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"Hey, you are having a second thought, aren't you?" Rebecca asked. May bit her lips, her entire body feeling an unexplainable pain. It's like something was pulling her back, not to be stupid, not to be cruel. Her chest was thumping fast"

"Hey hey, look at me...everything has been planned thoroughly. This is my uncle's hospital and your husband can't come over here....get the abortion done and you'll leave the city. Return to Xavier as planned. You have nothing left to live for here...your family need you. May" Rebecca sat beside her on the long hospital bench. GK+R private hospital was one of the most successful in the world and belonged to the Gold family. Like Mr Gold, Kevin Gold, his younger brother was also a popular surgeon quite known all over. One day when his niece came to him for a favour, he didn't expect the request was impossible. Aborting a baby that was in his third month, but when she told him the woman behind. His conscience got him to agree. Although it was a huge crime, against his hospital policy. No one knew about the deed apart from his trustees, who would be operating on her as well.

"B...Becca, am I doing the right thing? The child is innocent....he is also a part of me. I can feel him already" May looked at her, sweats clad on her forehead even when the AC was on. Or probably due to the sweater she had on. Rebecca frowned impeccably and smiled "You want to keep his child? Tell me the truth, have you fallen for him?"

"No way...I just..." May refused and shook her head foolishly. The problem wasn't Alex, the problem was her. That morning, Alex granted her wish to visit Rebecca without knowing about any of this. She was frustrated with everything around her. The lyrics played and Rebecca's constant questions. They never seem to care about her, just the baby was on their minds.

"Rebecca, it's time" Just for this, they closed up the top floor, letting no influential person in. A male employee, who seemed familiar to Rebecca announced to her as he came out of the operating theatre.

"She'll be there...just some minutes"

"Ok but don't be late. Boss is still wary of this" He disappeared from the corridor. May covered her face with her palm.

'Thanks for making me a father'

Her eyes glimmered guiltily remembering the previous night.

"We can stop this if you are not ready...I won't force you, it's your child after all" Rebecca squeezed her arms as a way of comforting her. May tilted her head at her, and sadly, she shook her head "I'll do it...I need my freedom"

Rebecca smiled widely "That's the right decision...a mother thinking of the benefit of her child over anything else...you don't have to worry about that man. He can't know and even if he found out, it would be too late. You'll be with Xavier by then...hurry on and go... I'll wait for you"

May bit on her lower lips nervously. She stood from the chair and ambled towards the operating theatre. Rebecca raised her thumb finger and mumbled 'Good luck'

When May was eventually out of her sight, the smile on her face fell and some unspoken words seeped out of her lips, her expression cold.


Su Corporation.

Inside the meeting room had become heated up as the shareholders of the company came over and caused a big scene. Assistant Lui was contemplating how to calm them down because his boss seemed to be in a terrible mood.

"Timeshare has been brought into discipline by dubious sales methods but there are still some shady moves in this goddamn production. Mr Alex, you have to respond to us" One of the shareholders fired up angrily at the man sitting languidly on his seat.

"Expectancy is communicated both by auditory and usual cues and not animals...I am so sorry, but I reform to answering animals. Mr Dean" Came his insulting, yet authoritative words. It was apparent that Alex wasn't satisfied with their complaints. Expectedly, the room was now quiet and smothering.

"How about I buy your five per cent share of this company and kick you straight out? Don't you think there's still a reason I am tolerating your nuisance up until now?" The middle-aged man gritted his teeth. He wouldn't stand for such disrespect. The directors, chairmen and other relatively important employees in the room tensed up.

"I consider you as my father's best friend and not a worthy achiever in this company...if I feel your presence here is jeopardising anything, I might take matters...remember I am not Zach or my father. Don't treat me like a child because I am more than what you think....if there's anyone else I'll leave it to you people..." He callously spoke audibly. The lights suddenly dimmed and everyone hushed. Mr Dean full of vigour snapped his hand at the man "You are incompetent...your Old Man must have been so blind due to his old age to make some blind man his heir. This company needs someone healthy active"

Alex tapped his fingers on his desk  and gestured for Assistant Lui to move closer "Call the security now!"

Assistant Lui hesitated for a moment but when a stoic glare was thrown at him, he took the telephone against the wall and left a message. Not a minute passed when two huge men entered the room and took Mr Dean away.

"Let go of me...you bastards, Alex this isn't over"

Assistant Lui proceeded over the hologram to continue the conference. In the middle, a loud ping sound re-echoed in the room. Many of the people held their breaths in shock. Was that person courting death bringing his phone to the meeting? Alex stole a peek at the message that was imprinted on his phone. He opened the password and leaned his eyes to the message.

