
Chat group of gods:Traveling through mythologies(Paused for eternity)

( This is Not a Fanfiction! Also try to read over 15 chapters then decide if you want to continue or not. Finally, I am a newbie writer so if you don't like it, then don't read it. ) Have you ever thought about what would happen if you somehow joined the group chat of Gods? Raghav was born in India and now living in the U.S. somehow joined a group chat where several other people joined - [ Dharma king has joined the group.] [ Thunder Child eater has joined the group.] [ Born from a headache has joined the group.] [ 7 times immortal has joined the group.] Dharma king: "Interesting, I didn't know humans have developed so far that they can send me a smartphone in Yamlok." Thunder child eater: "Why is my name this? I don't like this. How can I change it?" Born from a headache: " I agree with you, Child eater, I also don't like my name very much." The child eater: "Hey!! Don't call me that!." 7 times immortal: "Which God made this group? @Raghav you are the Admin, can you tell me something? Dharma king: "Oh! That's an Indian name, are you also a fellow sanatan God, @Raghav? A/n I don't own the story cover, all its right belongs to the artist, contact me if you want it to be removed.

Arch_Tysonoo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Ch - 20 Coronation of Karna

Morning ~

Raghav woke up and got ready for a big event. After all, his friend/brother will officially become a king today. For Thai special occasion, he wore light Blue dhoti with white embroidery and Blue angavastra. He didn't like wearing jewelries so he just wore Rudraksha.

He soon got out of the room and went to the dining area. He felt very hungry but thought that this was due to him evolving into an angel. Maybe evolving increased his appetite. Anyway, he sat on the ground waiting for the food.

Radha (Karna's mother) - " Oh son! You look quite handsome today. Be careful, some princesses might even fell for you.

{ A/n - Ok so there are two radha. One was the lover of Krishna and other is the mother of Karna. Same name but different people.}

Raghav - "Auntie, I am not sure about myself but if you look at brother, then you may say the same for him."

He said while pointing at Karna who just showed up. Karna wore a simple white Dhoti and white angavastra. He wore this because he just returned from his morning Sun prayer. Though he will still be wearing this because of the rituals that are going to happen in the palace.

Radha - "Yeah, only if I could also be there."

She said this sadly. She and her husband decided not to indulge with royalty as they didn't wanted to involve into politics. They just wanted to remain who they are and not become something else because of the politics.

Karna to sat there and they had thier breakfast quietly. There was no awkward silence but instead the warm one. Soon they finished the food and both Karna and Raghav prepared to leave.

Adhiratha - "Son, now that you are going to become a king, promise me that you will always follow the right Dharma and not the blind dharma like certain people. Always do Charity, it helps to calm your soul and mind and also increase your good deeds."

Karna - "I promise you father. I will try my best to be a king. I will never let you down"

Adhiratha - " Yes. Always remember that without people, there will be no king. So do your best for the betterment of people."

Karna nodded and touched his feet to get his blessings.

Radha - "Son we may not be there for your coronation, but our Blessings are always with you."

Karna nodded and touched her feets too. Hai mother whole heatedly blessed him. She the moved her gaze towards Raghav.

Radha - "Son, please always help Karna."

She spoke few words but they had a deep meaning. Raghav too thought of her as his mother.

Raghav - "No problem Auntie!"

He said and touched the feet of the couple to get thier blessings. The couple happily Blessed him. They then left for palace as it is a big event today.

They reached the palace of Hastinapur where they saw several royals standing near the gate, waiting for them. They were the 106 Princes of Hastinapur.

Nakul - "You didn't bring your parents?"

Karna - "They didn't wanted to be here. I cannot pressure on them."

Raghav - "Simply said, they don't like politics and want to avoid Royalty."

When Raghav said that, everyone became a little sad. They thought that it was because of them it happened. Duryodhan was also sad as he knew that it was because of his uncle Shakuni but to lift the mood he looked at Karna and Raghav and said-

Duryodhan - "Friends, hurry up, everyone is waiting for you."

Sahadev - "Yes, hurry up."

Sahadev quickly understood the reason behind Duryodhan's words and acted accordingly.

Vikrana - "Brother, don't just stand there, you should also hurry up."

Vikrana, one of the Kuru princes looked at Raghav and said this. They all then quickly entered the throne room where several people were standing. When they entered the room, all the servents started showering flowers at them.

Arjun looked at Karna with a smile on his face. He thought of Karna as his rival with no hard feelings. It was because no one was as good as him in Archery in his age group except for karna.

Arjun - "Friend, looks like people will love you as king."

Karna - "I don't know much about that but I will try my best."

