
Chance By Death

It was just before the war when everything came out. When it all came clean. When he lost everyone. Well he never had anyone in the first place. It was all dumbledore’s plan. The true villain. Friends paid to be his friends. People payed to take care of him. Truly not caring about what happened with the Dursley’s, putting him there knowing they were horrid. Never getting to be with his true family. His true potential hidden. Made to be a muse instead of his own person. It was not okay. So he jumped. But death was much more friendly and gave him a second chance.

That_Harem_Writer · Movies
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Chapter 1

He took a deep breath as he looked out to the sharp rocks below the old bridge.

It was the only way out.

Two steps.

Two steps is all it took to be free from this hold they had on him.

Two steps onto the wall he took.

A slow turn to face away.

Eyes closing and hands moving across his chest.

He left himself fall.


He let himself go.

It was time for his goodbye.

His whole life had been a lie.

His two best friends paid to be his friends.

The teachers knowing the Dursley's were abusive but sending him there despite their parents wishes of being with someone else.

His true bloodline being hidden from him.

Finding out his entire life was purported by Dumbledore. His outcome made what he wanted, not what Harry chose. And he'd had enough.

Finding this out. He'd had enough. He had no chance to just be him! To be himself with his own rules. To unlock his powers to the full extent. Not to have his magic blocked.

Not to be magically demanded to follow Dumbledore every step.

Not to be manipulated by him.

He'd had nothing of his own. Everyone that had happened had been planned for him for years.

It was time for his goodbye.


A bright light woke him up a few, what felt like hours, later.

Harry blinked slowly and opened his eyes to adjust to his surroundings.

I'm the corner of the white room was a figure hidden in a black cloak starring at him.

The figure smiled. "Well hello Harry. It's glad to see you're awake." The figure spoke out, the voice was ominous and deep.

Harry looked over. "Where. Am I?" Harry asks and the figure chuckles.

"You or your body? Your body? Dead in your world at the bottom of a bridge. You. Your soul? My world. Purgatory." The voice spoke and Harry blinked.

"So that makes you?" He went to ask and the figure gave a large smile.

"Death! Yes! Lovely to meet you! I'm here because I heard your finals words and want to help you out! You see!" He says with a chuckle and walks over.

"That fellow who was manipulating you. Well he's an awful person. Cheated me far far too many times. Cheated others far too many times. So I want to send you back." Death says and Harry shouts a. "No!" But death shushes him.

"Not back there. I want to send you back to the start. And I want you to stop him. See he made a deal with me. Eternal life for eternal bodies. Never stuck to his deal. My domain is weak. He went back on his promise. AND NO ONE BREAKS A PROMISE WITH DEATH! So I want to send you back. To stop him. To stop him from manipulating you. It's a win win situation. You ruin Dumbledore, and you get to fix things for yourself." Death says and Harry pauses. Thinking it through.

A real second chance? A real chance to start over. To make his own choices.

"Of course you will remember all the pain he caused in this life. And that will help you to make the right decisions. But what do you say? Do we have a deal?" A hand extended out from under the cloak, engulfed in blue flames.

Harry took another moment to ponder. But realised there was no reason to. It was a win-win situation.

He reached forward and shook the hand and immediately there was a white flash of light. And he was in Diagon Alley, his pockets full of coins.

"So 'Arry. What else do you need?" Hagrid asked from beside him and Harry smiled. It had worked. It had really worked.

"A few things but it's alright Hagrid. I wanna get a feel for this place. Find my own way around! You go and see your friend!" Harry says with a smile and Hagrid nods.

"Alright 'Arry. I'll see you later." He says and heads off.

Harry smiles.

"Well that was easy." He mumbles to himself as he heads to the stories to collect his things with his money.

Remembering the old story.

"Last time I headed into the robe shop and met Malfo-Draco. And from there things went downhill. So that's what needs to change first." He says to himself as he pushes the door open.

He then pretends to walk around and walks straight into draco. Knocking the boy and himself to the ground.

Harry's glasses flew off.

"Oh gosh! Oh my! I'm very sorry!" Harry spurts as they both sit up and draco snarls.

"Clearly don't know your way around-" Draco goes to say but stops as he watches the other find his glasses.

He takes the boy in immediately and goes quiet. He was a little scruffy but really quite pretty.

Draco took a quick check to see if his father was around before nodding.

He then stands up and puffs before holding his hand out to the other. "Here. I'll help you up." He offers and Harry smiles.


Harry nods and takes the others hand to stand up.

"Again I'm very sorry, uhh, what's your name?" He asks with a smile and draco chuckles.

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He says with a smirk and Harry nods.

"Sorry for crashing into you Draco. I'm Harry! Harry Potter! And yeah. I'm not really sure where I'm going." Harry says nervously and draco looks at him in shock.

This was Harry Potter?! No way! He thought.

"I can tell. You want me to show you around? I know this place much better than most." He says and Harry nods, putting his name down for robes.

"Yes please." He says with a sweet smile and draco nods.

"Come with me then! I'll show you around Harry." He says with a smile.

The two then spend the day together going around Diagon Alley buying school supplies.

The two then parted and said they'd meet in the first day of school.

And life went on as it did before. Apart from Harry's new friend.

See in his past life, he'd found out that dracos threat was actually a message. A message for his safety. A warning. And this time, he'd take it.

Draco only ever wanted what's best for him. He knew that now.

And so time went on. The rest of the summer passing as it did before.

And now it was the first real day of his new life.

The train day.

Now Harry had a plan. See. He would let it run smoothly. As it did before. Until their arrival.

Until dracos message. That's when things would change.

And so Harry boarded the train. The usually story playing out with Ron and his family. But the entire time Harry knew the truth. Harry knew he was put up to this.

Tasked to become his friend.

Holding his own and not blowing up while knowing the truth. He wanted to pick the young Ron. He wanted to hit the young Ron. He wanted to, his eyes glowed green, pure evil showing.

Ron was watching and shuddered.

"Hey Harry. You alright mate? You've been starring over there for a while now and your eyes don't look great." Ron spoke out and Harry blinked.

"Yeah I'm fine! Just excited is all!" He replies.

Just then a voice in his mind whispers. 'Well done. You've begun unlocking your true potential. Now you've begun. He won't be able to stop it.' The voice says and Harry knew it was the e voice of death.

Harry smiled to himself at knowing this fact.


The rest of the journey went on smoothly. All as it did before.

The rest of the journey. Hermione. The treck with Hagrid to the castle. It was all on track.

And now here he was once again. Stood with Ron and draco in front of him.

"Har-Potter." Draco begun and Harry looked at him.


"Listen. You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't wanna go making friends with the wrong sort." Draco says and Harry looks to Ron who is rolling his eyes and not paying too much attention and Harry then looks towards Draco.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks." He says but gives draco two winks.

The other blinks. Confused but realises 'he knows about the message?' Draco thinks to himself but keeps up appearances.

"Whatever." He says and walks off.

Ron is smiling and high-fiving Harry who just brushes them off as they head to the sorting lineup.