

An immortal, after living for countless eras, left his home, his family behind and crossed 'The Uncrossable Void' to reach the boundary of yet an undiscovered universe. On the FIRST DAY of his arrival, a heaven-shaking battle ensued which resulted in the disarray of heavenly order. Numerous gods were killed. Old Man, the controller of Heaven himself went missing. Despite being immortal, he also had to pay the toll. He lost his body his soul entered a random dead body. At the same time the 'SON OF HEAVEN', while fighting the darkness, fell under the hands of 'The Eternal's minion'. The Son Of Heaven will meet the person responsible for the destruction of Heaven and the massacre of the majority of heavenly gods. Together they will march towards the apex they once stood on and claim the throne that is rightfully theirs. . . . . (Note: I will try to upload 4 chapters per week ........try........and also of course this pic doesn't belong to me so if the owner got a problem then plz ignore it if cant I will remove it)

ZUArrogance · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 20 "Black Deity Sect"

Black deity sect.

An extremely big piece of land with the standpoint of mortals. Normal mortals are not allowed to enter the sect and even if they do, it would take them more than 6 months to reach the other end of the sect.

But such was not the case for cultivators. After reaching a certain cultivation realm the distance holds very little meaning to them. Each step of them is enough to cover miles.

That is why mortals call cultivators 'immortals' even if they are nowhere near immortality.

Normally the sect is peaceful and quiet but after every ten years, it opens its gate for new recruitment.

Black deity sect is very 'unique' in its own ways. Even though, it is not the strongest sect it still stood tall since the beginning of the previous era.

No one has any idea about its founder. Even though millennia have passed since the previous epoch, cultivators still have records of the major events of the past but in this case, there was no information about the origin of the sect.

It was as if someone has intentionally removed all records, about the founder, from history.

Black deity sect only accepts disciples once every ten years and no one above 16 years of age is accepted.

One of the following condition must be met by a person to join the sect;

° A person must have a cultivation base of at least body reforging.

° Or a person must have etched the complete 1st circle to be a mage

° if he doesn't have a talent for both as a cultivator and a mage he must have enough will to pass the 4th stage of 'the truth formation for physique cultivation.

"Young master, to be accepted by black deity sect one should have age less than 16."

Xing Kiang hesitatingly told the boy. He knew that young master was not a young boy as he seemed to be rather he must be an old man with a cultivation level beyond his comprehension.

" I know." The boy replied without paying that much attention.

"Young master they use an artifact to measure the age of the candidate"

"Xing kiang" the boy called him.

"Yes young master"

"As much as I appreciate it, it annoys me even more, so don't worry about me."

"Certainly young master"

The children were all silent. Looking at each other's faces.

Xing kiang, the man who would beat the crap out of them if they were to take a single wrong step in their cultivation, was now obediently lowering his head and listening to a boy who was a little bit older than them.

"We have arrived"

Old man Kim called from outside the cart.

They all got out of the cart. Before them, were a sea of people, all for the acceptance of the black deity sect. Since there was no limit of origin and talent so there was quite a crowd to try out their luck.

The boy walked up to old man Kim who was still sitting on the driver's seat ready to run away from here the first chance he gets.

The boy placed his hand on the old man's shoulder and said,

"If you ever get tired of this shit or find yourself in trouble, come to me. There will always be some work for you."

"As you wish young master"

Like hell would he want to see this monster again.

"It got nothing to do with what I wish, it's your choice."

After saying that the boy let the old man go. And old man drove away as fast as he could without looking back even once.

Xing Kiang wasn't happy. But along the way, he always had a choice to kill the old man only if he was stronger than him.

All were now standing in the recruitment area. But sect has yet to send someone out to begin the test.

After some time, 20 disciples came out along with a large spherical light ball which was actually an age measuring artifact. The light around it gave the crowd an incomprehensive feeling.

"So that is an artifact. It's my first time seeing one." Someone exclaimed

"No, it's not an artifact. It was a magical device, but the one which is nourished by the worldly energy of an extremely powerful cultivator and is slightly tempered to use it as an age measuring instrument" a beautiful guy wearing a splendid robe said.

"Indeed my friend. What you said is true. So there is someone who can guess its origin with a simple glance. It looks like there is quite a lot of talent this time."

Said the oldest looking disciple of the black deity sect while looking toward him and smiling.

Everyone stopped talking and started looking toward the young man in the golden robe. They were envious of him getting on the good terms with senior disciple even before the test begun.

'Shit! I am almost 2 miles away and he still heard me'

The young guy thought but soon put this thought to the back of his head and replied with respect;

"Brother, you embarrass me. Actually, I have already known about the origin of 'the age measuring device' of the black deity sect it was not my first-time guess."

The young man didn't hide the fact neither did he took pride in this praise.

"I know. Even my master can't guess the artifact's origin in a single glance it was just a quick test of character and you passed splendidly. You can come directly to the outer court after age confirmation. No need for further tests."

That senior disciple said in a voice that was not loud at all but it still traveled a 2-mile long distance.

"Thank you, senior brother, thank you"

The young man got extremely happy. Others were even more envious now and that included the children from the Xing Kiang's group.

The boy didn't see what happened because he was looking at the colossal walls of the sect. It was as if it was not the wall in front of him rather a beautiful girl.

He thoroughly observed every single bump over the wall. To a normal person, it only looked like an old but strong wall but he can see more than anyone can see. Just by looking at the wall, he deduced its origin and it meant he was in the right place.

-------- Black deity sect --------

It would be his home for now.