
Changing the world to suit me

"A second chance" `He who gets a second chance at life will live life to the fullest.` Follow Parth as he makes the best of his second chance at life. Given the opportunity to redo his life, Parth traverses an unknown path to reach a greater power. Wealth, fame and women, will he have it all as he takes the world by storm. This is the start of a mortal who yearns for power. Be it through pain or suffering Parth will never his stop his pursuit for power as it is power that drives him. *cover is not mine, if you are the creator/owner do contact me if you wish for me to credit you or to take it down

Halo_x · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 8: A plan for the future

"Awesome sauce! " Parth said showing an enthusiastic facial expression.

'Finally...I finally have a decent god-damn isekai status. '

His gaze quickly focused on his one and only title, 'Underdog' . Not knowing how, when or why he received the title with the not so common name, he lightly pressed his muddy fingertips against his status panel, tapping on his title.


Title - Underdog

--> Received when an individual defeats an opponent 10x his own level while being underestimated by their opponent.

--> Grants the user the skill, 'Taunt' .

--> Increases all of the user's stats by a percentage of the difference between the user's level and the opponents level (Only works if the opponent is of a higher level than the user).

'What the hell...this title...it's too op is it not. Like seriously now, leaving the stat boosting effect one side, I also get a free skill. ' He says while dragging his semi-long hair across backwards, revealing a bewildered expression.

'Thinking realistically, wouldn't this title be nearly impossible to acquire because it should be downright impossible to defeat an opponent who's level is 10x higher than your own. '

Just thinking about this made Parth double check his status looking for any blessing from the goddess of luck or something similar.

Not thinking about it any longer, he began reading the descriptions of all his newly acquired skills.

"Huff" Parth let out an exhausted sigh as a blue screen dissipated from his view.

After a satisfying look at his upgraded status, he began searching the ground around him scanning everything from left to right looking for the corpse of the gigantic ant creature.

Unfortunately for him, the corpse was nowhere to be seen. All that remained was a trace of blood leading into the deeper parts of the forest.

"Damn...that book said monsters have a valuable monster core within them which shows itself when the monster is killed. These cores are normally costly and sought after items. "

"Huff...it must have been taken away by whatever had gotten rid of the ant's corpse. "

Parth's body shriveled in fear realizing the pretty much obvious fact that there were probably more dangerous beasts within this forest which could easily trample that ant.

"Huff...that's settled then. "

'For the time being my main priorities will be to locate food, a source of fresh water and to build a shelter for myself. '

'I don't think that I would be able to leave this accursed forest anytime soon, so I'll have to satisfy these 3 basic needs and get much stronger so that I can escape this treacherous place...I hope.

He mumbles the last part while squeezing his fists tightly.

Sitting down on a small rock, Parth thought about all of the possible places he would be safe in but not knowing anything about his whereabouts made things much harder for himself.

'Well the safest place that comes to mind would be up in the tall tree tops but as I learned before, staying high up in the trees just leaves me cornered with no where to flee. ' Parth spoke depressingly while remembering his painful encounter with the ant.

'As for a clean water source, a fresh water pond would definitely be the best option given my circumstances but who knows what monstrosity might be lurking in and around the water source. '

Parth knew that on earth, numerous wild animals would live around a watering-hole so he figured it would be the same here on Mirron.

'When it comes to food, I guess I will have to eat the monsters that I kill...it's disgusting but I need to do whatever it takes to survive here. '

'So as long as I keep getting stronger quickly, it should not be a problem for the time being. '

Parth racked his mind trying to picture a location that would be able to satisfy all 3 of his needs, till a bizarre yet brilliant idea popped up in his mind.

Jumping back on to his feet, he yells out aloud without a care of being noticed.


His loud scream echoes among the trees like thunder.

'A waterfall would be the best option no matter in which way you think about it. Not only can I make the large cavern behind it my home-base, it would also be kept hidden by the flowing waterfall so that makes it 10 fold safer than any old tree top. '

'With the addition of an unlimited supply of fresh-water and an abundance of marine life, it would make the perfect home for me right now. Also finding one should be relatively easy as long as I find and follow a river, I should find a waterfall along the way. '

With a plan in mind, Parth immediately decided to set out on his adventure to find the one pie...to find the one place that he could call home in this desolate place.

Well...that was the plan until he realized just how late it has gotten.

'Eish...it has already gotten so late now, I did not even realize it until I looked up at the sky. Hmm...maybe I should get some sort of time telling skill or time managing skill next time I level up. ' He let out a small chuckle.

Not wanting to wake up to a repeat of this morning, Parth set up camp (not literally) in a dense bush under the moonlight hoping he would have a peaceful sleep without any worries for the remainder of the night.

-HaIo_x here

Sorry for the late chapter release, there was a power outage so the wifi wa down but dont fret as the next chapter will be released on friday.

Chapters will be released every wednesdays, fridays and sundays.

For every 10 Power stones recived an extra chapter will be released that week.

For every 10 Golden tickets recived an extra chapter will be released that week.

comment and leave a review if you find this novel of mine intresting or have any suggestions/complaints.

HaIo_x out :D

Halo_xcreators' thoughts