
sink, or swim

The next day as I grabbed my backpack, I heard a knock at the door. " I'll get it" I yelled up to my brother who was surprisingly still asleep. Normally, he is up and almost ready for work by this time, but today, he was probably tired.

When I got to school, I noticed a small crowd formed in the hallway. So the troublemakers kept chanting the word " fight" repeatedly. Curious, I pushed my way to the front of the crowd where I found an angry-looking Alex pining a scared-looking Max against the wall. Ma had a trickle of blood on his temple. Alex pulled his arm back and was out to throw another punch at Max when another hand grabbed his arm and turned him around pinging him against the locker. " don't you know Ow how to control yourself? Are you an animal?" Noah asked angrily behind him stood Seth who stepped forward and pulled Max up. The Commotion had attracted the attention of our principal Mr Henry. He walked right to the front of the crowd, yelled at the other kids to go to class and then gave the four boys detention. It then dawned on me that Miles was once again nowhere to be seen but when I reached class, I found him in his seat. He motioned for me to go closer to him I said that he had something to tell me. I slowly approached him and took the seat next to him. " there's something you need to know." He said hesitantly his gaze not once leaving the table. I could feel his anxiety coming off him in waves. he took a deep breath and said, " Charlie there is a secret I have had to keep from you but it has been torture ever since and..... I just can't take it anymore. He passed his hand through his hair giving it a dishevelled look. " what is it? you know you can talk to me about anything." I said while placing my hand on top of his and giving it a gentle squeeze. It's hard to say," he said swallowing. " it's okay, I think I already know" I said with a small smile. " you like Macey, don't you... and... and that's okay because she's an amazing person and the both of you deserve to be happy." I said encouragingly. As soon as those words left my mouth, he looked up at me, his eyes mirroring the shock that was written all over his face. Miles had had the biggest crush on Macey since junior high even though he tried to hide it, I could see it as plain as day and if he thought that it was time for him to confess to her, then I was going to support him. I was even happy for him. "No...no why would you? how did you know?" he said and looked like a kid that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. he let out a sigh and said, "Well, yes it's true that I have feelings for her but... but I.... I can't get involved with her, not now anyway." I was almost sure I knew what the conversation was about but not. " it's much more complicated than that" he said taking another breath and preparing himself to drop a bombshell and to be honest, I was sort of expecting it but it still shocked me. I'm a secret agent. and the organisation I work for wants to hire you," I was left speechless. I stared at him for what felt like an eternity but was only a minute. the moment was broken when the school bell rang and other students began entering the class. 

" Miss Brown, it's good to see you again. the last time I saw you you weren't any taller than my knee." Aman dressed in a black suit said to me. he had honey-brown eyes and jet-black hair that was disturbingly neat. he wore a friendly smile yet he seemed to carry an authoritative air around him. He carried a shiny black briefcase which he placed on the cafe table and glanced around before opening it. it was Saturday and Miles had refused to answer any of my questions and had insisted that only one person could give me the answers I wanted. no matter how many times I had pestered him for the past week, he just said to be patient. The man introduced himself as Cole. he was in his early thirties and according to what Miles had told me, He was in charge of recruitment. I silently wondered how he knew me but did not dwell on it for long. He produced a crisp white official-looking document from his briefcase and slowly slid it across the table to me. It looked like a contract. Taking my time to read through the contents of the contract, I then looked over at Miles who had a proud look on his face. All I had to do was sign my name on the dotted line to join the family business. yes, I found out that my parents are also spies so are my brother, the Velocity crew and Miles. at first, I had felt betrayed that no one trusted me enough to tell me earlier but once my brother laid down all the facts for me, I understood that they were only trying to protect me. I held my hand over the paper with a pen in it and started writing. As soon as I had finished writing my name on the dotted line, the door to the cafe bust open revealing three masked men who carried a gun each. the advanced into the cafe that had a handful of other customers who hid under tables. I felt the adrenaline pump through my veins as I jumped over or table carrying a chair that I entered to use as a makeshift weapon. within no time, I had reached the masked men swinging the chair and hitting one of them knocking him out instantly and then proceeding to attack the other two. I decked one of them and caused him to stumble backwards and hit his head against the counter and he slumped against the wall. I then proceeded to attack the last one. I jumped off the ground and swung my left leg into his chest making him stumble and groan as he clutched his chest. not giving him the chance to recover his balance, I then proceeded to punch his lights out. when the attack was over, I hunched over and placed my hands on my knees.