
Chaotic Era : Blood Line

This story begin after Galan Adnan Pati passed away at age 95. No one know about his past, people only know him as a Martial Art Teacher. When he is thinking about the peace that he finally get after die, his soul get transfer to another place. God of Life call his soul as a special guest to the god realm and makes him accept God's request. "The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side..." Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead. "Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..." The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed, because he reincarnated as a vampire.

KannaSayu · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Dungeon Master

Gate Guardian

After forcing Milena out of the dungeon using the rescue crystal, Novar's party continued to explore the deepest area of ​​the dungeon.

"is that okay boss...? I think… Milena and her brother can be good assets for the fight against the dungeon master."

"it is indeed very profitable to make them flesh shields or to protect our backs... but... if I do that and they die... my main goal of choosing this dungeon will not be achieved…"

"Your main goal…?"

Novar didn't continue his words and let Genta curious about his original purpose in choosing a large-scale dungeon. On the outer side of the dungeon area, everyone was shocked by the incident inside the pyramid dungeon known as the great tomb. The supervisors broke out in cold sweat and rushed to form a team to inspect the inside of the dungeon Great Tomb. Even then the deadly incident reached the ears of the demon king who was enjoying his lunch.

"Did you just say that some participants died in the dungeon...!?"

"Yes, my lord…"

The demon king was very upset to hear the news and accidentally cut the palace dining room when cutting the beef steak that became his lunch.

"Tch… I will check that dungeon… tell all supervisors to not enter the dungeon before I came…!"


As all the adult demons moved, Novar and his party mates were facing off against a giant moth. the moth has a magic to summon skeletons and zombies in large numbers. It can also scatter paralytic powder from its wings. But Novar had already made all of his party mates wear magic robes, eye protection, and magic masks.

*ting… BAM… slash…*

"Leader…! We've finished clearing up the zombies and skeletons...!"

"Good job…! Now let's kill this moth…"

[Karayangan Move]

*slash slash slash slash slash…*

Novar cut the moth's body into small pieces with the holy knight general's sword. They stepped forward after taking the core of the giant moth monster. A large gate with gold and silver carvings was visible at the end of the hall. On either side of the door is a giant statue shaped like a minotaur with a large axe.

"A boss.. they won't move and attack us right...?"

Rion, Rosa, and Goran immediately looked at Genta sharply because they didn't want his question to come true. The statues on either side of the door suddenly shook and began to move.

"Bloody hell… they really move…"

Novar who was in the front row was amazed when he saw the stone layer on the minotaur statue begin to peel off.

"Nice question Genta… now we have a deal with those giant minotaurs…"


the reason why they looked displeased when they had to fight two giant minotaurs was the accumulated fatigue. On their way to the giant door, they must face dozens of powerful monsters with unique abilities. Moreover, every monster on the 5th floor was equivalent to Corrupted Lamia they had encountered on the 2nd floor.

"I know you guys are tired... but... can you guys hold one minotaur for 3 minutes for me...?"

All the members of Novar's party couldn't help but sigh and smile as they answered the leader's words.

"Of course, we can…"

"It can't be helped... we have to fight don't we…"

"I will follow your orders whatever it is my prince…"

"Seems like hard work is indeed the only thing we can do to support our leader… but I don't hate that…"

Rion, Rosa, Salva, and Goran prepare to do a battle against the red-furred minotaur. while Novar faced the blue-furred minotaur first.

"I will fight with all my might to make up for my reckless words earlier…"

"No Genta… I just need 3 minutes… don't push yourself so hard…"

Novar's piercing words made Genta turn to stone. Genta just found out in Novar's eyes he was just a weak creature.

"Forgive me for being so weak... and please let me at least look cool like the rest of the members, boss…"

Bell raised his sword while shedding tears because he felt so useless. The two minotaurs who saw their enemy's readiness began to emit their magic energy. The red minotaur makes his body very hot and the blue minotaur makes his body very cold.


"Yes sir…!!"


Novar diverted the blue minotaur to the other side of the hall so as not to interfere with his party members' fight. Instantly the entire area around the blue minotaur froze because it was separated from the hot-bodied red minotaur.

