

After being sucked into a portal leading to the arid mountain, the home of monsters, Kim Ryu tries his best to get stronger and live, despite the odds of survival. After 50,000 years, during an apocalyptic war between the monsters and Ryu, he is sucked back to earth where he will have to face old foes from the Arid Mountain.

Rio_Lance · Fantasy
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4 Chs


I have been on this place called the Arid mountain for years. If I was correct, I had been counting for more than fifty thousand years, the. I gave up. Summing up all my experiences till now were kinda adventurous but immensely dangerous.

I was forced to get stronger, so I practiced and fought almost every second of my life in this mountain. The two swords destroyed a long time ago, so I had to depend on my shear strength. I was a self taught martial art master who had honed his skills for fifty thousand years. I already lost hope of returning to earth.

I hadn't aged much as I still looked like a high school kid with muscles and cut marks all over due to the multiple fights. I learned how to use magic energy as the arid mountain top was filled with abundance of energy. The world energy at the top was so dense that I felt like a whole bank of energy as I was absorbing it daily for the past forty three thousand years or thereabouts.

My body could self regeneration as I met countless strong monsters who had human intelligence and could interact with me. I didn't know if my skills were up to standards, but I made countless weapons and stored then in a space bag that used space magic. I stole it from the long ape elders.

I invented my own martial arts that utilized different weapons and was so fast that no monster in that mountain could measure up. Apart from the dragons present there, I was the oldest person there as I had already killed most of my age monsters.

I made friends with some monsters but made countless enemies, but my biggest enemy that gave me headache, wasn't even a strong Dragon as I had already killed many, but a young Golden ape, Galduna. He was only twenty two thousand years but was like the smartest animal in the Arid Mountain. He was the only opponent that I had to prepare very well mentally in order to fight. He had a huge army which comprises of countless monsters. How he did it still remains a mystery.

We also had some neutral monsters who didn't want to involve themselves with any struggle or fight that happened in the Arid Mountain. As fas as they were safe, ey were happy with their lives.

Am presently standing before more than three hundred thousand monsters who were led by Galduna to kill me.

"Hey old friend..." Galduna made his annoying smile that always made me wanna break his neck immediately.

"Seems like you weren't taught respect. Who the fuck is this youth calling his old friend. Wait till you get up to forty five thousand years."

"I have to say, you have a stinging mouth."

"How about we find out how stinging my mouth can really be. How about you just come closer." I was really irritated by this fucking monkey.

"But I have to say, am impressed. Who knew a monkey that is barely thirty thousand years was able to gather this much armies. It's impressive." I said with an impressed tone, because truly, he was really unrivaled at gathering armies. Even his family members weren't able to do that.

"Who is this fucker calling a monkey? What are you waiting for?" Galduna screamed at his armies. It seemed that what I said struck a chord. "Get this fucker for me someone!!!!"

I was already pretty equipped with swords, daggers, bows and a halberd. I rushed towards the incoming mob with a speed impossible for any of them to follow and began cutting them with precision.

Galduna at this point knew that he was in trouble. He saw as his armies were being taken care of at an incredible speed. But he was still impressed. This strange creature entered the arid mountain as a weakling but slowly began to dominate the Arid mountains. Even the Dragons were giving him his way to avoid a clash with him.

I fought with all my wits as I didn't underestimate the armies I was fighting against. I took out two swords as by whole body began crackling with lightning. "You guys are in for a world of pain." I used my hands to make a cut as blue flames covered my sword.

[Round Cut]

Immediately I made a round slash that took out more than half of the monsters. I sheathed my sword and began using hand to hand combat.

Galduna couldn't bare his armies being reduced to nothing in front of him. He flaunted his Golden aura as he ran speedily towards me. Seeing him coming towards me, I left the small fries and jumped towards Galduna with a fisted with flames engulfing it, ready to punch at Galduna when a portal appeared immediately and sucked us in before disappearing.

The next minute, I saw myself in a modern civilization with humans surrounding me with a shocked look. Galduna was on the floor. It seemed like my punch had connected before we disappeared, he was out. I myself felt pain all over as I began to have blurry sights.

"Tch...." I fell down as I closed my eyes in exhaustion.