
Character System

Alex Tsujuro never expected his life to end abruptly on a mundane Tuesday. As he crosses the street to get his favorite takeout, a sudden accident plunges him into darkness. When Alex awakens, he finds himself in an endless void, face-to-face with a god. In this thrilling novel, follow Alex as he navigates through various fictional worlds, becomes iconic characters, and harnesses his newfound powers. I don't own anything except the mc as I am very poor.

whikas_shrestha · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Encounter with Veldora

Waking up amidst the vibrant landscapes of Tensura, Alex Tsujuro felt a slight headache pulsing in his temples. It wasn't the memories but the overwhelming skills of Gilgamesh flooding his mind, each one adapting to fit this new reality.

As he tried to shake off the disorientation, Alex noticed his Character System displaying a translucent screen overlaying his vision, detailing the newly transformed skills:

Gate of Babylon (Modified): Manifests portals to store and retrieve various weapons and items native to Tensura, adapted to the magical essence of this world.Enuma Elish (Modified): Unleashes a devastating energy blast, now imbued with elemental attributes of Tensura, resonating with the mana and magic unique to this realm.

His attention shifted to a small, blue slime cautiously observing him nearby. Curiosity piqued, Alex reached out to examine the creature, his desire to absorb its abilities manifesting as a newfound skill.

Ding! Skill Absorption granted.

Grinning with newfound power, Alex's smile widened as he sensed the slime's intention to attack. Without hesitation, he vanished from its sight, reappearing behind it in an instant. With a swift motion, he absorbed the slime's essence, honoring its significance as one of Tsujuro's favorite characters.

The absorbed abilities merged seamlessly with his own, enhancing his understanding of this world's dynamics. Energized and eager to explore further, Alex ventured deeper into the cavernous depths where a colossal dragon lay sealed, its presence looming ominously.

The cave echoed with the distant rumblings of the dragon's slumber. As Alex approached cautiously, the dragon's eyes snapped open, revealing orbs of swirling storm. "Who dares disturb my rest?" boomed Veldora, the Storm Dragon, his voice echoing through the cavern.

"I am Alex Tsujuro," Alex replied, trying to match the dragon's imposing presence with his own newfound confidence.

Veldora regarded him with curiosity. "Alex Tsujuro, hmm? Quite bold for a human. Tell me, what brings you to my lair?"

"I seek power," Alex declared, his tone tinged with determination.

Veldora chuckled, amused by the audacity of this young adventurer. "Ah, a bold request indeed! How about we become friends instead? I could use a worthy companion like you."

Alex paused, considering the dragon's offer. In that moment, memories of Rimuru's encounters with Veldora flashed through his mind. "Friends, huh? What would that entail?"

"Well," Veldora began, "as my friend, you would have access to my wisdom, strength, and protection. Together, we could conquer any challenge this world throws at us!"

Alex nodded, outwardly agreeing while inwardly contemplating his own plans. As Veldora extended his metaphorical hand of friendship, Alex's grin widened. Without warning, he initiated the absorption process, drawing in Veldora's essence with an intense focus.

Ding! Infinite Prison and Investigator skills acquired.

Veldora's eyes widened in shock and then turned to fury. "You dare betray my trust, human?!"

But it was too late. Alex's absorption skill worked swiftly, and soon, Veldora's immense power began to merge with Alex's own. With newfound strength coursing through him, Alex's grin turned into a manic expression of power.

Once the absorption was complete, Alex stood, feeling more powerful than ever before. He began exploring the cavern, absorbing any magic stones he encountered, his hunger for power insatiable.