepy paintings such as a flying skull, Demons eating human flesh, and a naked succubus...well not that one at least.

I am thinking of things that I can do while I am in the Demon World. The thing I want the most is the ability to summon these demons. That'll be awesome!

Raghav - "Hey System, how can I gain the ability to summon demons?"

[ Host can buy the skill book 'summoning' or 'necromancy' to get that ability.

Hosts can also get sigils of high-ranked demons to summon them. ]

Raghav - "Sigil hmm I don't remember any design of sigils...how can I obtain them?"

[ The demon will give its sigil when it likes you or you defeated it. These are the two normal options but you can also buy sigils from the store.

It is suggested that Host should not buy the sigils and should obtain them as when you gain the sigil personally, the power of it will be stronger. ]

Raghav - "Power? What role does that play?"

[ It means that the time for summoning will be increased. Sigils bought from the store can only summon the respected demon for 10 minutes after that the demon will return to their world.

But the sigils obtained from the demon themselves is stronger than the one in store. So, the time limit for that will be as long as you want. ]

Raghav - "I thought that will depend on my magic power.....man so much work to do."

[ Mission - So much work to do

Objective - Collect Sigils of all the high-ranked demons.

Progress - 0/72

Reward - ???

PENALTY - The host will never be able to summon any creature. ]


---3rd person P.O.V.---

Raghav heard a knock on the door and so he moved left his bed and opened the door. The person standing behind the door was a maid, standing in a disciplinary manner. This maid had blue skin and two small horns on each side of her face. Two eyes that had blue irises and a good-looking face. She wore the European maid outfit that enhanced her beauty even more.

Maid - "Sir, Lord Lucifer, and lord Paimon are calling for you."

Raghav - "Alrighty! Let's go and meet them!"

And so Raghav again went to the throne room. Inside the room, he saw several different people either sitting or standing at their places. Lucifer was on his throne and in front of him was two rows of 4 chairs. Each chair had a king-ranked demon sitting on it. Right next to Lucifer was an empty chair that was as grand as his own.

Raghav walked into the center, directly in front of Lucifer, and waved his hands. Lucifer returned the gesture and pointed his hands toward a chair just next to him.

Lucifer - "Come here, friend. We have a lot to discuss."

Raghav - "Sure"

Raghav slowly moved and sat on the chair. He lifted his hands and made a peace sign.

Raghav - "Yo! I am Raghav."

Everyone present widened their eyes in shock except Paimon. They understood that 'Raghav' was not a simple person. Even Paimon did

not dare to sit next to Lucifer. Though Paimon

did it out of respect for Lucifer, it's still a big

thing. Everyone present was making their assumptions on 'who Raghav was'. One thing they were sure about was that Raghav was strong. So strong that he was sitting right next to Lucifer.

Lucifer - "As he said, he is Raghav, a friend of mine and he'll be on our side in the war."

Everyone present looked over to Raghav with an 'O' face. Some even doubted his strength and so they started doubting the sanity of Lucifer. Only the eight kings were sitting patiently, estimating the strength of Raghav. They could feel [Holy energy] coming from him but it wasn't similar to anything they've felt. This energy was similar to that of an Angel but at the same time different.

Barbatos - "B-but my lord, how can we trust him?"

An aged handsome man with a unique hat asked Lucifer hesitantly. For him, Raghav was just a stranger who cannot be trusted.

Eligos - "Yes my lord. We don't know him enough and even some [ Holy energy] is leaking out of him. I can feel it."

Eligos said staring at Raghav with bloodlust. He had a skeleton body and his skull was quite scary. On his head, he wore a small crown that showed his power as a Duke.

Lucifer on the other hand was irritated. His only thought was 'These stupid creatures dare to raise their voice against me, Lucifer?'.

Lucifer - "So you are saying that someone who I recognized as a friend is a weakling? You dared to doubt me, The great Lucifer? You shall pay for doubting me."

Raghav - 'Damn, thank God I am not weak. These people would have fried me with some chickens if I was weak. Wait do they even have chickens here? I have to ask Paimon later.'

Lucifer raised his left hand and a black energy sphere appeared on his hand. He was ready to fire it but Raghav stood up from his place, surprising everyone.

Lucifer - "What happened friend?"

Raghav - "Friend, I am bored."

He turned to look at all the demons that had doubts about him.

Raghav - "You think I am not capable enough, so, let's make a bet."

Zephar - "What kind of bet?"

A knight with heavy armor moved forward and asked the question. He wanted to know what kind of bet Raghav would ask so could just act according to it.

Raghav - "I will defeat Asmodeus but after that, I want you all to give me your royal Sigils. All 72 royal Sigils."


A pin-drop silence covered the entire room. It is a big thing to get one royal sigil but this random guy wants all 72! They all shared one thought, 'This guy is either a fool who is way too overconfident or he is strong, strong enough to ask for such a thing.'

Paimon - "Why do you need all the royal Sigils? You are already strong enough, even stronger than most present here. What will you do with it?"

Everyone moved their gazes to Paimon. Hearing his words they realized that they messed up a big time. It is not easy to gain Paimon's recognition but Raghav is already on his 'Strong' list.

Raghav - "Huh? I think it's cool. Imagine me Summoning you guys and scaring the shit out of my opponents. It would be so cool!"

Most of the people present facepalmed. They immediately added Raghav to the 'Idiot' category but little did they know, Raghav was forced to do this.

Lucifer - "AHAHAHAH! You truly entertain me every time. I agree with your demands. Now go and whoop the ass of Asmodeus!"

Raghav - "Sure I am leaving then. See ya later"

Saying so he quickly walked out of the room, leaving the crowd silent, well they already were way before that.

Paimon saw Raghav walking out of the room and slowly turned his gaze to Lucifer.

Paimon - "My lord, will it be alright to send him alone? Wouldn't it be a good thing to send some others with him?"

Lucifer - "Don't worry Paimon. I think he is strong enough to handle that bastard and as for sending allies, it will only hinder him as they will get in his way."

Paimon slowly nodded as he trusted his lord. He could only wish Raghav good luck. Also, he didn't mind giving his royal sigil to Raghav as he already recognized him as strong and was even planning on possibly giving him one.


Word count - 1685

I just want to tell you guys that my health is very bad right now. I have 100° fever almost everyday and so I am not able to write much but I still did cause it doesn't feel right to stay idle all the time. Also this Lucifer arc would be done in next two chapters.

I hope you guys have a good day!

Discord - Arch Tysonoo#8342