[ Congratulations for changing the history. ]

[ Arjun developed a friendship with Karna which did not happened in history. ]

[ 100,000 points rewarded.]

Raghav - 'Cool! By the way, system, will the points I get differentiate or will stay the same by changing the history? What if I change Very big events such as Mahabharat itself.'

[ No, the points gained will differentiate depending on the change and the followers of that mythology. The minor changes will be excluded and only the changes which can potentially do some big impact can be rewarded.

No Host, Mahabharat is inevitable. The big events in the history cannot be changed as they are destined. But the way for it can be changed. For example, Zeus will kill Kronos no matter what but how he kills him can be changed. It can be either accidental or intentional. ]

Raghav - 'Damn I thought I could prevent it. But for sure I will try my best to not let somethings happen.'

Soon, all the royals welcomed them and few servernts brought all the necessary items for the coronation ritual.

Some servents brought several containers of milk, some brought flowers etc. But the most noticable thing was a very big Thal(Plate). Few servents placed the big plate in the center of the room and then several sages prepared for the rituals.

Bhishm - "Karna, where are your parents? The rituals cannot be done without them."

Karna - " I apologise but my parents didn't wanted to be here. They don't like politics and Royal things. I hope you could understand that."

Bhishm also understood the reason. He too knew that the main reason for them to not be here was because of Shakuni. So he just nodded and didn't say anything.

Drithrastra - "But without your parents, how can the rituals be done? You mother should be present here so she can put your crown on your head."

Drithrastra worriedly said. He didn't wanted to upset any sage and disrespect the rituals. He knew what the sages could do and what they did to his brother, Pandu. When everyone was worried about it, Raghav lifted his right hand to say something.

Raghav - "Umm I think I've got a solution for that."

Drithrastra - "What is it?"

Drithrastra immediately questioned him to know more about his solution.

Raghav - "Well you'll have to wait a bit for that."

Drithrastra - "Ok then, Sages, please start the rituals."

Drithrastra understood that Raghav was scheming something but didn't interrupted him as it didn't do any damage to anyone. And Sages also nodded to him, understanding the situation.

Sage - "Karna, sit in the middle of this big plate."

Karna did as told to him without speaking a word. Then the rituals began and the sages started chanting mantras and started the Yagna*.

{ A/n - yajna, (Sanskrit: "sacrifice") also spelled yajña, in Hinduism, offerings to the gods based on rites prescribed in the earliest scriptures of ancient India, the Vedas, in contrast to puja, a later practice that may include image worship and other devotional practices.}

The mantra chanted by the sages echoed in the whole room and every single person in the room was happy. Though the cause was different for all. Some were happy to get a new king, some were happy that thier friend was the king, some were planning conspiracies and one was happy that her son got what he deserved.

Kunti felt happy for her eldest but still was unable to tell anyone about her secret. She also felt very sad that she couldn't take part as Karna's mother and have to stay as the queen mother and watch all that is happening.

After some time, the karna was showered with flowers and bathed with milk. As this was happening, the sun became brighter and everyone in the city felt a soul soothing warmness inside them. It was Karna's father, Surya the Sun God who was very happy. His happiness reflected through sun's brightness and warmness.

Sage - "Now it's time for your mother to take part and crown you."

Sage looked at Karna and told this to him. When he said that, everyone's gazes fell on Raghav who was standing there with a huge grin.

Raghav - "*cough* Ok so, Lady Kunti and Queen Gandhari, can you please crown Karna?"

When Raghav said this, everyone present were shocked. Though there were two people present there who were happy. They were Kunti and Gandhari. Gandhari was happy because it was hers son's good friend and the one who supports her son. Kunti was happy because she gets to crown her eldest and take part as his mother.

Drithrastra - "What are you saying Raghav? How can they take part? And that too both of them?."

Drithrastra asked with a worried look on his face.

Raghav - "Simple It is, Maharaj(king). First both of them are mothers of our friends and a friend's mother is equal to one's own mother. Second, I don't see why both of them are not able to join. Honorable sage, is it possible for two mothers to crown their son?"

Sage(Smiles) - "Yes, it is possible. Both of them can crown him if they want to."

Sage too understood what Raghav was planning to do. Though he didn't really get much to what was happening he still didn't minded it.

Raghav - "So, Queen Gandhari and lady Kunti, do you both mind crowning the new king?"

Both looked at each other with a happy smile. Then turned towards him and said.

Both - "Ofcourse we don't."

And so, both of them picked the crown and placed it on the head of Karna. Karna was very happy for what Raghav did. He thought this was his way of solving thing but little did he know, he don't even get the while thing.

Kunti on the other hand, was very happy seeing this. She got to crown her son as his mother! She would always remember this favor that Raghav unknowingly did to her. She then took the 'Aarti Thali'* and both did Karna's aarti.

