
Chaos Devourer System

In a future timeline... Earth undergoes a heaven-defying transformation when an unknown forces shift the planet away from the Milky Way Galaxy to an entirely new and unimaginable galaxy. A cosmic energy known as Mana invades Earth, transforming its essence and shattering its regular norms. This Mana awakens new genes in humans, once thought mythical. The world’s rules change, placing paramount importance on strength and respect for those with powerful genes. As humanity grows stronger and more curious, they venture beyond Earth to explore the new universe, only to encounter advanced alien races, world-devouring entities, and boundless, unexplored worlds. The Universe is Simply Boundless and word "Impossible" Does Not Exist. The story follows Zeras Celestria, a young man from one of the Nine Families. Deemed trash for his inability to awaken the powerful A-grade Lightning Hammer Gene and instead awakening the F-grade Multi-colored Hair Gene, Zeras is sold to a dark force that experiments on humans. Left for dead among other experimental failures, Zeras’s life seeped away as he clenched his teeth tightly, a mad thirst for revenge flashing in his eyes with also a tint of helplessness. Untill... "Congratulations." "Host has been blessed by Chaos." "Host has successfully awakened the SSS-grade Chaos Devouring Gene." Armed with an SSS-grade Gene and an undying will for revenge. Zeras embarked on a path to becoming the strongest and dominating the limitless universe. A Path Many Has Embarked On But None Having Succeeded. **A Future Scene...** "Look into my eyes. What do you see?" A young man with hair as white as the purest snow, lips redder than blood, and a face of perfect beauty. Yet those eyes—no, they couldn't be called eyes. They were unending black holes of... "I see death, madness, pain, and..." "Yes, I am the last embodiment of Chaos..." -- -- -- Update Schedule: Update daily. Minimum of two chapters per day. -- -- -- [Also Check out My New Book: Infinity Guardian System]

Supreme_IQ · Action
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752 Chs

Proving Strength

Zeras arrived outside the gigantic Colosseum, out of breath.

He clasped his knees as he took in a continuous deep breath from exhaustion.

After about five minutes of panting like an injured raccoon. He finally got ahold of himself as he dusted his clothes and entered into the Colosseum.

A door was at the left with the word

"Sign up to become an Atlantean Soldier, right here!" written at its top.

Zeras moved towards the corner as he knocked. No reply.

He knocked thrice, once again, but after waiting another minute, there still was no reply.

The 'opened' Planck on the door seemed to be mocking him, as Zera's face glowed with displeasure.

Clenching his hand into a fist, he slammed them on the door five times, causing a bang sound that shook the door crazily.

"Come in!"

A husky voice finally echoed out, as Zeras stepped into the place.

The room was not that big, just medium size, and in it were a single large rotating chair and a table which covered 70% of the entire space.

Piles and piles of different books were disorderly arranged on the table with ink smeared all around it.

Behind the desk, a burly man with dirty brown scales sat as he raised his head at Zeras with a smile, but they immediately faded away from his face on sighting Zerasas the man buried himself under the books before shooing him off:

"Go away, kiddo..."

Zeras felt like slamming his palm on the Atlantean face and watching those huge cheeks of his jingle uncontrollably.

But he restrained himself.

"Um...Kind sir... I'm here to sign up for the competition...."

"Go away kid, I don't like your face. So go away." The Atlantean quickly cut him off without looking at Zeras.

But Plank had his reasons. Normally, the real warriors don't knock on his door, he was used to the door being flung open with a kick.

But this time, the person actually knocked, making him guess it was probably some amateur who wanted to come die quickly.

And his guess was right, it was just a kid. A kid so lean, even he could crush him by simply laying on him.

But unfortunately, he underestimated Zeras.

'It seems the nice approach, won't work.' Zeras mused as he stared at the fatty before a sinister smile lined his face.

What nice approach! he never even knew that in the first place.

[Bio-morph has been activated.]

"Hey, how do you want to die!!!" An incredibly deep voice that screamed of murder boomed throughout the room causing destructive reverberations.

Planck immediately jumped up in shock as he looked at who was responsible for the voice.

Right in front of him was an eye, a completely dark eye containing absolutely no pupils. Crimson red veins moved like snakes on the eyes which were filled with pure killing intent and extremely cold to behold.

"I...I... How can I help you, Sir..." Plank said his voice quivering, as he felt his bladder suddenly become full and needed to be empty.

Zeras changed his voice to become more husky and the color of his eyes to a deep red and crimson.

Using Bio-morph in this way won't cause his energy to become depleted quickly compared to changing his entire body structure, but even then, his energy was still being rapidly sucked making him deactivate the ability.

Planck saw the boy's eyes reverting to their normal blue color but his mind still shook from fear because of what he felt before. The killing intent in those eyes was no joke.

Zeras looked at the man as he gave a nod to himself. Trash people always like to act tough, but they'll immediately quiver when they meet the strong, and this fatty was no exception.

Dipping his hands into his pockets, he brought out the part of the poster he tore off and showed it to the man who took it off the table.

"Oh, you want to participate in the competition!!!" Plank asked completely shocked.

The competition was incredibly brutal and the rate of death was higher than 90%. Yet this kid wanted to join.

"Yes, I want to join. And the real question is, how do I join."

"Um...Sir, to join the competition. You have to earn the Atlantean Soldier card which can only be obtained by defeating one of our warriors who Is a true Atlantic soldier.

Only after that can you fight with the trial tester placed in this city by the king himself, to finally join the trial.

"Then let's get going to whoever I have to fight to earn the Atlantic soldier card," Zeras asked immediately shocking Plank speechlessly.

"Ok... Let's get going then." Plank said moving out with Zeras following behind him.

"You can move this way which leads to the Colosseum stage. I'll inform one of the Atlantean Soldiers who will take you through your test" Plank said as he moved towards the second corridor nudging Zeras to the right corridor which supposedly led to the Colosseum.

Even though he'll be fighting in a colosseum in the next minute. Zeras wasn't a bit scared at the thought and instead a little excited about the prospect.

Within here, he can completely go all out without giving a care.

Golden Tickets and Powerstones are greatly appreciated. Let's keep moving up he rankings guys.

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