

That evening.

Under the dim starry lights, leaning against the black BMW was Alex, clad in a white plain polo and black trouser which made him a bit youthful, occupied with his refined jaws and sleek pointed nose, his thin heart-shaped lips and shortcut hair but above all was the cleft chin under his chin. They definitely made him look more outstanding and exceptionally handsome. The white clouds of fumes appearing luminous out from the cigarette in between his fingers began to disperse into the cold thin air. His grey-blue eyes would occasionally be raised aloft to the door. 

When he saw the time on his wristwatch, he was indignant. But soon his wait came to an end. As it was the winter season, chilliness was bound to listlessly inundate the weather. The man deduced the light movement and unhurriedly looked up. He was surprisingly nimble on his feet.

'They were just visiting for the night, did she have to dress so...extravagantly?'

But the craziest part was that he couldn't take his eyes away. Bewitched. Spellbound. Hypnotised. Whichever word to characterize it, his grim look was relentlessly on her countenance. 

May grasped the tip of her dress. She had worn a light cerulean armless and backless lycra gown, and tied her beautiful hair to a perfectly wavy bun. A while ago, she was cursing the man and stubbornly calling him names. She rationally came up with an outrageous plan to never show up but when his prior unpredictable rude and harsh expression surfaced in her mind, she took up and buried her pride. Here she was.

She sucked in a breath of cold air and swallowed a lot of courage as she pushed forward toward him. She was scared if she looked at him, she wouldn't be able to hold her bottled-up emotions and just silently lobbed her head to the floor. But her reaction had certainly irrupted and irritated the man. From the moment he laid his eyes on her, she reminded him of her two years old self. Back then, she was rejuvenated and full of life. 

A soft uncomfortable feeling erupted in his chest. He was familiar with that feeling and decided to embrace it twenty-seven years ago. He expected her to look at him the same way he did but to his disappointment, she didn't.

Was there a living being with a heart, a battering heart, who wouldn't feel antagonised by such a comeback not just from a nobody but his wife? His woman. Didn't that literally mean she snubbed him? Couldn't she at least honour him as a husband? She was impossible to deal with. 

May felt that there was a devilish glance on her, and a slight shimmer of movement. She ceased and sneak a look up at the man who was now in front of her. All of a sudden, warmth emanated from her heart. He was so close, their breaths buried together. For the first time, she was tongue-tied when she saw his unfriendly and grim eye shooting cold daggers at her and his whole profile spelling injustice and haughtiness.

"What did I do now?" She queried shrugging nonchalantly. Alex furrowed his brows in a demur way and chortled.

"You!!!" May looked away from him and passed by his body, leaving only the aroma of her blueberry scent for him to overwhelm. He saw her retreating back and froze at her bare back.

"Stop right there" May was unbothered by his vulgarity and entered the car swiftly, ignoring him. Alex gritted his teeth and sunk in deep breaths. He took light steps and took himself to the car. He arrogantly opened the back door, took hold of her arms and forcefully yanked her out.

"Explain your outfit to me" His cold voice resounded in her ear. She scoffed and snapped "You aren't always satisfied, are you?" She blurted "My outfit has nothing to do with you...I decide what I want to wear and I chose this... What now?"

"May...I order you to get this trash off your body....."

He hadn't completed his words when she interrupted him "Old man, you never seem contended...I also get to wear what I want...this is a civilised world where everybody gets his or her rights"

His substantial look succumbed the next moment and his lips curled in an enigmatic smile "Then I have the right to do something to you right now? As your husband"

"You never make any sense here......ahhhhhhhh stop" Alex smiled wistfully at his incredibly originated work.

May provokingly slapped his stuffy and stiff chest " What was that?" Of all his shamelessness, she didn't expect him to gnaw on her left boob, that was unexpected and terrifying. To worsen it, a mark was imprinted visibly as the dress was armless. If she was to leave like this, how would her reputation be balanced in the eyes of that Old Man?

"You are unbelievable" She screamed and trotted back hastily to the house.

Alex taunted "Because I am your husband"


A while later, May came out, this time she had left her wavy brunette hair down her shoulder and was putting on another light cerulean dress but the only difference was the designs. The dress was off-shouldered, a side angle below was ripped to her thigh and her hips were now more visible and curvy unlike before. Regardless, it was pointless for her.

Alex fisted his hand and ran his hand through his hair.

"Next time I am going shopping with you" He declared. May rolled her eyes "Whatever" 

The man proceeded towards the passenger seat and opened the door for her to get in but May already had opened the back door for her to sit.

"GET IN NOW!!!" Alex bellowed causing her to jerk. Reluctantly, she changed positions and got in with her lips pouted and her eyes sad. The man twirled over and entered the driver's seat.

"Try to hide the symptoms of your pregnancy and...please don't be crazy"


Did he just call her crazy? She eyed him and looked away. May sighed and once again thought of her family. How were they coping without her, particularly her father? She missed him. Her heart felt heavy and her eyes became damp.

'I miss you, Father' she murmured to herself.

Alex started the car and drove out of the Villa.

"Look at me" He decreed. May sniffed and frustratedly darted at him. To her surprise, he touched the tears on her face and leaned forward to kiss them "Remember this, each tear is precious to me. Never shed them for anyone ever, not even your father. They are mine" He said possessively. May just gave him a weird look.

"Want to learn something shocking?" He asked but May blandly looked at him "What?"

"You are still as gorgeous as always" May's face flustered at his sudden confession. She looked away and mouthed "Whatever" and quickly touched her red face to shake off whatever feel was in it and this never went unnoticed by Alex. He gingerly chuckled.

"You know what? You are the most annoying, ungrateful, insidious but yet the most beautiful woman I have ever met"

May snickered "I wouldn't be appalled to know that I was the only woman you've seen or met before as you were blind"

"That doesn't matter now and why do you keep wrecking the feels" He grumbled. 

She countered "What feels exactly?"

"Ah, forget it"

The car was soon filled with silence as it drove down the imperilled city downtown.


Su Mansion.

Two Mercedes Benz halted inside the imposing mansion. The entire family members were waiting outside the house for the couple. 

"Hubby, we are back home" Isabella smiled and embraced her husband's arm. Mason was happy yet unhappy at the same time.

The two couples got out of the car.

"Mother, Father" Gloria ran towards them for a tight hug. When she saw her beautiful daughter, Isabella left her husband's arm and gripped her daughter.

"I heard the good news...is she beautiful, pragmatic or understandable? Your brother, how is he?" Her motherly affection made her ask. She hadn't seen her children for three years.

"Brother, glad to have you back" Mark's father fist bumped his eldest brother. Isabella laughed out and teased "I see brother-in-law has gained more weight...how enjoyable must my Barb be feeding you? Hubby, your brother has gained belly fat...look" The older woman laughed out.

From the corner, Barb felt bitter. Now that Isabella was back, what would happen to her relationship now? Both brothers loved her. Her husband also admired her. What was so good about her uh? Because she looked like an angel even till now.

"Will you brats make me wait forever...get inside?" The sadistic cry of Elder Su reached their ears and they obeyed immediately.


The maids offered tea to the couple as they settled down on the sofa. 

"I hope you two have settled your differences now..." Elder Su stuck his cane to the ground. He looked at his emotionless son and shook his head "That son of yours got your stupid gene...Cold but useless"

Isabella waved her hands and smiled "Father, Mason and I are good now...see" she pecked on the man's lips and withdrew. 

"Now you two have become the shameless ones?" The Old Man felt disgusted.

"Barb? Where's she?".


More updates tomorrow.

Thanks for reading ❤❤❤