


Rebecca entered the lavatory and railed *against* the counter of the water basin feeling demoralized. She gazed at her reflection in the mirror, her face being flustered by those items.

‘Since he likes this kind of game, why don’t you step up and show him what real badass is' She told the reflection of herself.

Those submissive gadgets inside the box had honestly excruciatingly petrified her. Who delivers lingerie, handcuffs and nude designs to someone during office hours? That was really embarrassing. Pa warned me never to crossroads with that man but I...Rebecca, this time around you botched badly.

She patiently calmed her heated nerves and turned the tap on, washed her pale face, took a tissue from the rack and dabbed it on her face.

“You are beautiful, bold and undermined. You never give up Rebecca and not for a perverted a**hole”

She moisturized her hands and took one last look in the mirror. Then left.


Somewhere in Hong Kong.

“Honey, where are you?”

A middle-aged man briskly swallowed the pills in his mouth and tossed the pack of medication back into the drawer.

He made sure he had urged his pale expression to terminate. He was scared for his wife and suppressed his pain. Not long after, the door to the western modern room opened widely, a gorgeous woman opened her arms with a luminous smile, her grey eyes looking into those peerless blue eyes of her husband.

“Honey, let’s pay back home…our son has ultimately been married” She cackled and went forth to embrace him. Her heart is at peace “Finally, Mason…we did it. Look we are good parents”

Mason could feel the throbbing headache encompassing his head. He groaned inwardly, holding his breath.

“Baby, I love you so much…never leave me ok” The woman declared, her eyes filled with love. Mason could only bob his head and reciprocate her hug.

“Let’s go back home” He mumbled, his eyes getting vertiginous.



Grand Tisza.

May was watching the recent news on the television when the home line rang. She called for Nanny Janet and the maids, that’s when she remembered they were on a vacation. Lazily, she dropped the remote and left for the phone.


“Oh Sister-in-law, it's you?” Gloria spoke.

“Yes…you need something? Your brother isn’t home…he..mmm…he went for a business trip, I guess” She lied and bit her lips. Gloria chuckled “You must still have a grudge with Alex?”

“I… I…why did you call? You could have spoken to him on his phone”

“Yh I did but he didn’t pick his phone up, I even called you but you….never mind, Grandfather wants you and Alex home…mother and father are finally coming back home” Her voice was excited.

“Mother and father like….your parents,” May asked suspiciously.

“Yh, and your mother and father-in-law” Gloria smiled.

“Well, you see the thing is…I am really really sick and I…emmm I can’t come. Alex is very busy…sorry” May took the phone away from her ear and took deep breaths from her lies.

“But May……” Before Gloria could complete her sentence, May had hung the phone up.


“Ahhhhhhhhhh” May shrieked from the unexpected deep voice. Her heart had almost stopped beating. She was annoyed by turning around only to find Alex standing smartly by the door. His expression was dark and dangerous.

“You are coming with me” His words were clear and final. But May wasn’t someone easy to joke with. She gritted her teeth “You liar…it’s barely been a day after your promise”

Alex ignored her words and went to his bedroom. After his fresh bath, he came out of his room. He saw the woman crossing her arms around her chest and feeling angry.

“I shouldn’t have trusted you…you big fat liar. How do you expect me to trust you when all you ever do is lie and make empty promises to me? First, you said if you'd return, I'd go back to Xavier and now this. What are you?” She harrumphed.

Alex still ignored her words and headed to the kitchen. That morning, he had told Nanny Janet and the maids to leave for a vacation. He had his reasons.

“Go to hell, Mr Alexander” May yelled from the sitting room and grumbled. Her ears and cheeks had turned red from anger.

“Then go ahead and hit your head against the wall, we are still going back to the mansion” His voice had a touch of sarcasm as he gulped down the water. After his surgery, he felt weird about everything but he was getting used to having his sight back. The only people who knew about him regaining his sight were his family, friends and wife. Not even the world.