After this, karna was sent to another chamber to change his clothes into that of royalties.

Raghav was waiting so he decided to check the chat group.

[ Wukong - Man, that's troublesome.]

[ Thor - Indeed, how can so many demons do a rebellion? ]

[ Lucifer - Well, it is because of thier leader. Asmodeus was the first to rebel and he is one of top 32 demons.]

[ Wukong - How does that affect other demons rebelling? ]

[ Athena - It is because Asmodeus is in top 32 so some are trying to gain his favour while some are trying to overthrow Lucifer. I guess some might even try to overthrow Asmodeus if he wins. ]

[ Lucifer - Yes, I have stayed dormant for a long while and didn't realize this. Paimon warned me but I ignored him. I guess I should've paid more attention. ]

[ Raghav - Lucifer, don't worry, I will be there soon to help you my friend. ]

[ Lucifer - Alright Friend, I will be waiting for your arrival. ]

[ Raghav - But will your supporters agree to my presence, an Angel's presence? ]

[ Lucifer - AHAHAH, Don't worry. Here, as long as you show your strength, no one will even dare to question you. Also the fact that you have holy power which will be useful. ]

[ Raghav - Alright, I just have a little bit of work here then I will be there. ]

[ Lucifer - No problem. ]

[ Thor - Be sure to stream everything. ]

While they were chatting, a male figure entered the room. He was wearing a bright red dhoti with bright yellow embroidery. He wore a goldenish angavastra and few jewelries and finally, A beautiful crown on his head. It was none other than Karna, the king of Anga.

He greeted everyone and then king Drithrastra announced a party to congratulate the new king. Everyone was happy so all of them joined.

In the party, everyone was enjoying and having a great time. All the princes, Karna and Raghav were gathered at a spot.

Duryodhan - "Karna, when will you go to Anga?"

Karna - "Friend, I will go tommorow."

Duryodhan - "I will miss you for sure.

Karna smiled and hugged Duryodhan. It was Duryodhan who never questioned his father's job and supported his Talent.

Arjun - " Raghav, will you join the war? And if yes, which side will you support?"

Duryodhan too was interested in this question of Arjun. He wanted to know who Raghav wanted to support, Kauravs or Pandavas.

Raghav - "I won't be taking part in the war as I have other important things to do that require my presence more than here. And for which side, you are are brothers so you are one party in general."

Everyone was taken aback that Raghav showed neutrality towards everyone but after few seconds, they returned to normal and enjoyed the party.

After the party ended, Raghav got out of the palace and looked at the quest screen. He was in a place where no one could see him. He hid in this place just in case anything goes wrong.

[ Mission - Pests are annoying

Objective - Help Lucifer in controlling the rebellion of few demon clans.

Rewards - Wings upgrade to (?) pairs, ??? ]

Raghav - 'System, why is there a wing upgrade reward here?'

[ updating the mission due to Host already achieving the peak of his race. ]

[ Mission - Pests are annoying

Objective - Help Lucifer in controlling the rebellion of few demon clans.

Rewards - 50 million store points, Magic island (?), ??? ]

[ Yes/No ]

Raghav - 'Magic island? now things are getting interesting. Anyway, system, let's get this mission done'

He said as he pressed 'Yes'.

[ Generating random mission related skill. ]

[ Generating random skill. ]

He immediately disappeared from his place and appeared in a room. The room was very big and in the end of the room, there was a wall. In the middle of the wall was a huge throne.

In that throne, a man was sitting with is face on his right hand. The man was very handsome. He had whiteish-blonde hairs that reached his neck and had a tall hight.

When Raghav appeared in the room, the man looked at him and immediately smirked. Raghav too smirked as they both knew each other.

Another demon was looking at new person that just appeared out of nowhere. He was ready to attack but he saw the newly appeared man and his lord smirking at each other. Before he could utter a single word, he heard his lord's words.

The man - "So you finally here my friend."


Important (Please read)

Howdyy People!!!

Word count - 2453

Tell me in the comments if you liked this chapter as it was a big-as chapter (at least for me.)

Give me power stones and give this novel a few reviews so that more people could read it.

This is also to inform you all that I will edit all the previous chapter to correct all the little mistakes I did.

And finally, This is not a Fanfiction. Some may think it is one but no. First of all, Gods and mythologies are not copywrited and Second thing is that I am just using 'Mahabharat' as a base for sometime. I will use different mythologies and create different stories from them. Example for that will be this 'Underworld Rebellion arc'.

I hope you all keep supporting me.

Thank you

Arch Tysonoo

Discord - Arch Tysonoo#8342