

An immortal, after living for countless eras, left his home, his family behind and crossed 'The Uncrossable Void' to reach the boundary of yet an undiscovered universe. On the FIRST DAY of his arrival, a heaven-shaking battle ensued which resulted in the disarray of heavenly order. Numerous gods were killed. Old Man, the controller of Heaven himself went missing. Despite being immortal, he also had to pay the toll. He lost his body his soul entered a random dead body. At the same time the 'SON OF HEAVEN', while fighting the darkness, fell under the hands of 'The Eternal's minion'. The Son Of Heaven will meet the person responsible for the destruction of Heaven and the massacre of the majority of heavenly gods. Together they will march towards the apex they once stood on and claim the throne that is rightfully theirs. . . . . (Note: I will try to upload 4 chapters per week ........try........and also of course this pic doesn't belong to me so if the owner got a problem then plz ignore it if cant I will remove it)

ZUArrogance · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Chapter 19 "Fate Of The Old Man"

Old man Kim.

He was the reason they were in this mess. And all for what, some gold coins.

He must have done this with other groups too. How can someone like him can be allowed to live.

Xing Kiang, the more he thought the angrier he became. But he cannot do anything since he was weaker than him.

The only one who has the capabilities to do something about this bastard was 'the boy'.

He looked toward him but before he can say something the boy said;

"Don't look at me like that. You think I will deal with anyone whom you point your finger at."

When the boy said the word 'deal with' old man uncontrollably started shaking.

"But he is the one who betrayed us in the first place and he did it with many other groups too." Xing kiang said while looking at the old man who was terrified by what had happened to the others just now.

"And?" The boy looked toward Xing Kiang with some coldness in his eyes.

"I....was just...." Xing Kiang's body was frozen with just a single glance.

"First of all, he didn't betray me. He betrayed only you. The deal to take you to the black deity sect was between you and him. So if you are unsatisfied you yourself can take action."

He continued on;

"Haven't you heard me before? I am not a hero of justice and I didn't kill them because they killed some children. I have simply 'no reason' for doing so."

He paused for a moment,

"I don't think anyone can find a reason to do something as wretched as taking life."

'You say so but....but why do you have such a thick smile on your face.' thought Xing Kiang

The boy was smiling right now.

He was saying something that seemed like he was very sad but he had a thick smile on his face. Quite a contradiction isn't it.

The boy threw a pouch toward the old man. The pouch was filled with gold coins with some blood on them. He picked it up from the corpse.

But wasn't all the blood pulled by the sword. Maybe the boy left it intentionally to remind the old man of something.

"Now it's a deal between you and me old man. Take us to the black deity sect. And this time don't think of taking detours, for I am very sensitive toward promises."

They went inside the cart. The old man took control of the horses and started their journey.

Children were silent. They have been through a lot. But the presence of the boy gave them a sense of safety although a sense of dread too.

They were inside the cart so didn't see how he dealt with those people but they have heard the heart-rending cries. All of them were silent. None of them tried to strike a conversation with the boy.

"Respected sir..."

"Don't" the boy interrupted him

"Don't call me sir. I am not an old man. I am just 16 years old. So call me young master."

Xing Kiang didn't know whether he should laugh or cry right now.

16 year old... Even if you beat him to death he wouldn't believe that this monster was 16 years old.

"Young master, I just don't understand how you saved children. I saw them on fire. And I know I am not mistaken"

"Spatial shift," the boy said a single word which almost stopped Xing Kiang's beating heart.

So his guess was spot on.

SPACE CONTROL, a dao that was available to those who had extremely high cultivation. It can only be sensed when a person has a certain amount of strength, much less understanding it, and controlling it with the cultivation of base building.

"Young master, why did you choose the black deity sect. Although in terms of the safety of its disciple it's second to none, but it is not included in top-ranked sects in the world while on the other hand young master, you are very strong your talent is peerless."

"Stop with the flattery. My talent is shit and as for why I chose this sect, well...."

Saying up to that he stopped and looked towards the sky from the cart's window and smiled.

Xing Kiang didn't ask again when he saw that the young master doesn't want to tell him.

It took a few days. He didn't have any food on him other children offered him but he didn't accept anything from them.

Now that he had control mastered space dao he still traveled in the cart while on the other hand, he can easily teleport himself and the whole of the cart to the destination in just a split of a second.

But he chose against it since traveling like mortals, there would be hardly a chance in the future and it was not like he was short on time. Having an eternal life gives you more of time than anyone else and also more loneliness.

After a long journey, they finally reached their destination. The children were very excited. Since they were from a far off village so it was their first time seeing such a big city.


Just like other major sects it also had many cites and forests under its jurisdiction.

The boy took a casual glance from the window. Most of the parts, it was like mortal cities back home but there were also some major differences like:-

° the air of gloominess was not here.

° there was no blood on the streets and no dead bodies either which were in excess back home.

° people here gave a sense of trust unlike the people from his universe where everyone, everywhere was ready to rob all from the weak including their lives.

* in nutshell, this place could be called more peaceful.

But that didn't mean that everywhere in this world was as peaceful as this, evident from the encounter with the previous group.

People walking on the road made way for them since at first look the cart didn't look like that of a mortal rather it was evidently for cultivators. And even a cultivator child with decent cultivation was enough to deal with healthy cultivation less mortal. So mortals generally avoid trouble with cultivators.