May was speechless at his sudden rudeness. She got up from the sofa and rolled her eyes “Don’t forget I am carrying your damned child…I am the one who's feeling all of this goddamn uneasiness. All you have to do is get your ass to work, make money, please the woman and cherish her. But you ungrateful human…since you've gotten your eyesight back, you became a pest in my life…” She hissed.

Alex dropped the glass on the stand and approached her, his hands tucked inside his pants pocket, and his eyes filled with bleakness and iciness. Those set of grey-blue eyes bored deeply into hers.

“So you want me to treat you as a woman?” His voice was filled with seduction. When he got to her, she had fallen on her seat. He leaned against her and rested his head on hers.

May gulped and could not help but stare at his lips. They reminded her about that morning kiss and how she had even reciprocated.

Alex smirked, the corner of his lips curling.

“Answer me…do you want to be treated as my woman or right now you'd like to be kissed?”

May narrowed her eyes and out of reflex, she covered her lips. Alex touched her hair and patted them.

“We’ve done more than kisses and I have proof in there” His eyes eyed her flat stomach, causing May to push him off.

“Yh I get it, you don’t have to rub it on me. I betrayed Xavier ok…just let me go” She hissed. Alex didn’t get angry, instead, his aura was calm this time around unlike those times, he reacted strongly when she mentioned that name.

He parted her legs and touched her over there.

“You!! What the hell are you trying to do? Rape me?”

Alex paused and looked at her in disbelief. His eyes were no longer calm. They had become austere and first.

“You think I would do that?”

“I will not be surprised” She sneered and looked away at him like she saw something disgusting. Alex retreated from her body and paced back and forth. He was extremely angry.

“I am being gentle with you because you are her. I never want to show my bad side to you because you are the one. But you ungrateful brat!!!” He really felt like strangling her neck. He hastily ran his hand through his hair to curb the frustration he was feeling.

“I have had it with you and your never-ending behaviour. I will do this my way. My mother and father are returning home after so long. You are coming with me, though I don’t wish you to but I am tied” He confessed.

“I am not going anywhere with you otherwise your child will…hmmm” Alex took hold of her life harshly to shut her up. He had only wanted to stop her constant complaints but her lips were just too mouthwatering and chewy.

“Alex….” May gasped when he touched her swollen boobs.

“Please” She pleaded “I don’t want this…i...I will follow you”

Alex sucked on her lower lip like he was chewing on a marshmallow but unfortunately, he had to stop. When he retreated, May assembled off in fear.

Alex looked at her back silhouette and sighed “When will you remember me? May”

The cry of his phone ringing reverberated in the room. He took it out from his pocket. Looking at the caller’s ID, his expression was harsh “Have you gotten sense into him now?”

Zach laughed out “Hey slow down, he was just disturbed…nothing serious. I heard aunt and uncle are coming back tonight. How do you feel?”

Alex paused and looked at the wall blandly “Nothing”

“What kind of son feels nothing after three years of not seeing his parents?”

“A son like me…who hates them probably,” He told.

“Anyway, I have great news for you…do you remember that tycoon businessman…emmm…Mr Gold??”

“Isn't he Adrain's rival?” Alex asked, uninterested.

“Guess what…that crazy friend of yours is trying to chase the daughter….Rebecca Gold. I heard she is screwed in the head. If I had known she was the lady that night, I wouldn’t have looked at her. Damn, she is a seductress. I am surprised our friend is smitten by her”

Alex thought ‘May is friends with this type of woman'

“Are you still there?” Zach cried.

“I have to go…bye” He hung up the phone. On the other side, Zach shook his head.

“Those two man-beasts of mine should at least have pity on me, showing off their woman. One is chasing his wife, while the other is chasing a forbidden fruit. May the Lord give both men the strength!! Amen!!” He laughed and extinguished the cigarette on the ashtray.

‘I know Adrain well, he must want something from that woman for him to chase after her like this…probably part of his revenge. I am so done with that man. He never listens to anyone


I do work on weekends that's why I don't update. Tomorrow morning, I will update two chapters.


Twenty-two days ahead before my birthday.
