
Changing Fate(Harry Potter World)

What will you do if you can see the fate of others, will you change it? or just let them suffer because they can’t control their own fate because of others.. Lets find out..... Authors Note..... Pardon my grammar.. English is my not first language. Please be patient and enjoy.

Otsutsuki_D_Isaiah · Movies
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33 Chs

Timeskip. Info. Drop. Start.

Time Skip.....

(Year Five)

Overpowered. I AM OVERPOWERED. Well mostly because of my knowledge of the future so i know some reference and ideas of spells that i want o create, INTENT. In third year the founders left me because they said that there is nothing that they can teach me already. I will miss them.

I still continue my body strengthening by feeding my body with magic while training, its like cultivation but with the magic core not the spiritual something that cultivation world use.

My magic power is Dumbledore level. Yes Dumbledore. And i will tell you its easy to get the magical power of like dumbles and riddle, its just mostly strengthening the body then the magic capacity will follow and continuously cultivating magic power to the body.

I learned all charms, spells and many others that the founders teach me, from basics to advance, including dark arts, but i don't mostly use it because its hard and magic consuming and empowering it is hate so no.

I am basically NEWT level student now so I think if I can pass all the eletives that the current magical world can give. But I excel in healing and potions, but im still good in charms and transfiguration but not as good as the two.

My fighting prowess is goblin level. Before Godric decided that there is no one that he can teach me his last requirement is to defeat him. And boy I lose. Yes I lose but he tells me that I am stronger than him when he is in my age the only thing that lack me is experience so I Lose.

My world is prospering day by day and guess what, i can control the time of my world but i will not use it now wait till i can get out here then start. I have all the magical plants that can heal to kill that is available in the whole magical world. Neville will be jealous if he see this. Even the extinct ones that i learn to make using the help of Helga I have it here.

The magical creatures are still lacking but they are breeding and boy they are so many of them, mostly acrumantulas and unicorn. I have a jungle whole of magical beasts that the house elves catch even trolls who is easily to befriend and control. I also have animals that is serving as a livestock such as cows, chicken, pig and fishes.

My world is cut into three divisions, for the plants then animals and my own land, My house elves is recruiting for the free elves in the outside world to help managing my world. I have totally thousands of elves and yes they are now elves or forest elves. House elves are cursed because of their naturally affinity of having a big magical power and the wandless magic. I learn that with the help of my fates book i can what is their fate and how to change it.

Not all fate can change like Harry Potter. His fate is sealed by a strong magical being that i don't know, i think fate himself, but it didn't mean that i cant interfere with it.

The elves pledge loyalty to me and my world so they will still follow my orders, by changing their fate, their fate become connected to me so the basically fate bound.

Their appearance is human with pointy ears and a very beautiful features but I am still more beautiful {Narcist} well its true i am very handsome. They all have silver hair and white skin. They will serve as my bodyguard and my face in the public.

This five years the name Fatum become famous in the wizarding world in business. In terms of potion ingredients, acrumantula silk mostly supplying business. But Fatum is famous in fate reading but not the whole fate. Its like a divinition, mostly costumers finding the love of their life but still where become famous. All pureblood families know us but can't find us they just know the name fatum. They know that if they need it, the fatum will be their for them. {by the way the elves can connect to me telephatically}

I still can't get out so my elves is taking care the business. They are all emphath, they will know if someone have a bad intentions in them so the one that have bad intention can't find them. Appartion. They can be everywhere even if there is anti apparition ward so they are the perfect spy and agent.

By connecting with the elves all they can do i can do too. From silent to instantaneous apparition to empathy, but the only different is i can see their aura and that is their feelings, i can see if their angry, happy, sad and hungry, so i will know if they have bad intention in me.

Did i say that i am 11 years old now. Yes folks. I am 11 now. Its time to get out here and see the wizarding world in my own eyes. My letter is send here by my elves with my name so i think dumbles will know that a Fatum will attend to hogwarts and he will investigate so i need to find a decoy house for my front. I will also need to buy my supplies including a wand because dumbles will know if i dont buy a wand to olivanders. They are friends. Your asking me why don't i let my elves to do it? Well where is the fun in that, its tradition. And I'm not going to lose to opportunity to meet the legendary original cast.

Hermione... here i come. Harry Potter... here i come. Ron Weasley... I don't want you, you jealous git. {hermione is not for ron weasley. }

Wizarding world be ready. Isaiah Fatum the Master of Fate is Coming.