
Chaotic Era : Blood Line

This story begin after Galan Adnan Pati passed away at age 95. No one know about his past, people only know him as a Martial Art Teacher. When he is thinking about the peace that he finally get after die, his soul get transfer to another place. God of Life call his soul as a special guest to the god realm and makes him accept God's request. "The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side..." Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead. "Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..." The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed, because he reincarnated as a vampire.

KannaSayu · Fantasy
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56 Chs

True Power

Predator Instinct

Novar's party moved quickly while killing monsters on their way to the 4th floor. The monsters in the passage were not dungeon guards, the time they returned from the dead was much shorter. About 2 to 10 minutes after death they will spawn again. The length of the spawn time depends on the power of the monster, the stronger the dead monster, the longer the resurrection time.

"Leader…! There is a giant door…!"

"Hoho… looks like we made it… that guardian door still closed… then Rion… you know what you must do, right…?"

"Yes, leader…!"

Rion rushed to check the large door and ensured safety around the giant door. After receiving the signal from Rion, the other party members moved towards the door.

"hear all... behind this door, there is a very strong guard who is probably fighting against another group. there are many possibilities that we will face... so we all have to be prepared as if our lives are at stake. Because after this we will enter the room of the dungeon guard on the 4th floor."

After hearing Novar's words, Salva immediately raised her hand to ask a question.

"Yes, Salva…?"

"You said we were going to enter the dungeon guard room, didn't you...?"


"How we can do that…? As far as I know, the dungeon guard room will remain tightly closed until the battle is over."

"You right, but I have a simple trick for that…"

"Simple trick…?"

Novar took off one bracelet that was in his right hand, the bracelet that had sealed part of his intelligence was already filled with magical energy.

'So the craftsman who sold me this bracelet didn't lie about the bracelet's ability to absorb magic energy. how lucky I was to be able to get 4 bracelets at once to seal half of my magic power… looks like I'll have to meet this craftsman one more time after the Young Devil Party event is over.'

Novar sealed half of his intelligent stat when he left for the Young Devil Party so as not to cause unnecessary noise. The 4 bracelets attached to Novar's hands and feet that had two functions became the core tools of his sealing magic.

"let's see how hard the big door blocks the entrance to the 4th-floor guard room…"

An enormous amount of magic energy radiated from the bracelet released from Novar's right hand. His party members fall silent in shock at the amount of magical energy from a little bracelet. The second function of the bracelet was storage, the sealed storage of magic energy was continuously absorbed by the bracelet and accumulated in large quantities. The accumulated magic energy can be released at the cost of destroying the sealing bracelet.


"Let's do it...!"

[Ultimate Dark Spear]

The magic energy that came out from the bracelet condensed and turned into a giant black spear. The spear rotated very quickly and shot toward the entrance of the guard room on the 4th floor of the dungeon. A great vibration appeared that made the entire 4th-floor dungeon shake. even the mummy queen who nearly devoured the succubus and the young incubus stopped her actions in shock.

"the room vibrates...?"

As the mummified queen looked around the area she realized something terrible was happening.

"not just the room...! the entire 4th-floor dungeon shook...! who did it...!? the source of the vibration was from the entrance of this room...!?"

*KBOOM… swing… splas…*

The mummy queen did not have time to move, she was still shocked because of the sound of an explosion from the entrance of her room. As a result, Novar's black spear that was still spinning cut off the mummy queen's left hand.

'what...? my hand...? cut off...? why isn't my hand regenerating...?'

Before the mummy queen had recovered from her shock, Novar's party entered the room from the large hole in the entrance. the people who entered the 4th-floor guard room were already wearing anti-poison masks.

*slash… slash…*

Rion jumped up and cut the bandages wrapped around the bodies of the succubus and incubus on orders from Novar.

'what...? they can move like that inside my poison fog area...? who exactly are these people...!?'

"WHO ARE YOU...!?"


Novar was very surprised when he heard the monster guarding the 4th floor of the dungeon could speak. Normally all the monsters in the dungeon wouldn't be able to speak. Even only a few dungeon masters had the ability to speak multiple languages.

"No wonder there are so many victims… I can assume the owner of this dungeon has evolved..."

"How did you know about it...!?"

