
Chasing The Odd Dream

Hannah Corey is a teenage girl whose life can be considered as a synonym of the burning abyss. Nothing goes on her way. School life? Bullies made it hell. Home? Financial problem makes her parents always abuse her, even for the simplest reasons. Moreover, she has to work all the time because of which she cannot follow her dreams, do what she likes, enjoy her life like any other teenagers. One night, out of the blue, she found herself in another world through an odd dream which seems weirdly realistic. Everything there is unknown to her, things she had never seen in her life. She begins to travel there through that dream and came to like it more than her own world. Her unbelievable adventure through the dream made her life more and more interesting. Every night, she dreams of her other life and is found to get more addicted to it. At one point she got an offer to finally live in her dream, every memory from her past life will vanish, and she'll be able to live a normal, beautiful life like she sees in her dream... Will she regret chasing after the odd dream?

hannah_axine · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter - 04

I ran toward the direction I had come in. As I was walking through the forest, I figured a difference between my world and this world by now. Like, this place does not actually look like forestry; it's more like some gardens because of the flower fields. As much as I remember, this place used to be full of wild flowers and tall grasses as well as old, rooted trees.

There are a few tree houses on the tree branches that look quite small for humans to fit in. All of them are made of small sticks and thin roots. Some of the house is well decorated with small star-shaped glowing emerald coloured flowers that look so glittery and mesmerizing. I wondered, what is the purpose of the small tree houses? Since, the trees are so high, out of human reach, I didn't get to check one properly.

It's been 12 or 15 minutes since I've been walking but still no sight of any cities. I thought the roads would be the same as they were in my world, but I guess that is not the case. I was beyond hungry and thirsty by the time. So, I decided to stop for a few minutes to drink some water I had in my backpack.

"Ahh, I wish I didn't eat the chocolate bread I had after lunch. Now I've got nothing to eat." - I said as my stomach started grumbling hard.

''I should search for some fruits first, but the trees are so long. Even if I find one, I won't be able to get it down'' – I felt like crying looking at the tall and wide trees. They are oddly taller than the trees I've seen in this forest. How many times have I climbed trees in this forest, but the experience is going down now. Without losing hope, I stood up abruptly and began to look high at the trees to check if there were some fruits.

In a while, I found some fruit-looking things in a tree that is too tall as well. The fruits are in an oval shape with a light blue colour on its outside. Some are in light blue and some in brown. I don't want to know if they are edible or not, now it's time to think with my stomach, right? I searched for long sticks to hit the fruit to get them, but there were no long ones near, only the small ones, Luck… I took a seat under the tree with a frustrating growl emitting from both my mouth and my stomach.

Before I could even figure out another way to get them, a brown fruit fell right onto my left hand. I screamed out loudly at the sudden pain. I look at my right side to see what has fallen just now. It was brown fruit. I finally thanked my luck a million times to get me something to eat. The fruit looks utterly delicious, since I was starving for a long time. Without thinking twice, I took a large bite of it and flinched at the rotten taste. It tastes so bad that I ended up throwing out whatever I had in my body.


Finally finished it after all these stressful days. Thank you for reading this novel

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