'I think I saw your beautiful wife at the GK+R hospital...is she sick? There was also this woman with her, I didn't quite get her face'

Alex furrowed his brows and typed 'Did you find anything usual...like if she was in pain?' his face was clad with worry.

'Mr President, I am not a psychologist to watch her every expression but from the look on her face, she seem to be insecure and her face looked pale...Alex, there are only two reasons for such expression. Either she feels nauseous due to the pregnancy or she....no....not possible. Well, I will go for now, bye'

The hands holding his phone shook slightly. His eyes darkened and out of spite, he threw the cane in his other hand away. Others looked his way in surprise and pursed their lips.

"Boss" Assistant Lui called but the man had dashed out of the room.


Back at the hospital.

The door to the operating theatre was unbarred. A petite May lazily came out, her hands on her stomach. 

"Wow, that's quick...do you feel pain anywhere?" Rebecca engulfed her in a warm hug "Tell me, do you feel pain?"

May blankly stared at the wall and muttered hoarsely "Yes"

"It'll go in time...at least a huge burden has left your shoulder...come let's go, you have a flight to catch" Rebecca cooed softly, her breath fanning her neck. The two haven't moved an inch when the loud scream of a woman entered their ears.

'You can't go in, Sir....you will be arrested....security'

'Ahhhh it is Mr Alexander

May had wanted to see what the noise was all about when she heard his name be called. Her legs came to a drastic halt. Fear quickly compassed her body, and a huge thrill filled her. The other woman beside her was beyond astonished as well. How come? 

The two best friends shared a look of nonplus in collaboration.

"He is here" May spoke out indistinctly, her eyes dull. Rebecca noticed her best friend was scared, so she took hold of her arms and muttered "I am here for you...besides he has no right on you anymore...the baby is dead"

May lowered her head to be ground and mumbled something to herself.

'Sir, this isn't allowed here...you can't go up there' people were trying to stop Alex but their stupid policy couldn't stop him. Strong-willed, he yelled out, his eyes brutal and sharp "If you kill my child, I won't spare you...MAY" When he called her name, there was no feeling of love in it anymore. This time, he was angry.

May heard his words and became guiltier. Rebecca rolled her eyes "May, he can't do anything to you now....his child is gone...you owe him nothing, come with me, there's a back exit room. We'll escape from there" 

She noticed the woman was absentminded, so she grabbed her wrist and pulled her "Move your legs if you still want to meet Xavier and your family" May trooped wearily after her. She took one last look behind her and was not in view anymore.


At the airport.

Troops of people were coming out fro and pro of the airport. Amongst these people, Rebecca helped her friend successfully go in, because Alex's men were guarding the entire building. Within that period, May had changed her clothes and put on an oversized hoodie, she disguised her whole self with a grey-coloured wig worn on her hair and some granny's outlook. Rebecca was the mastermind. Making sure her friend completely looked like an Old Woman, she let her out of the car "I am very happy that you are able to return home..."

May descended from the car, she waved her friend her last goodbye "Thank you"

Men in black were scattered around in search of Alex's wife.

'First point cleared'

'Cleared...second check'

May clumsily held the cranky cane and bent her back like a granny. She looked around and swallowed her saliva in fear. Those men were everywhere, there was even one beside her. She took a deep sigh and skilfully walked towards the airport, the glasses on her face made her unrecognisable.

By the opening, one of the men stopped her.

"Your passport...ma'am" His voice was so deep that May almost surrendered. She shakily took her passport from her bag and handed it over to the man. Thoroughly, the man scanned the image in the passport and then at the Old woman. He returned the passport and apologised out of courtesy.

"I am sorry...the problem is that my boss's wife ran away...my boss cherishes her a lot, that's why I had to check you....you are like a grandma to me, I hope you forgive me for interrupting you like this. Have a safe trip" The man trudged backwards, he glanced over at his colleague and shook his head.

May accumulated every courage she had left and dispersed from there before she broke down. Alex had been nothing but nice to her and this was how she repaid him. He must despise her a lot now. 

In no time, she was inside the aerodrome. Done with all the necessary deeds, she waited for her number to be called. 

'I love you'

"Passenger number 76" May slipped her phone back into the bag when she heard her number being summoned "Goodbye City A" . Precisely as she modified the granny glasses, something sharp was pointed to her back.

A cold subtle voice resonated behind her "Just come slowly with me...Granny...My boss is awaiting your presence. Don't make it hard"

May went stiff on the seat. Nobody was sitting with her. From the sound of the man, she recognised he was the same person that interrupted her outside the airport. Did he know she was the one from the onset? What should she do?


Your comments guys...I don't see any anymore 😔😔😔😔😔. Always tell me what you are thinking. Thanks. Happy New month.