
Chaotic Dreams

Getting the attention of the ultimate being can be disastrous, still some can find it an opportunity. Elias, a somehow unique person, took this opportunity to advance. *Do not own the cover if the owner what to get it domn please tell me *Do not own existant characters other than OC

Ouroboros_Infeos · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Meeting & First Step

Currently I am in front of the castle, Camelot, of Arthur in the capital of britain with my two cuties. I am projecting a great deal of power and waiting for someone to appear.

After a few seconds, an old man appeared. A long beard and sage face and you know the robe and everything and who could it be if not Merlin.

At his appearance he seems stupefied and wary thanks to the power we radiate. So that we could advance the discussion, I decided to speak first.

"If it is not Merlin, the first true magician among humans. Excuse our unannounced visit. We came today to speak with that king of yours to form a certain deal."

At my words he seems to think a little then spoke with an uncertain voice

"And what can guarantee our safety?"

It seems our show of power disturbed his IQ a little. Before I could speak, Jibril beat me to it.

"Listen here lowly being if we wanted to harm you, we would have leveled the whole kingdom before you could even know what happened."

she threatened him and it was...effective. He gulped as the power radiated from her was not something he could contend against. He probably thought she was a lower angel due to her wings. Poor guy.

"...please come with me."


Now we are in a meeting room with Merlin and the king of Britain, Arthur.

No wait a sec, I mean the queen of britain, Arthuria.

Even though she looks like a man due to the disguise spell. Something like that cannot fool me.

"Look and behold to think Britain would have such a beautiful queen "

At my words she looked shocked. And to finish this farce I snapped my fingers getting rid of the disguise spell. Mmm~ what can I say, She does look beautiful. Like a lot. And she looks like Arthuria (lancer) from the Fate series.

"I guess someone of your caliber can not be mislead this easily"

She said in a soothing and authoritative voice. A lovely voice I say.

Seeing her shocked at what happened, I became satisfied as I sipped the tea served to us.

"Now that this farce is finished let's go to the main subject"

Seeing me look serious, Arthuria stopped all trivial thinking and become serious

"Do you have the general idea about the factions that exist?"

Seeing her nod I continued.

"So does this mean that you know the tension rising between them?"

At her puzzled look I continued

"To put it simply, the devils will begin a war against the bible god and the same for the fallens. It will include all their realm. Now a question: who will be in the middle of all this?"

To my worlds both Arthur and Merlin become fearful. Even so I continued lightly.

"The humans of course, they will become scapegoats. And here We come. I, the leader of the Chaos Throne Of the Wonderland, would like to take some humans under my protection. They will become one of my realm citizens while I will give them power and protection. So what do you say?"

Merlin was the first to interject after thinking this out.

"First, what do you even win out of this? Secondly, do you have enough strength? And lastly what is that power you speak of?"

Arthuria was also of the same mind and thus paid attention to us.

"Ok. then first, The wonderlands have been low on numbers, so I wanted to have some population of course you do not have to stay there always you can stay here but still be a citizens"

Merlin twitched at the second part. I tell you Mind reading is really good. Gotta learn from your superiors (Ouroboros when he read my mind).

"Secondly, Let's say I am the strongest in the realm and among the two the vice-leader here (pointing at Ophis) is the second strongest. I may not be known a lot but she is. She is known as the Infinite Dragon God,Ophis"

At my words they visibly sweated and dread could be seen from them. Even so I continued like it did not relate to me.

"And lastly the power I will give you is a power that is more potent than magic and a lot more simple. This power will be unique from an individual to another. To give an example I will awaken you two so you could have an idea"

The power I will give them is the same Singularity I created in Disboard. But this one is more stronger and advanced since it is linked to THAT. Now it look like an esper and aura user merged together (Aura user from RWBY)

Arthuria had a resolute expression before Accepting to be first. Merlin tried to stop her and be first but to no success.

So I come in front of her and put a Hand in her forehead and chanted

"I, as the ruler of the Wanderlands, give you authority, power and position. The wanderland welcome the progenitor of the Humans and bless her with its protection"

As I finished My chant, Arthoria began to light up and glow as a unique and unknown power to this world appeared for the first time.

A tattoo appeared between her nape and breast. It looked like a crown of thorns and in the middle of it is a lance. It was a Double class "Lancer and Ruler" rarer than Riku's Great king.

It is also a fact that I will grant her THAT lance don't you think so?

Anyway, Arthuria seemed to wake from her reverie. She looked at me for a while before trying to kneel down only to be stopped by me.

"Hahaha do not be like that. You should have received the information that comes from being the Progenitor of a race, so no need to kneel.

She kept looking at my eyes before saying her piece

"Even so I would like to thank you, your highness. For this opportunity and this grace"

Seeing her like that I chuckled

"It will take time for you to drop that act. For now let's see what you got"

Then she suddenly looked embarrassed as she said while blushing a little(it was cute, seeing a mature women acting like a high-school girl)

"...e-h your highness y-you...I...C-can I know your highness' name?"

Ah! I did not say it did I?

"Well My name is Xaos Wonderland, the Ruler of Chaos"

I choose that title since It is closer to what I do, and I felt some attraction to it. It felt good!

So after letting Arthuria Awaken the old man (he got caster) I told Arthuria about her abilities since she could not analyse them.

I gave her a piece of paper citing her main abilities:

-Telekinesis and Telepathy

-detect emotions, lies, illusions and magic

-Singularity and unique power analysis

-Charisma : is a composite ability consisting of a person's charm as well as the natural talent to command or unify an army or country or even a race. Increases the ability of allies during group battles. A rare talent.

-Aura strengthening (strengthen body passively and actively)

-Aura Burst : like mana burst

-Protection of the Wanderlands: while wielding the Soul weapon all parameters temporarily rank up

-Race ruler: let her have authority upon the humans of Wonderland

-Soul weapon (Rhongomyniad) (this thing is like the original except without the Thirteen Restraints. She can use it like a weapon as the thing is strong. And she can unleash it by willing it but will leave her exhausted afterward.)

And Like that, I begin to influence the world from Camelot.

Here is the second! Praise me!

Anyway this is today's last chap

next Chap: Tomorrow

Also do you want to match him with Arthoria?

Vote for it!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Ouroboros_Infeoscreators' thoughts