The queen panicked when she heard the words of Novar who knew the secret behind the increased power of the floor guards.

"That's my secret... why would I tell my secret to a monster that will die soon…?"


Novar took out his sword while mounting a stance with a face that looked bloodthirsty. The sword in his right hand slowly turned red, and immediately the queen's instincts shouted warning of danger.

'What is this feeling...!? How could I, who had almost reached perfection as a dungeon guardian monster… be afraid when I saw the red sword that was held by a boy...?'

"Die…! You little undead…"

"Wa-wait… That pow-..."


Before the mummy queen could finish her words, her vision had been split into two parts. The mummy queen's body which previously couldn't be scratched by the attacks of the succubus and incubus has now been sliced into two pieces. At the same time, three bracelets still attached to Novar's body cracked.

"Incredible… he just kill the 4th floor guardian in one hit…"

"I already knew his power was very mysterious... but this time he managed to show us something…"

"What is it…?"

"He tries to tell… that our choice to follow him wasn't wrong."

Salva's admiration for Novar's power is even greater, especially since Genta who is a descendant of a dragon also admires him. Basically, the descendants of the dragon race have very high self-esteem like their parents. The only thing that can amaze the descendants of dragons is power. even mixed ancestry like Genta also admired the same thing.


"Haaa… I never use this much internal energy with my body… this body is really amazing... it can withstand my internal energy while using Kanuragan... even though this body is only 5 years old…"

Novar and the mummy queen both fall after the fight is over. Novar was feeling very tired because his body had to try hard to keep up with the amount of energy he used while swinging the sword. While the mummified queen began to turn to ashes as her core was also split open. Most undead-type monsters will turn to ashes when they die, although there are some that don't turn to ash like the vampire and ghoul races. The reason is they are a race that does not have a core in the body like other undead monsters.

"Leader… are you ok…?"

"Yes… I'm fine… just a little tired…"

"Then… what we must do with the victim…?"

"Take them out of this cursed room… then provide treatment to victims who are still alive…"

After the battle was over, Novar took the victim out of the 4th-floor guard room. Of all the victims, only two are still alive. succubus and incubus were the ones who survived, but their condition was quite severe due to poisoning and cuts all over their bodies. Rosa immediately gave first aid to the two so that the two survivors did not die from poisoning. The condition of the succubus and incubus slowly stabilized and their consciousness also recovered.

"HAAAA…! What happened…!?"


Both were awake at the same time and looked at each other with confusion in their heads. They were confused because they both should have died in the fight against the mummy queen.

"You finally awake…"

"Eh…!? You're…"

"Yup it's me… a good man who saved your life…"


The succubus was very surprised when he saw the face of Novar, a vampire boy who beat the incubus before. The incubus' face was very pale when he saw the smile on Novar's face because he already knew how strong the vampire in front of him was. The succubus looked to her right and found her party members who had become corpses.

"ah... about your party members... sorry we couldn't save them... they died a few minutes before we managed to break into the 4th-floor guard room…"

"You break into the 4th-floor guardian room…?"


How surprised the succubus was when she saw a large hole at the entrance of the 4th-floor dungeon guard room.

'How could a young vampire like him be able to make a big hole in the door of the guard room covered in barrier magic...? if he's that strong right now... what if he has matured and awakened in the future...? If that happened, it was obvious that this kid would become the second strongest person under the Demon Lord.'

"If you have recovered... quickly use the rescue crystal to get out of here... then ask the supervisor to evacuate the bodies of your party members…"

"Eh…!? You leave us…?"

"Yup… we want to kill the dungeon master and take the core before he becomes stronger…"

"Then let me help you…!"


Novar's eyes looked very scary when he answered the succubus' words. At the same time, a mysterious pressure appeared that made it difficult for the succubus to speak.

"I… Milena Suliras Ve Lustia… don't want to have debt... especially the debt of life with a man…"

"You'll only die if you come with us... so don't try to test my patience…"

Instantly, Milena's body stiffened from the pressure from Novar's dominating aura. Her heart skipped a beat because for the first time she felt dominated by a man.

'So this is the real power of the little vampire that saved me...? really great…'

Milena couldn't help but be mesmerized when she saw Novar leaving with his party members.

To be continue~