
Chaotic Dreams

Getting the attention of the ultimate being can be disastrous, still some can find it an opportunity. Elias, a somehow unique person, took this opportunity to advance. *Do not own the cover if the owner what to get it domn please tell me *Do not own existant characters other than OC

Ouroboros_Infeos · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Arthoria's Favor

It has been a week since I came to Britain.

I already have 20 'citizens'. (In case you do not remember here are the Singularities that exists : Shielder, Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker, Avenger, Ruler, Heretic and Foreigner. Avenger and heretic are new)

The most interesting of the bunch was Lancelot, the strongest knight of the round table. The guy looked nothing like his Fate counterpart. He looked like those ikemens, tall stature, long golden hair, nice temperament bla bla bla.

He got a 'Shielder Saber', a double class! Just that his shield part power can only be activated when he is near the one he deems his king or master, and in this case, Arthuria.

Currently, I am training Arthuria in her newfound powers. What can I say? She is a genius. One hell of a f*cking genius!

All was good until she said

"Lord Xaos, I want to fight you seriously and If I win I want you to do me a favor"



(Pov ex)

In an abandoned clearing near Camelot, 5 individuals could be seen.

Ophis and Jibril are sitting under a parasol in luxurious seatings, while Feiris was attending them . Ophis was nibbling her cookies while observing the two others in front of her.She Was no longer exposing her chest but was wearing a nice and light dark Gothic Lolita clothes.

Jibril was doing the same, crouching in her seat while her wings embraced her legs. She looked expectant about what would happen.

In front of them stood 2 individuals, a man and a woman. The man was Xaos wearing a V-neck Grey long-coat with a wide,open high-collar that opens up at the hem. The long-coat also featured two black belts around the waist and four black bands on each arm, two of the bands at the wrist and the other two near the elbow. He wore white slacks and black shoes. (the clothes azazel wore in the peace Summit, just different colors; Let's be truthful, They were cool). The man was standing relaxed completely. Contrary to his 'opponent' in front of him.

Arthoria, who was in front of him, wore a blue and silver armour (lancer Arthoria's armour without the cape and helmet). Her hand clenched her soul weapon, Rhongomyniad, tightly and was concentrating deeply.

"So are you ready Arthuria?"


The man looked somehow exasperated as he said.

"Why fight me to get a favor done? You could have just told me directly, no need to do all this"

She replayed with a resolute voice

"If I want to get this favor done, I will need to prove to you my strength!"

As he heard her, he just sighed. From his expression, it seems he knows what she wants. After thinking for a while he said to her

"Ok here is the thing I will limit my physical abilities to be similar to yours and the condition to win is for you to land a blow, ok"

Hearing him she got a conflicted expression


"No buts, our levels are different this way it will be a good fight for both of us"

At his words she looked down for a sec before accepting

Before they begin Jibril encased the place in a barrier. And said in her cheerful voice


As Jibril's voice finished, Arthoria plunged directly at amazing speed toward Xaos while pointing her lance at him.

The man in question materialised some claws-gauntlets and greaves. They were silver with black veins going through them (the weapon : Guiligamesh of Devil May Cry 4 but different colors). He just stepped forward deflecting the lance with his right hand.

Arthoria, as if expecting this, exploded an aura burst launching Xaos backward slightly then she immediately swung her lance like a sword generating a sword ray toward him. Even so she did not stop and followed her attack from behind.

Xaos response was an aura punch to destroy the ray. Then he immediately spun, reflecting the lance of the sneaking arthoria with his leg while kicking her shoulder with the other.

This action launched her some meters before she stepped on air, rebounding toward him with higher speed.

Xaos just evaded the thrust only to find her hand in front of his face. Quickly tilting his face he evaded the aura blast going for head then retreated.

"Well well well. To think you became this strong, I feel proud, really"

"Thank you"

She answered to his statement with a sunny smile before returning to her earlier seriousness.

"Ok better kick this up a notch?"


At their words arthuria's lance began to light up as did Xaos gauntlets. Before Arthuria launched herself again at him.

This time Xaos met the lance with his fist as both were repealed before going at it again exchanging blows and techniques.

The two continued to battle for around 15 minutes. Arthoria used a lot of tactics and strategies, and all the techniques she learned but still could not land a blow at him. Contrary to her, who received a beating. If it was not for the 'Protection of the Wonderlands' she would have lost long ago. So she decided to put this to an end and throw all caution out of the wind. To simply put it She became desperate.

"Lord Xaos, please be careful as I can not really control it yet"

"Hee~ go ahead"

Then she began chanting

"Wander Lance, dream's anchor!

Let first light be released from the Wanderland. It shall split the heavens, and connect the underworld. The light that leads to the world wonders!"

As she continued her chant while taking a posture of lance throwing, the lance became a light pike pointing at Xaos generating an unholy amount of energy.

Seeing the situation Xaos decided to use his unique technique too.

"Heavens wonder about dreams, while the dream stay out of our reach

The wonders done to bring, a whole lot of sins, as the virtues weeps

And so The Lands of Wonders appears!" ''Wander : Exhoparad!!''

As he chanted he took a stance while his right fist generated an equal amount of energy while forming the head of an unknown beast with gigantic fangs.

Both of them then looked at each other's eyes before crying the name of their technique launching them toward each other.

''Rhongomyniad!!'' (Arthuria)

''Wander : Exhoparad!!'' (Xaos)

Jibril and Feiris sweated as they saw what was happening. While Ophis just reinforced the barrier while continuing to eat her cup-cake with no care.

The destruction brought by the techniques were enormous. If there were no barrier the capital of Britain would have been erased from the map!

It took awhile for the raging energies to calm down and let them determine the victor.

After the view cleared you could see two individuals standing. One was standing bobbing while the other was firm but bloody on their shoulder.



Said arthuria as she went down, but before she fell on the floor, Xaos ,who's shoulder already healed, caught her in an appreciative maner and a smile while mumbling.

"Yes, you did Arthoria…"


{AN: Yo guys! This day is a great day! Today, with this chapter, I completed the 15k words!


Thx guys! I thank those who read the novel and those who gave their thoughts.

Some Special thanks to @the_one_below_all As the one who edited for me without being an editor? How does this work, you ask? Because it does, deal with it!

Anyway the conclusion? Give me Stonks (Stones)! I want to be seen in the ranking to feel proud of myself}

Chapter done! 15k Done! Arthoria's plot, in progress!


thanks to all of you especially @the_one_below_all as helped me correct mistakes so you could read smoothly

Now give me stones so I could rank! thanks in advance!

Next chap: tomorrow (I planed for a second today but have to entertain a guest, sorry! I will upload 1chap extra next week)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ouroboros_Infeoscreators' thoughts