

After being sucked into a portal leading to the arid mountain, the home of monsters, Kim Ryu tries his best to get stronger and live, despite the odds of survival. After 50,000 years, during an apocalyptic war between the monsters and Ryu, he is sucked back to earth where he will have to face old foes from the Arid Mountain.

Rio_Lance · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Galduna sat on his bed looking at Ryu with an amusing smile on his face but Ryu looked annoyed. He felt like an infant monkey dared to call him an old friend in a disrespectful manner.

"Look at this infant monkey calling me his friends. Are you dumb or retarded huh? Do we look like we are friends huh?" He brought forward his hands and a sword came flying until it reaches his hand. Everyone in the hospital were shocked.

"Telekinesis? He is stronger than a regular S Class...." Reika went to where they were to start a conversation with them but it was like she was invisible.

"Look at this bastard thinking he is some hot shit. Lemme show you." Ryu was fuming but the Golden Ape's face turned sour.

"How dare you call me a bastard? You piece of shit... Don't you know that am royalty? A royal Ape with over three hundred thousand armies under me. Yeah reverence me you poor pauper."

"Tch look at this pup. You mean the armies I cut down without breaking a sweat huh? Incase to you had not noticed, you are not in a position to brag about strength in front of me. I have battled with Dragons and killed them but where were you? Sulking behind your mama heh?"

Galduna veins popped immediately. "Look at this muscle head bastard with nothing but swords. You think that's what u need to survive? And incase you also did not notice, am stronger than those fucking dragons. At least am not like Tiaurus, Murey or Kalusiwax who ran away with their fucking tails behind their back."

I had to agree. This ape was pretty annoying. He was like the most annoying thing I had ever seen in my life. He has nothing apart from wisdom and he dared to brag in front of me.

"Bragging are we huh? Stronger than a Dragon heh. You are not even an adult yet but you're fucking bragging in front of me."

"Uhmm language please." Reika reminded


"Tch this human scums"

"Why the fuck are you even talking as if we are buds or something huh? Saying you are stronger than a freaking dragon? I guess I should end your pathetic life."

"Language....." Reika reminded again.

"Fuck the language. This Ape gotta die today." As I went over to cut Galduna down, de seemed scared.

"Hey....m chill down. Let's talk this out like civil gentlemen huh? How about that? What do you need. Name your price."

"That's was my limit. This Monkey actually had bananas for a brain. Where do you think we are? We are not in Arid mountains again. And who the fuck made you a gentle man? More of a gentle ape." Ryu was annoyed as hell as the Ape continued talking like a human.

"Come on. We are the only ones of our kind in this place called Earth. Why don't we go with a truce huh. It will benefit both of us.

Reika's POV

Look at this bastards ignoring me like am some kind of non existent shit. Since when was the 7th Korean S Class Combatant treated this way?

"Uhmmm.... Sorry to cut your reunion short," I walked to their middle to make myself known. "I am Reika Lim from the Korean Hunters Association and the guild master of Heroes guild. I wanna take your statements so may I know who you guys are and where you're from?"

As if belittling me was not enough, they were sizing me up. I had to admit, they were good at annoying people. Do they think they are better? I felt like swatting them but I was not as strong as they were so I restrained myself.

"Kim Ryu. Am a Korean as well" The human monster replied. I was really shocked. He had a wonderful Korean ascent and spoke Korean language like a real native. Then what was he doing inside a portal in the first place?

The Ape on the other hand kept on sizing me up. "Naah. She's not worth knowing my name. The Humanoid monsters in Arid Mountain are even more sexier than her. She is nuh even that cute. My cousin is way cuter than she is. I ain't answering her."

That hurt me like hell but I was still trying to hold myself.

"Sorry about this little monkey. He is always like that with flat-chested females."

Now my remaining string of reasoning was snapped. "You damned fucking bastards. Who the fuck do you shits think you are to belittle me hah. You mom's don't even look half as cute and sexy as I am you fucking bitches."

"Language..." The annoying human reminded and I started having this annoying feeling of déjà vu.

"Fuck that language you bastard's. See if this grandma doesn't beat you all to a pup. This bitches." As I rushed to assault them, all the S Class explorers with me rushed to hold me as they carried me out. I was still cursing at them. If I ever met those bastards again, I would definitely kill them a hundred times over.

"Wasn't she the one telling me to watch my language. And Hey you. Don't ever lump me with you. What do you mean our kind? Do I look like a monkey like you? Unfortunately, am a native of this place unlike you. This is my home. So you're the only stranger here hehehe."

"What??" Galduna seemed shocked.