"Well I managed to push you here... now let's see how tough the minotaur's skin is... whether it matches the ancient records inside the vampire castle…"


*jump… slash…*

Novar launched his fastest attack until the minotaur had to receive his sword slash. But not a single scratch left an imprint on the body of the minotaur because the skin is very hard. After seeing that, Novar smiled happily because he met a monster that was stronger than he expected.

'Its skin is even tougher than I expected... this monster can make good material for leather armor... I have to finish it off without damaging its body.'

"So there's only one way out...!"

Novar threw his sword into the air and the blade instantly disappeared into magic particles. Then he made a large red magic circle on the ground until several other weapons appeared.

[Field Magic : Weapon Memory ]

"Who would have thought… that there would be a day when I wield the most disgusting weapon my mortal enemy has ever wielded…"

Novar raised a red scythe with a blade that kept dripping blood. It made the minotaur go berserk and launch a brutal attack on him. Unfortunately, the attack didn't hit Novar because he had moved behind the minotaur.

"Haa… it turns out that the effect is really strong for monsters with low intelligence… So I better end this quickly... after all, it's been almost 3 minutes."

When the minotaur turned his head, he saw that Novar was already preparing to attack with a red scythe.


"Come on big bull... I'm going to take the skin off your body today...!"

The minotaur who looked even angrier swung his axe at Novar. Novar moved and slashed at the minotaur's left hand holding the axe.



The minotaur was very surprised when his left hand suddenly could not move. His axe fell to the ground because the minotaur's left hand could no longer hold his axe.

"Surprised huh...?"


"It's useless to take that ax... because soon you will die... or rather your soul will be destroyed... because this soul-eater scythe can kill living beings without injuring their bodies…"


An extremely loud scream escaped the minotaur's mouth as he swung his axe with full force at Novar.


A very powerful explosion was created from the impact of the blue minotaur's large ax. The vibration from the explosion made Salva and Rosa glance at the blue minotaur. They also saw the party leader hovering above the minotaur.

"I told you it was useless... but what can I do because you are a brainless creature… so just die..."


Novar twisted his body in the air and delivered a finishing slash that succeeded in hitting the minotaur's body. Immediately the blue minotaur breathed his last and fell because his soul had been destroyed.

"Just 3 minutes… I don't even need to use top-tier attack magic to fight this minotaur…"


From a distance, Novar could hear the screams of Goran and Genta who were having a hard time resisting the red minotaur's strength because his body was so hot.

"Ah, that's right... I almost forgot about them…"

Novar immediately jumped at the red minotaur who was still busy trying to kill Goran and Genta for continuing to block his attacks on Rion. As the party leader, he smiled happily seeing the cohesiveness of his members' cooperation when blocking the minotaur's attack.

"Let me end all this...!"

Novar mustered magic energy to strengthen his physique and he swung his scythe at the minotaur.

*slash slash slash slash slash slash slash…*

This time Novar launched dozens of slashes at such high speed that the minotaur couldn't dodge his attacks. Just like the blue minotaur, the red minotaur was killed and his body fell to the floor because his soul had been destroyed.


"So strong… he finishes that giant bull in a single move…"

Novar also removed the red scythe from his hand because it was no longer needed. Just like the holy knight general's sword, the soul-eater scythe also turned into magic particles.

'The power is impressive… but the sensation when touching this scythe is too disgusting... as if a lot of screams of victims from the user are cursing me… so I guess I won't be using it again.'

The nausea continued to be felt after Novar used the soul-eater scythe weapon. Because he is very sensitive to the aura of death that comes from the soul-eater scythe.

"Ueekkk… so disgusting…!"

"Leader are you alright…?"

"Ah, I'm fine… just a little nauseous…"

After calming his mind and eliminating his nausea, Novar returned to organize his party. Novar also stuffed the minotaur's body into the [Dimensional Storage] before opening the large door leading to the dungeon's core room.

"Look... from here on out maybe some of us will die... but... if you all do your best... I can guarantee... we'll all get out of here safely and take home the grand prize from large-scale dungeons… so, are you ready...?"


"Nice answer… let's open this door…"

Novar's party opened the large door leading to the dungeon's core room. They entered that room while wearing a mask, eye protection, and black robe. The big door closed as soon as they all entered. Then the torches around the room lit up to illuminate the room.

"Welcome to my room…"

"Tch… it's really anubis…"

Novar looked displeased when he saw the figure of a dungeon master that matched his expectations.

To be continue~