

The door squeaked open. Alex took himself in and stared at the silhouette shivering on the bed. He became anxious and sat down beside her.

"Mum, I miss you...stay with me please, May is nothing here without you, everybody has left her. What should May do"

Her tiny broken words made his eyes constrict. Closing the gap between them, he deliriously touched her hair and began stroking them. Unknowingly, he went into space thinking.

"I don't want to hurt you...May for once, agree with me" He shook his head and looked at the woman sweating. He knew she must be having a nightmare, probably caused by him. As he exempted himself from hurting her, there was still one unintentional move that'd hurt her.

Should he disappear from her world? No, that's out of the initial plan.

"Wife, we are always getting into arguments. When will we finally act like loving couples? Is there still hope for me in your heart? I don't want to hurt you" He admitted that her attitude was starting to provoke the demon out of him. For two months, he'd been loving, caring and honest. But, she didn't value anything he did. All she wanted was to leave after the birth of their first child. Though he manipulated her into signing that contract, he knew she wasn't going to yield to it. The only way out was that man. 


Alex blinked hearing her throaty cough and went towards the table to pour a glass of water for her.

"May" He cooed "Here have this" he positioned the lean glass on her lips.

In her dream, May felt the warmth of someone inside the darkness. A while ago, she saw her mother, who had disappeared. Inside the abyss of the darkness, she saw a bright light in front and repeated words calling her name. Her pale eyes looked ahead and saw a familiar face.

Alex was having trouble feeding her the water as her lips were paused. With no choice left, he took a fair amount of water into his mouth and pulled the woman into his embrace. His left hand was holding her neck at the back while the other was safely lifting the glass cup.

As soon as his lips had briefly touched her lips, the woman slowly opened her eyes. When May saw the scene before her, she got scared and pushed the man away. Unbalanced, Alex staggered and unintentionally threw the glass cup, turning to pieces of smithereens on the floor.

"What was that?" He asked accusingly. May scratched her eyes only to see him. She frowned and retorted "If you feel you want to do that or your mood is for that thing, go out...do clubbing...sleep with those escorts out there, I don't care...from the beginning I told you, I wouldn't be able to fulfil the duty of a wife. Besides, trying to steal a kiss in the middle of the night from a powerless woman is considered RAPE!!"

Alex was still outraged by what emerged and here was the ridiculous woman speaking rubbish. He gritted his teeth and ran a hand through his hair to calm down.

"You never make any sense even if I explain...just go back to sleep" He threw a glare at her and disregarded the shreds of glasses, evacuating the room with a loud bang on the door.

May scribbled her head and moaned.